General Discussion

General DiscussionMaybe remove creep-block necessity?

Maybe remove creep-block necessity? in General Discussion

    First I want to say that valve recently is presenting some features that are as close as real-life and logics, for example, gaining xp through denying - in a real war one would get more experienced if he were to kill his own comrades to ease their pain. But 1 thing I always thought wrong is creep-block. Sure it really benefits you gamewise but that seems to be the opposite to logic. Why I'm writing this is that yesterday I had a game where I was 0.5 second late for the 1st creep after picking up the rune and I gave fb and lost the lane just because of that because enemy took full advantages of hg - almost all my decisive hits missed on hg, be it lh, deny or hit exchange with enemy. Of course I could've ignored some creeps and block next creepwave, but either way I lose. What I'm want to say is remove that creep-block necessity or ability, perhaps making them phased during the first 5-10 minutes of the game? Opinions?


      creep block is easy to counter but overpowered heroes given steroids isn't. stop wasting your time.


        try actually reading your own text with logic dude...
        because u lost an advantage in a game by accident a feature shpuld be removed from dota? and a feature that rewards better players if not pucked up by accident (rare case)

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          I actually thought this was a diox post. ... very disappointed.....


            .. I'd never expect this type of post from anyone other than Diox. I guess some people can be as retarded as him.


              a minute ago

              .. I'd never expect this type of post from anyone other than Diox. I guess some people can be as retarded as him.

              yeah too retarded this post needs delete.


                If I lost a lane due to my own incompetence, I could live with that. I may be good at creepblocking, or I may be not. But I never was able to show my creepblocking abilities. If I lose a game bec I can't hit sacred arrow or can't hook properly, I too could live with that. But it's a fucking creepblock man! It's such a petty thing. Even devs are trying to control where the creeps meet by slowing offlane creep ms.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  It's a game and that's the skill cap
                  You can still aggro to save things a bit btw

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                  doc joferlyn simp

                    If it's as impactful as you say it is then it's worth to keep it as a feature. It spices up the game. Also, maybe you can just pull the enemy creeps?


                      And eat 3-4 glaives of wisdom in the process? Together with 4-5 hits from creeps?


                        I too could live with that. But it's a fucking creepblock man!

                        there was a time where i would've agreed. such a silly concept. then there's balancing lane equilibrium as well and lots of ohter silly things u can do to fuck it up. then there's body blocks as wel, which is legit - so maybe it is not so silly afterall.

                        but i wouldnt be oppsed to the creep phase just for the first wave though.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Do you even know how to fucking pull? Just pull from max range (500 units irrc) and you don't normally even get hit unless you are truly retarded. Ranged creep may hit you but more often than not it stays behind the wave. I play mid with squishy melee heroes and I never had problems laning. Pull your head out of the ground and THINK


                            they should remove all rng in the game. and uphill miss.


                              What about phasing until creeps meet enemy creeps?

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                How does a fire girl counter a time lord?
                                How can a bear solo kill a god?
                                Why do you even bother with logic on a video game


                                  Gmps you're such an idiot. I wasn't worried about creeps, i mentioned Silencer hitting me. The fact you can win lane against jackasses like you with squishy melees don't mean everyone is as jackass.


                                    if you manage to come up with this after one 14 hour session
                                    i wonder what would you think of after playing 3 of them in a row


                                      Listen maybe u r right like this patch really fucks you up if u dont block since creeps are really close to the offlaners tower....just dont take the rune unless you're sure you won't be contested and go block afterwards .. its not that hard.... or tell someone else to block for you if you are mid.... If im support I will always tell my mid I will block for him if he wants to take the rune ...just ask your supports to block for you


                                        dude max aggro range is same as ranged creep's range (500) just keep that in mind how can u get hit by creeps 4 times + silencer hit u more than once in the process? u didnt do it right

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Even if you got the perfect block Silencer will still be able to hit you with Glaives. It's something called "orb-walking" if you didn't know. You'll just be putting of the inevitable if you avoid the lane. That's part of fighting against Silencer solo. So you can either wait and get hit 3 times over the course of 30 seconds without taking one creep because you're too much of a pu.ssy to take control of the equilibrium, OR you can get hit 3 times in the span of 6 seconds but still have a chance of taking creeps for consumables. Your choice rofl

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                                            ^or u can just get extra regen and jump the fucker and beat the shit out of him he has like zero armor u will almost always win the trade unless you draw aggro

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              I saw that OP played WR. WR and Silencer has about the same hero attributes, except Silencer's base stats are sifnificantly better, so is his armor (2 vs WR's 1.38). Trades will always go unfavorable

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                  Nvm me.... was trading with sk against silencer couple days ago so I won the trade maybe the silencer was just bad


                                                    Git gud


                                                      AYYYY LMAO You can't just wish that creep blocking should be removed or something because DOTES has always been like that from the start way back WC3 days, WTF are you thinking about.


                                                        Then eat the glaives, he can only throw 2-3 at you at most before you leave his attack range. It's not like his glaives deal 300 damage at level 1 anyway.


                                                          Man, that must be some good stuff op was smoking


                                                            it's honestly not a bad idea. what's bad about starting the game at the same exact point it was intended?

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              But the game does start at the same exact point it was intended. The big difference in a solo lane is the respective movement speeds, which means the problem is not with the game itself but with the heroes. I recommend shutting up and learning how to block properly in lobbies

                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                There's always League of Lard-asses to drop back to if you don't like Defense of the Autists 2's creep block mechanic and orb walking


                                                                  Meh skillcap


                                                                    Well today I had a game with a very nice es. I asked him to block creeps, he said ok, and stayed near t1. I was just going to ping him when he fissured the hell out of creeps. Man, this guy was awesome. And we won the game:-)

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