General Discussion

General DiscussionInt ranked question

Int ranked question in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So I was wondering, do you also have those issues with the 4ks and 5ks?

    Idk why but for some unknown reasons they tilt at EVERYTHING you do. I haven't played in 4ks and 5ks for a while but the toxicity is WAY higher than I remember. Hell I even posted here a chatlog where people would literally treaten with murder xD

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Well duh. You're playing in Europe.

      I mainly play on US West. The 4k games here are pretty balanced and 4k toxicity has actually dropped.


        before 2017 every game i played there were tons of toxic players including myself...when 2k17 started everything changed, nobody really is toxic, maybe except me sometimes ;)


            AVG MMR

            AVG MMR

            Giff me Wingman

              party ranked is usually very different from solo.

              Should probably have been more clear about it being solo not party.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                i like how every blunts "question" thread isnt actually a question but rather some self-elevating shit + "lol haha xD" thrown in
                pretty sure even if this forum was anonmyous every1 would easily recognize blunts threads

                Giff me Wingman

                  I have a theory. Is it because people are like the guy above who simply sit 4k for years and get salty because they start to realize that they suck, so they have to vent in games?

                  EDIT: also chris, i'd be very careful if i were u.

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                    is that a threat lol


                      careful ill beat u up m8^


                        What you wanna tell the people on dotabuff blunt? That I abused rank mmr on my other account and sandboxied?

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                          or that i thought once that you are a normal person but then realised you are the biggest retard on this world?


                            or maybe you boosted my account?


                              he will reveal that hes a moron

                              oh wait nothign new here


                                -.- all of it requires teamwork. that's it.





                                    wow my old n00b account got 3.8k mmr i forgot about that. always laggy, abandons and toxic players. -.-

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                                      ^you are not funny anymore. Pls just give up
                                      Or this is TripleSteal- smurf? :thinking:




                                          chris reported me when i got IO in low prio feels bad man


                                            Hahaha diox using open dota mmr estimation. Hahah what a shitty account


                                              Rofl I didnt report you😂😂

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                So you abused your way up to 6k with bots like a complete moron, then proceeded to coach 2k shits with ur 4k knowledge, then later you bought boosting service from the money you stole from people who wanted coaching from a legit 6k player. You number means nothing and we all know it.



                                                You got less credability than a 2k player you garbage.

                                                You and wave are both filthy 4k animals that got exposed for your abuse multiple times. Hell you even 5man stack in low modes so you can maintain your 60% winrate because you would instantly lose against legit players.

                                                I strongly suggest you kys before you breed something garbage into the world that somehow will surpass you. I am amazed you actually posted on dotabuff and even shittalk the guy who exposed wave for what he is.

                                                gg wp, no re. At this point Diox has probably more credability than u, and that says a lot.


                                                  but wait blunt u are 5000 mmr isnt that super close to 4k as well


                                                    lul wheres the boosting?

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                                                      Is spamming meepo not considered as abuse? :thinking:


                                                        how come blunt's always catching people for being boosted. how do u even have such insider info. unless......................................................




                                                            Unless blunt is the booster :thinking:

                                                            Giff me Wingman