General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion



      I love playing Low priority

      meteor hammer

        i wish i had this jugg's positive mental attitude

        meteor hammer


          meteor hammer

            ok my carry playerhas 3rd picked antimage into an already picked sven
            what a lord of dota 2


              You've clearly never been in a game where you've got a TB, TA and PA and then boom, 4th pick AM and fifth pick invo who proceeds to dual mid until the other team's Tinker has four levels on the TA.



                kinda interesting how random zeus steals mid, runs there with 3 clarities so im not able to get a single cs, so i proceed to go afk on bounty run just to be blamed and called subhuman dog even though he's the one being cancerous person :thinking:
                funniest thing is that we won the game


                  ^^ Great success story!!!
                  Every game is winnable!

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                      So this game felt mostly un winnable .


                      Thoughts ?


                        Jd, looks like a lp game


                          What are those picjs

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Godlike TI draft and gameplay


                              @filthy ur item build sucks balls


                                Turns out greaves huskar works in my bracket jd


                                  @ ywn I built he late vlads due to the early mega creeps I was defending against if that's what you are talking about . At the time I didn't think I'd be able to get a courier to the secret shop before game ended as well .

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                                    LC was a complete retard (2-18-8) who essentially was never where he was supposed to be -- constantly diving solo into 3-4 heroes near their shrine, T3, etc. Of course he was trolling in text-chat trying to piss off my team. It took the naix a few times before he figured out NOT to infest the LC to go ganking because LC would just AFK jungle or push to T3 then get cremated.

                                    I, being a complete dotes god, calmed by team down a bit and said we could win this 4v6. I bought a rapier near the end, team wiped them at high ground defense (when LC was jungling presumably), then again after they bought back in their base...and we won the game. Thankfully the other 3 on my team spoke English with voice chat and overall they were enjoyable to play with. (I know, I know, ending a sentence with a preposition, sorry.)


                                      Hmm plot twist page !



                                        2.9k dude 3rd picks AM in 3.2 avg game, second lowest mmr randoms lone druid as 4th pick. AM starts crying about not having a support from the get go, calling his team all kinds of names. pugna (highest mmr) dies once in offlane, activates voicechat "gg i feed, no help". in picking phase i suggested him that LD goes solo off and he supps the AM, he didnt want to xD

                                        pugna tp's to safelane and starts nuking every wave, the russian AM proceeds to capslock flame him instead of farming.

                                        meanwhile the sky mid was snowballing hard. i told them that the enemy team is completely dumb and that we can win easily if they stop crying.

                                        after enemy team dives me and the sky mid and 4 of them died (missing every spell you possibly can miss) and i told them "look how dumb these people are" they stopped flaming and started playing again and we won easily.

                                        100% sure that many players would have tilted as a solo support spirit breaker with this team and went afk, but i didnt and thats how i won.

                                        (no matter how dumb your teammates are, theres a big chance your enemies are even dumber)

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                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          I am the tilt inducer. I shall bring back this thread back on track.


                                            thank you



                                              1. hi guys i won a game cuz we had a roamer who did a really good job and even though mid and supp sucked they didnt feed and we won

                                              2. haha im the best carry player in the world idk why im in this bracket

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                Well the game was won ^
                                                By the radiant

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Bless RNG I got a garbage 1v9 hero god bless


                                                    this game is winnable if my riki and necros didnt go solo


                                                    why its so fucking hard to not die more than 5 ? i know im 4th lowest damage and pushing.. but ... arggjahjhajg


                                                      300 match with riki cant even win against solo slark ??? SOLO slark ???????? helooooooo



                                                        last 3 games i lost as mepo doing okish not to say good

                                                        dead pool doom mkb first item
                                                        also every game people flame me think i will suck as mepo then my offlane puck go 0 10 who told me i will be ttash xd


                                                          laned against axe + viper
                                                          my ns sapped xp and didnt do anything
                                                          get shitstomped
                                                          i split push like a madman
                                                          the enemy 322 like fucking crazy
                                                          they take the fights in the most retarded way possible, only way to see is to watch
                                                          i rat
                                                          eventually our lategame comes online
                                                          they continue the 322 and we win
                                                          DansGame explain

                                                          meteor hammer

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              can we keep this thread up and running its one of the only few threads worth checking out on these days


                                                                man this became all whining where are the memes

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  its a whine thread lmao

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    look at that fucking storm BS timing


                                                                      Good old fashion feed and win!

                                                                      Love it


                                                                        I thought it is supposed to be a brag tjread

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          VHE OR%SGWEOIHF:WE :WHE LMAOAOOO

                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              why is there no rubick on ur minimap and why is ur creepwave fucked up

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  wheres waldo dota edition

                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                    WHY IS THERE A CONSTANT STREAM OF +- 30 GAMES I CANT DODGE EVERY -30 GAME ANYMORE REEEE

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      enemy core = countered ☑


                                                                                        Is it possible to still get to VHS from high skill? Somehow I'm consistently placed in high skill. Once in a while normal skill.
                                                                                        I've seen some account being consistently placed in normal then a few high skills and then suddenly very high skills.


                                                                                          no because you fuckinnnn suck and pick jungle you 1k trash


                                                                                            Barely 3k player talking haha.


                                                                                              vanguard arcane boots medaillion minute 30 BB offlane smurf without any mmr at all talking

                                                                                              the only reason why you still get placed in "high skill" games is because you didnt play enough games yet to drop to 1k