General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin itemization

Templar Assassin itemization in General Discussion

    Since diffusal blade can no longer self purge, is it still a good pick up for templar assassin?
    Which to make first generally-Blink Dagger or Desolator? I am not so good so as to judge by the situation :(
    Is hurricane pike a must have item after blink dagger and desolator?


      Rarely do I get diffusal on TA. Desolator first before Blink. Maximizes your farm-efficiency. Personal preference, I seldom get pike.


        I've never seen diffusal purchased on TA. Only reason you really need it is against Necro and Omni. Otherwise, you should be two shotting supports in the late game.

        I generally get deso before blink. Make sure you stack your ancients so that when you do get a deso, you can get a quick 1000+ gold.


          ^Yep. I can't even remember a time where in I bought Diffusal on TA. Probably good if you're having a bad time against ghost scepters, etc. b6t most of the time it is not even worth a purchase.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            I pick up Desolator before Blink always followed by Pike. I generally avoid BKB, but some games you must pick it up or it's a lost game.

            Usual item progression is Bottle, Boots, RoA, BS, (optional Wand), Desolator, Dagger, Pike, Bloodthorn. Sometimes I pick up Linken, BKB or Diffusial before Bloodthorn when needed.

            Try to buy Deso around 12th to 16th minute of the game.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              theres a 6k kid who i remember was a huge fan of diffusal ta

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                there he is

                apparently he doesnt get diffusal nearly as often anymore


                  deso by min 16 is bad, u shud have blink deso at around 20ish min I think
                  it may be different now I just remember waga saying that way back in the day


                    I am not a huge fan of hurricane pike and have never really used it so would it be okay to play the hero even without it or would it be sub optimal if I do so?
                    Also is it helpful if I make butterfly on top of the 12% evasion from talent tree?

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I am not a huge fan of hurricane pike and have never really used it so would it be okay to play the hero even without it or would it be sub optimal if I do so?

                      If you aren't a fan of an item it doesn't mean it isn't useful. Pro tip: it's extremely useful on TA.

                      Also is it helpful if I make butterfly on top of the 12% evasion from talent tree?

                      It is very helpful, but you must do it in right games or you wasted talent and item.


                        She's okay without pike imo. Get evasion if enemeny has lot of right clickers then probably add some evasion items too.


                          Aint a fan of pike on TA but since Positive Core Player responded (with way more higher games played than me) I think he's more reliable. Just build items where you are comfortable.


                            deso blink by 16


                              TA has an ult that slows in an AoE. Which is pretty much (aside from the Manta + Diff. obv. benefits) the greatest thing about it.
                              As far as purging of shit - like I said, only super necessary against annoying Necro's and Omniknights - and even then, usually your Pos. 1 will get a Diff Blade.


                                the ta build ive seen from almost every pro player is Aquila treads blight stone blink deso lance/bkb then finish pike or bloodthorn or bkb
                                butterfly is situational, so is stuff like ac, manta, linkens, etc.
                                just don't buy veil on this hero and u will be fine


                                  you must be insane.


                                    Thanks so much everyone !