General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    Bearcat outmedal toeman

    chicken spook,,,,

      Holy fucking shit I just remembered how autistic friday dota games are

      Lruce Bee

        Omegalul struggli like a tru 2k cuck

        chicken spook,,,,

          shitpost with your main pu55y


            Friendly reminder to stay away from playing ranked games, weekend is cumming, unleash the autistic salty school boys monkaS!


              Ranked: I have to play nearly perfectly the entire game because my other cores impact is minimal. Frustrating losses constantly because I fucked up in the drafting stage and we have no counters to their last pick ck.

              Unranked: I could have literally played chen for all the impact I had to put into winning these games.

              i don't play unranked but i get the same feeling from rmm games
              if you don't win the game than noone else will carry you when you're dumpstered 1v3 or you screw up or something

              maybe that's why i don't climb, i feel like it shouldn't take much effort in ancient 5 games but one bad decision in mid-late game where i dont notice that my teammate tped out 5 seconds before teamfight just to farm creeps or splitpush and entire fucking game is lost because everyone is 3 11

              chicken spook,,,,

                but one bad decision in mid-late game where i dont notice that my teammate tped out 5 seconds before teamfight just to farm creeps or splitpush and entire fucking game is lost




                  i wish i had aw games where enemy team literally ignores me for first 30 minutes and goes back everytime right after we use both bubbles and glyph as our only means of hg defense

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                    How to win when someone intentionally feeds?


                      loss streak imminent btw

                      GRANT MACDONALD


                        I think this timbersaw started 0-9. he had to be someone's little brother or cousin playing on their account. Rather than flame, I encouraged him to get away from our fights and just farm lanes. I tried to make space for him. He didn't really have any impact but he stopped being a complete creep and chain feeding and only died a couple more times past 15 mins.

                        Every game is winnable.


                          Don't worry bearcat has hit the 3k wall I'm catching up
                          Also I haven't been playing as much as I did in the summer


                            at the end of the day, i am rewarded by two low prio games for my 5 solo q consecutive wins

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                            casual gamer

                              sounds about right

                              now u can get ur losses out of the way in lpq, ezezez


                                false, but every game is "throwable"

                                casual gamer

                                  every less is a losson


                                    lesson to treat every single teammate as your opponent



                                        how do i play this game without killing myself

                                        the lanes are as they're on minimap with me against pitlord so i get 0 cs
                                        followed by es and jakiro


                                          update: my undying is feeding couriers


                                            0 reports available btw :)


                                              start winning

                                              this happens

                                              (not a roaming ck btw) ))


                                                firstpick tinker
                                                my team decides to pick 3 carries

                                                if i do it i play against storm clock nyx and im blamed for the loss even when im doing the most from my team
                                                not rigged btw


                                                  and GUESS WHO I MEET NEXT GAME


                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: if u dont leave
                                                    [Allies] кігті: orange ?
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: this mid
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: i woll feed
                                                    [Allies] кігті: its ok
                                                    [Allies] кігті: go feed
                                                    [Allies] кігті: and i report orange
                                                    [Allies] кігті: for u
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: fucking 3k dogs
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: every game
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: ruin
                                                    [Allies] midder or neutrals killer: every gmae
                                                    [Allies] кігті: take tiny
                                                    [Allies] кігті: and toss
                                                    [Allies] кігті: him


                                                      i feel very sad for you,how can you be so unlucky with teammates
                                                      i wonder if that will happen to me too someday


                                                        i would be divine today if weren't for gameruiners or complete tilting morons that refuse to listen and just feed and throw a shitfit anytime someone tells them something
                                                        8 losses into 8 wins, that would be a 400 mmr swing ecks dee

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                                                          u r the only perosn i know with matchmaking this bad wtf is ur behavior score
                                                          then u end up doing the same thing urself and boxing urself in with these goons


                                                            was C like 3 games right after low prio, i'll admit
                                                            right after i got conduct summary and fixed it again

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Midder? Neutrals killer? And I thought we had terrible slang in SEA

                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                it happens to this dumbass because he queues like 10 games back to back in a day and meet the same fucking people. most people dont have this experience because they play 1 or 2 games a day, and dont have some unrealistic expectation of dota.

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  this is very common in SEA btw


                                                                    im not supposed to run in 3 ppl in same team after 3 min break and reporting 2 of those previous game


                                                                      i carried the second game with those morons though
                                                                      or more like i won offlane with tusk and that tilted them enough to start buybacking and stuff, also they had a jungle wk

                                                                      i just want normal games of dota

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        im not supposed to run in 3 ppl in same team after 3 min break and reporting 2 of those previous game

                                                                        says who?


                                                                          not playing at 4 am in the morning might help in getting good teammtes 4Head

                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            or more like i won offlane with tusk and that tilted them enough to start buybacking and stuff, also they had a jungle wk

                                                                            who would've thought? the enemy team is human as well and just as likely to rage and tilt if they have a hard time. and then you win.

                                                                            i just want normal games of dota

                                                                            what the fuck is a normal game of dota?

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                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              this whole fucking design of dota encourages selfish plays. if we have a nice community, i would say that is actually exceptional and not normal.

                                                                              hence you are a fucking retard.


                                                                                HanSolo actually half right

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  it's actually annoying that the only way to get out of low BS is to play like 1.5k above the bracket you're playing in

                                                                                  Otherwise games are fucking skewed with morons on your team bigger than the ones on the enemy team (not talking about my recent games)

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    Would say that even if you're good enough to win the low BS games, the game are still tilting af due to how self-centered the people are

                                                                                    Good thing that I don't have to deal with that kind of shit anymore

                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                      Like, if you don't even tilt when carrying your team hard doing everything on your own while your team goes on a feeding spree dying one by one despite you telling them not to overextend in every humanly possible way and still manages to complain about not having wards and delay your items (which lost several teamfights) by hugging the courier 24/7 to send goddamn sideshop items, then you probably have smth wrong in your head


                                                                                        nonononoonono that is seriously not common in sea
                                                                                        i think arin lives in a worse environment

                                                                                        rarely even see any jungle anymore



                                                                                            another game lost due to bunch of morons in my team
                                                                                            haha let me just get rp'ed 50 times instead of sending my illusions into enemy buldings


                                                                                              smurf jugger btw Xddd

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                so arin u need to buy nullifier to counter stoorm bkb in my opinion also i feel like his progression should be much slower if u play ur cards right

                                                                                                i mean sf puta madre jaja :V


                                                                                                  game was already over when storm got bkb
                                                                                                  we were supposed to win in 25 minutes, i went like 6 0 from midlane and dumpstered storm completely


                                                                                                    another game against smurf ahead btw)

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