General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Calibration for a new acc

New Calibration for a new acc in General Discussion

    Guys, just curious. What's the max limit of mmr for new account? As I remember last time update was only 3.5K max limit. But now I still saw a lot of people selling new smurf acc with 4.5K calibration. Ans answer for this?


      5k for int ranked 3.5k for normal ranked


        Owh thanks man. But now account under lvl20 won't be able to play international rank right?


          You can play International Ranked even if you're lvl 2. :)


            no you cant


              That was last time before they fix it. Now valve already fix that so below lvl 20 cannot play international rank ady


                @riki it's real that we can calib 5ks on season mmr?


                  Dude, if i alr calibration 7 times but now valve fix it, it could be reset my avrg mmr on international or not? Thanks (below badge level 20)


                    @deserve to win I don't know bro