General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's the goddamn aoe true sight vision of the ancient?

what's the goddamn aoe true sight vision of the ancient? in General Discussion

    dota wiki has none to give.


      *aoe range

      Pale Mannie

        time to answer seriously this time

        you get true sight from towers and fountain, not from ancient.

        Pale Mannie

          fountain has 1200 true sight range and towers have 700 range


            the ancient provides true sight after the tier 4 towers are destroyed even when your in front of it.

            Овај коментар је измењен
            mentally handicapped

              after years of shitposting, diox has come across the first legit question in his entire dota life. proud of you bud

              Pale Mannie

                why didnt i know about this until now wtf. go test this in a lobby if you have time coz im sleeping right now


                  The fuck so ancient really has vision???????


                    Its true sight


                      Ah yeah. What i mean is true sight vision


                        I think it's like a 500 aoe around it. Not sure if thats accurate, I mean it also depends on where that aoe starts. Does it start at the center or the edge, but I'm pretty sure 500 or less around the visual edge of the ancient.


                          The fuck. All along i thought the TA game i won the other day was because of sentries. This is new to me.

                          casual gamer

                            there it is. 900 aoe FROM THE CENTER OF THE ANCIENT i think