General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Spamming a hero

About Spamming a hero in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    I wanna ask if lets say my medu got banned or I cant pick him due to antimage (hard counter), Should my second option remain as a range hero? Since I am use to medu should I find a hero that is similar to her attk animation, turn rate, maybe even spells? Which hard carry have a similar style to her? Thank you.


      doesn't matter

      Mr. Jin

        But if she get ban, I will be at a lost. Counter I still can build items around it.


          then make a hero pool of 3 heroes, not just 1

          Mr. Jin

            Erm I kinda like troll too. So I have to retrain last hitting with troll? Not as good with him in last hit.


              then practice


                Luna = braindead dusa

                Mr. Jin

                  Thks cookie, last question. If some one picks my medu. Should I be worried? It kinda tilts me Abit in 1 game but I still won it though becuz they didn't ban antimage

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                    no, because you will know how to play your hero soo good that you'll counter her regardless of pick


                      I am confused by what you are asking tbh


                        1. Always pick first. If they counter you build around it.

                        2. If your hero is banned then have a single backup hero. Have a third for if both are banned. Make sure that the second and third heroes are less popular. Who bans a terrorblade, or a naga? Not many people right now.


                          u do have to pick first as if you are following cookie's guide
                          also dusa doesnt get banned that much so you'd be fine but just in case practice troll a bit in unranked and lobby to get comfortable with him then have him as your second pick option

                          Last Hit

                            Bro, always learn multiple heroes with multiple roles.

                            Its the only way to keep your winrate up faster. Coz not even 1 hero is suitable for all situation imho.
                            Learn easy heroes with high winrate.
                            I suggest
                            Carry: Wraith king, viper, sniper
                            support: Tidehunter, omniknight, crystal maiden

                            Troll would be a hard convert for you, hes not tanky as medusa.


                              You'll be surprised with troll's armor value


                                3-5 hero is enough
                                You won't improve much by picking 20 different heroes every 20 game, too much variance


                                  5 is too many. ok now bye

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                                  Mr. Jin

                                    The worse is when opponent pick first and he picks my medu. I instant sad.


                                      I was spamming Medusa as well for longest time, i just switched to jugg hes much harder to counter.
                                      Also didnt i write a Medusa guide for you some time ago snake eyes?


                                        If someone picked a mid-hero first, can a medusa or any other midhero be ok in a sidelane?

                                        Mr. Jin

                                          Erm nope. The only people i recall for guide is cookie. Shag I fed my first game today becuz I was off-form. Head was a bit giddy. GG winrate.

                                          Mr. Jin

                                            Medu is good offlaner, becuz I like it when the mid lane ping for shrine and I need the mana. Medu can do any lane though.

                                            feel realised

                                              I just insta pick my terrorblade without caring


                                                Spam IO, free MMR. You're welcome