General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is what?

What is what? in General Discussion

    PMS or ROA? per se we have PA mid who needs some damage block as well as mana regen to keep up the dagger abuse, so the question is what gives you more survivability I mean gives you more HP like ROA have stats and 2 armor but PMS have damage block but I need that extra mana regen so...

    Is rush bottle on IO still legit?

    How to maintain hp and mana as a roaming support without going base too much? I buy urn and TranqBoots with wand mostly on a support or arc

    How to chen? and When to gank? lvl 2 with cent creep and your slow or the 4 minute mark?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      1.PMS>ROA on melee heroes , you can buy both but starting with pms





        PMS AND ROA both are good. i build mid pa starting from pms - boots - roa - phase. if bad match up, go for pms - talon - drop (against magic dmg) or wand (spamming spells to harass ) into phase. talon to jungle creeps to take farm if lanes bad, as pa some match ups can be bad.

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          I do buy both sometimes but when I do I ended selling them up 5 minutes after to get my core item so I think I only need one but I can't choose what's better tho PMS is cheaper


            you will benefit from ROB as it will give enough mana regen to spam daggers. rain drop is good in that way too.


              I haven't considered buying clarity tho it's cheap but a poor af pos. 5 supp with ganks failing due to me or team lacking knowledge at dota so I'd better get the wards than the clarity


                I don't have a bad lane on my 2k smurf (me practicing carry) it's just I don't want to go base that much since it delays my farming clever right?


                  you will build pms depending on match up. if you want to jungle and get a bit farm if youre unable to aquire farm in the lane, then you can go for pms with talon and start jungling as you need farm is a bit greater priority than items on pa. roa will give you decent stats and mana regen but i think talon + rain drop is better along with pms. rather than pms + aquila


                    Never go back to base as a core . Send tango/salve & clarity if needed


                      yeah. salves give you enough confidence to survive a bad match up


                        but ROA is much cheaper than PMS talon and drop should I consider buying headdress instead and just keep ROB for Vlads later if ever I'm a carry that buys vlads


                          For PA mid (something I've done quite successfully), your build is usually PMS, pooled tango, and 2 branches.
                          After that, its basically whatever you need. Depending on who I am mid against, I'll get 1 of 3 items (after 500-800 gold)
                          Bottle, Ring of Basillius, or Wand. Maybe multiple depending on the difficulty of lane.
                          You are mid, so you generally want to get a bottle. Great sustain for dagger, and HP (along with PMS + 1 lvl in evasion).

                          I see several high skill players rush Bottle, so I'd assume yes.

                          Tranquils + clarity + raindrops (if your mid isn't needing them). Also, pick CM if you need more mana on a roaming hero :P

                          I feel as though Chen's lvl 3 is a great time to gank. Despite being a normal skill newb, I am a great Chen player in the first 20 minutes (can help a team take all t2's). But after that, it is up to my carries to carry.
                          Lvl 3 gives you 2 creeps - and a magic nuke (or amp, depending on who you are ganking with). The net creep, Stun creep, and 6+ regen creep are your biggest ganking friends, and with the 2 disables, you can almost always get the kill.


                            I don't consider buying bottle since it's a waste of 650 gold and I only have 50 mana dagger spam to spend to I'm not much of a fan of that build and as PA you don't have a wave clearing skill for a rune refill since you'd most likely miss 2-3 last hits just to take the rune or lose the rune yourself then you do bottle crow and you can't do that in low mmr since team keep using it


                              ^? What?
                              You can just pull wave into your tower to push. Also, runes are overall amazing. A bottled DD rune is extremely potent (as is haste, or invis, or anything for that matter).

                              50 mana to dagger spam, but if you spam it every time its off CD to harass the opposing mid, its virtually impossible for them to stick around. Meaning you can harass them almost entirely out of the lane, push the lane to their tower, and get a rune. If you do this, and they are sitting in the lane with >200 HP, you can just dagger and jump.


                                It's not like a 1 sided trade hits since mostly mid have low cd burst skill