General Discussion

General DiscussionLC is the 7th most picked hero in 5k+

LC is the 7th most picked hero in 5k+ in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu


    I thought nobody with a brain picks that hero, that it's a low mmr thing.


      Because LC is played offlane on higher tier brackets, while he is played jungle on lower brackets, which makes it retardedly stupid. :sick:


        LC offlane is legit.

        Potato Marshal

          People just don't like LCs that just jungle the whole game while leveling overwhelming odds last, then think that they can just jump the enemy team alone to win duels.


            Less lc Junglers there


              Her duel is practically a stun (bec it's usually given against supports) that lasts very long. What should lc do? Hit enemies. What should a support do? Cast spells and help their team. During duel's duration lc is doing what she's supposed to do while enemy ain't. The fact which makes the hero very good no matter the bracket.

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                much more popular on na than on eu, god knows why

                Story Time

                  i think the mechanics with damage accumulation is so huge trigged for the shizophrenical part of dota players. So they get high by hoarding damage stats...


                    Ive beated trilanes as legion she is so good offlane


                      low mmr trilanes means rip xp for enemy core


                        It's because press the attack is not merely a heal or a dps buff to win duels, it's also a strong debuff to save allies, especially from heroes like batrider and his lasso. LC also counters all these annoying elusive heroes (weaver, ember, morph, timber...), prevents big ultimates of played correctly (magnus, enigma, silencer, panda, warlock...) And duel goes through BKB, so she stays relevant later in the game when most disablers start to suffer.

                        Low mmr players believe LC is a solo killer and play jungle, but actually she is a team player who needs help from teammates to win duels and snowball. For instance, her effectiveness is hugely increased with a competent invoker to sunstrike targets, something you won't find at low mmr.

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                        死の恐怖 Haseo


                            The ability to counter every long disable and every elusive hero turns out to be pretty good. Also rekts melee safelaners

                            Story Time

                              but it is always some autist who picks her... ironically


                                decent offlaner/ pos. 3. good laning vs a weak safelane, and the ability to jungle quickly as backup. very similar to axe


                                  lc is still a braindead hero.
                                  Worse than omni spammers imo