General Discussion

General DiscussionWho's going to win the Kiev Major?

Who's going to win the Kiev Major? in General Discussion
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    I kind of hope VP will win the finals, so I would no longer be so crtitical of CIS doto.




        I'd like to see SG-esports win this. But I don't think they'll be able to make it.
        I think OG wi'll win as usual though...

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          iG > VP
          OG > EG
          iG wins.

          iG > VP
          EG > OG
          EG wins.

          VP > iG
          OG > EG
          VP wins.

          VP > iG
          EG > OG
          VP wins.

          I don't think OG wins this time.





                I feel like ig has got this one, but it is close enough that any of the 4 contenders have a fair shot at this


                  prime Zharp mindset(2019)

                    EG > VP > OG > IG

                    Putins Price Hike

                      eg almost lost to sg. eg will lose tonight. og wins it all over ig


                        china numba wan

                        Dire Wolf

                          I hope VP wins cus they're the most fun team to watch. EG has really exciting moments but overall their games suck. It's 50 minutes of farming and 10 minutes of action. That 2nd game vs SG it was like 50 minutes and score was 15-15 or something. VP gets 15 kills in first 20 minutes.

                          OG is kind of in between, sometimes they run at you, sometimes they farm, depends on draft.

                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.


                                Fuck noone and Lil they dont deserve to win anything


                                  OG got this one for sure.

                                  doc joferlyn simp


                                    Siiilver Surfffeeer

                                      Either VP or IG finna win Kiev.

                                      VP vs IG is like a Grand Final to me.

                                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                            It will be very interesting to see the VP vs IG game, VP aggression vs IG calm and calculated.


                                              My prediction:

                                              VP beats IG in the semi
                                              OG beats EG in the semi

                                              VP vs OG in the finals that goes to a game 5 which VP wins


                                                Venomancer is just wrecking it right now xd


                                                  VP 1, IG 0


                                                    whats sven's winrate this tournament ;c

                                                    Siiilver Surfffeeer

                                                      Q's draft always reveal at their 3rd pick, game 1 and 2 Solo's winning the mind games.


                                                        they got rekt


                                                          >russian name
                                                          >hopes vp wins

                                                          is there any other way really?

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Game 5 won't happen. TI3 is the only Valve event with a 5-game finals. It will be 4 games like the usual.

                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                              ^^ All CIS teams were total garbage for several years, so I was Alliance's fan.

                                                              But now... I see the possibility of CIS-doto comeback.


                                                                yeah vp's good, im just for good dota so i dont mind seeing vp win, and i think they really have a solid chance to win the tournament.

                                                                Siiilver Surfffeeer

                                                                  Solo is a very good player way back post TI3, his reputation turned sour when he 322.

                                                                  Having a teenage carry/mid is an advantage tho.

                                                                  I want VP vs EG finals.. that would be a grudge match considering how VP lose to a smoke gank by EG on Boston Major.


                                                                    Now what peeps that said EG will win over OG?


                                                                      My prediction:
                                                                      VP beats IG in the semi
                                                                      OG beats EG in the semi
                                                                      VP vs OG in the finals that goes to a game 5 which VP wins

                                                                      So far so good, we are at game 5
                                                                      I kinda hope OG win, but I feel like VP have a better shot

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        The curse is broken, holy shit. Never though this day would come. This could only mean one thing... we will have a repeat TI winner finally and s4 will be that man.


                                                                          I've never been this happy to be wrong. Fly is , in my book, the best captain in the Dota 2 scene. congrats OG!