General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom very high skill to normal

From very high skill to normal in General Discussion
Welson Tayong

    i dont know whats happening, i got to vhs a month ago, then i started playing 9 games a day, thats the time where i started losing, its not a streak but it comes in 3 losing streaks or 4 everytime i win a 1/2 games, tf is happening am i ever gonna get my mmr back ?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Valve could smell how shit you were when you started playing 9 games a day so they threw you to the dumpster

      1-IceTea 🌟

        I play 9 games per day when I was active last time,it get me to 4.6K

        i follow Jesus.

          ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao welcome to antismurf patch m8 watch urself b4 u shrek urself

          getting vhs is pretty much having very good stats (750+gpm/xpm) in games in a row, just played some qop games cause i'm like sufail with qop and got it atm
          most of my vhs pubs are WAY worse than my high skill games
          vhs only works in casual BEFORE getting ranked. i was blessed into the 5k bracket on casual and played against some really good players and it was an amazing experience. i dont know if you can get it now tho.
          i'm 1.8k at main xd


            9 games a day... the fuck do you guys do all day?

            Welson Tayong

              im not even on tilt lol, i mean im not on tilt after a loss, every new game i have positive thoughts, but shit happens team lacks communication, picks 4 hard carries then im forced to go supp which obviously goes to a downhill loss, should i like make a new acc? not to smurf but this acc is cursed or smthing lol, i tried to hope for a winning streak but it never came

              Welson Tayong

                guess valve's not forcing 50% wr on this acc, i mean come on its almost 30%, im not even that bad of a player, maybe some games but not all

                зачем я начал поиск

                  There's a reason for your winrate.
                  I could elaborate, but you deserve normal skill and your winrate and I mean it not in an offensive way.

                  I clicked on some of your recent matches, both won and lost, scrolled through your scenarios tab and reviewed your overall match performance by a cursory eye stroll through all match pages.

                  The way you farm, build items, feed and sometimes pick plain garbage heroes - it all is in these forty-something winrate.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    First You need to destroy enemy ancient..

                    Welson Tayong

                      @патау додик so when i get to normal skill will my winrate go up ?

                      Welson Tayong

                        or will it stay 40% :(

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Why do you care?
                          Dota is for fun fun fun fun fun

                          Welson Tayong

                            dota in my country is considered a sport lul, almost everyone plays and theyre really competitive

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Competitive as in bunch of scrubs trying to get high mmr by cheating their way through smurfing instead try harding and trying to get good? Because that's not what I had in mind whenever I hear "competitive"