General Discussion

General DiscussionTheory Crafting

Theory Crafting in General Discussion

    Mid Lich can someone test it? With Sacrifice you can deny range creep at 1st wave thus giving you lvl advantage and with Frost Blast you can harass the enemy items are Pike & Bloodthorn you can get Silver Edge too Lotus Orb, Solar Crest & Scythe are good too aghs for the extra stats

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


      mom said it's my turn to ...

        no madness?



            Even if you beat most heroes 1v1

            Youll end up with a midlane lich that becomes useless after midgame


              Offlane lich is better imo


                @cookie I don't really see Lich being useless in late game maybe due to lack stats he can't live long enough to deal massive damage right click


                  @dog MoM is shit item now it's a a total shit but no hero could use that imo maybe it would be good when you're singeing

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    WTF MoM is great on him no one wants to right click your armor and all you have to cast is ult and 1st which has 8s or more CD
                    1st skill doesn't even do shit as game goes later
                    Sven build MoM is standard now


                      viable if you have RP or OG dude that u can combo with ( the downside is that you will be dependent on his ult in order to become relevant)
                      U literally kill him everytime like 4-0 him in lane which is actually possible in 3k games at most.


                        nvm it's shit he dies instantly against pa/jugg so he may deal huge damage but doesn't have the mobility to escape death

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          who would have thought!