General Discussion

General DiscussionParty mmr....

Party mmr.... in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Can Valve just let people recal at 4k party max?

    This whole gap thing is a big annoying, because you win a game much higher than your *actual* party mmr and gain/lose accordingly despite end of match saying otherwise.

    Are they planning to do something like this? Because I planned on grinding with friends from my shitty 3.2 party mmr to like 4.1 or 4.2 party.

    It was a little confusing at first, but in all honesty I was a little upset when me and my friends (and the randos) only gained 17 mmr for an hour game that was SUPER close all because a 2.9k and some 5.3k player partied together.

    Valve should flux with party ranked more.

    But honestly I guess this new party mm is okay.

    Idk, what do you guys think?


      I like cats as well

      1-IceTea 🌟

        2.9K party mmr can't party with 5.3K party memer

        1-IceTea 🌟

          and I Valve already done what should be done in latest patch,if you are dumb af just stf.u and other won't know how low is your IQ.

          Btw I like cat alot too,been feeding homeless cat and once rescue a poor stray cat.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            I like cats as well

            Good, we will get along just fine.

            2.9K party mmr can't party with 5.3K party memer

            Sorry, jungle bud, but I don't meme. I don't have a name for myself here yet, but I'll bet you 50 steam dollars a 2.9k player can party with a 5.3k player, and I would win that bet because I have proof here.


            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Btw I like cat alot too,been feeding homeless cat and once rescue a poor stray cat.

              That's really sweet actually. I bet it loves you :heart:

              I saw a cat at work, the owners keep leaving it outside all night : (


                Yeah icetea do your maths. 2.5k mmr difference most is allowed


                  And now even if you play party MMR, the MMR that will be based on when determining the average of the game is the higher MMR between Solo and Party.

                  So if you party is 3k and your solo is 4k and you queue into a party queue, your solo will be the one used to find matches

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Like a 2.4k mmr difference, but only 17mmr gain/lose is dumb. I suppose it was a somewhat balanced game.... all of our players were 4k (even though my party mmr is 3.2 in-client on the graphs it claims I was 4028 or something...)

                    I know that, Quxxn. I'm just saying more mmr should be gained/lossed or even some form a recalibration because this system is a little fucked.
                    I have a feeling Ti7 battle pass will have a recal system nonetheless.
                    I think it's just my OCD. It's like. 3.2, my friend's party is like 3.5... we queue into 4.2k+ games and our party mmr in reality only goes up so little that the true mmr is 3k. It's just weird.
                    I'm used to destroying low-mid 3k's and working up .. . . o . o

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      There is a misunderstanding here. A 5k party MMR "CANNOT" party with 2k party MMR. That's what IceTea is trying to say. Party MMR and Solo MMR are different.

                      And yes, it is unfair when a 5k MMR player has a 2k-3k party MMR since he can play with Normal Skill players and wreck opposing NS players.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        There is a misunderstanding here. A 5k party MMR "CANNOT" party with 2k party MMR. That's what IceTea is trying to say. Party MMR and Solo MMR are different.
                        And yes, it is unfair when a 5k MMR player has a 2k-3k party MMR since he can play with Normal Skill players and wreck opposing NS players.

                        OMG you're right.
                        And now that I think of it...
                        The guy was probably even lower than 2.9k and the 5.3k (party mm is basing off solo mmr if the difference is drastic) was also probably lower in terms of party mmr....
                        And this is exactly what I am talking about. It creates an odd inflation to some extent.

                        Like, I'm 4.3 solo, or 4.2 sorry, but my party is 3.2 so it queues me at low 4k games.

                        Okay, so visually, I am correct in terms that 2.9 can party with 5.3, but I am also incorrect (and actually fully incorrect) since the mmr being displayed at end-game is not accurate when it comes to party games.

                        Fuck. lol

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          First time in Dotabuff that people reply I am sweet after I comment harshly.
                          But it's not even replaying my point on topic

                          Yeah icetea do your maths. 2.5k mmr difference most is allowed

                          Joke on you,the different cap is 2K mmr


                            Cant get out of LP, licetea?

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^I get out of LP at least 50 times before,HAHAHAHA

                              but maybe not this time because I found out I have been conditions myself to one video game and I want to uncondition it by not playing for a long time

                              1-IceTea 🌟


                                1)I have to find time each day to play it

                                2)I will emotional happy/unhappy by the game results of the day

                                3)If not play it for few days I will start miss it

                                4)Starting to skip something that I should do (like doing more meditation/take more time to do service to needy people) to play Dota

                                I realise that ^ and want to undone them by going to LP and feed on it when ever I play


                                  My 3 digit prty mmr friend can't even party whit 2k :/

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    rofl that sucks, unless you did it for memes? lol