General Discussion

General DiscussionAside from TA TB Sven

Aside from TA TB Sven in General Discussion

    Here are the good stuffs for support department
    Valve has always promised us noble support peasants a better life quality and decided to further bring down the price of wards for 5g! Hurrah!
    Aether Lens with mana regen instead of health regen, we can now replace Euls for %mana regen core item as INT heroes
    The only hero that can truly used the HP regen was Sand King and maybe Phoenix I think.

    Urn of Shadows is VEEEEEEEEHHHHHHREEEEEHHHHH good news for STR pos 4 because mana regen is one of the biggest issues for them. Solid mana regen is the best!
    Rod of Atos, too expensive 1000g components for poor peasants, so valve made bracers cheaper and buildable into Atos itself. HALLELUJAH YOU CAN WEAR BRACERS IN STYLE NOW BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA BUILD A LONG ROD HOW GRAND HOW ELEGANT
    REJOICE PEASANTS 2 BRACERS IS THE NEW TREND FOR YOU now get rekt by a red sven


      I reckon the urn recipe was made solely for Phoenix because he had no good item to build ring from anymore (casual basi?), but with no armour he was useless in lane, couldn't trade harass, easy to kill etc. Now you can buy a ring to start and build into urn later.

      Same for pudge for same reason.


        The only change left that will make a supports life truly heaven-like is selling dust in singles rather than packs of 1 for about 80 a pop.

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