General Discussion

General DiscussionQuitting

Quitting in General Discussion

    Man, it's just so sad when a game you used to love becomes like a daily chore you just had to do. :(

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Life is all about letting go so it doesn't hurt


        I'll probably be back in a couple of months. Nobody can leave dota for too long. But I just needed a break

        Dire Wolf

          I take involuntary breaks all the time cus too busy but it's so noticeable how stressful dota is. I'm way more chill without it.


            Recently I noticed myself in the dota routine as well. Playing multiple games a day also makes it too easy to stay in a permanent tilt. I'm limiting myself to a low amount of games per day unless I'm playing party is the exception.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              I wish I can play more though. Nothing feels more right than pressing QWER buttons and swaying clicking the mouse. It feels like home.


                I don't really give a fuck about playing while tilting as long as I'm having fun like laughing at the angered tryhard who is flaming you but dota just doesn't feel like fun for me anymore so I'm taking a break from it


                  cmon dude you just lost 5 games.... im sure soon enough youll get a longer winstreak... i tend to tilt too when i lose but then i just play unranked with my best hero and trash alll theeese kiieieieds mayeeen


                    eh breaks from dota feel so refreshing
                    took a 6 month break (involuntarily)
                    hated it at first but it was actually nice until the end when I wanted to play again
                    but short breaks r advisable imo

                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                        you can't quit dota


                          You're doing yourself a favor by quitting this shit game DO IT!

                          low prio master

                            Dont play 10 games in row frequently nearly everyday, that make you feel as useless person all around,couse than is your life only about dota, than come loosing streak and you become naturally sad and full time tilted. Play less and if that person who want to go at least sometimes full-retar.d and play all day,do that rarely.This is actually problem milions of ppl like you,dota is very good game but when you get in to the lane where you exactly are,you should think about your life,make dota your hobby few hours per day not a thing which you now feel only have to do.

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                              Play casually once a day & you will love this game


                                I just fell from 3k to 2.7k. So sad man. :(

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I went to bed at 10pm last night. It was amazing. Screw dota I need my sleep.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    I play from 4 PM - 3 AM and I go 8-1. I play in the middle of the day and go 2-4. FeelsBad


                                      At least you still get +125. I lost 224 in 48 hours lmfao

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                                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                          I don't really care about losing MMR because I'll just get it back in time. I just lost the love I had for it so I'm quitting for a while- taking a break is probably a better term.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            It's like a gambling addiction, when you lose, you think you can make up for the MMR you lost, and when you're winning, you think can continue on winning. But shit's awful because unless you're like significantly better than everybody else in your matches, it's going to be mostly a gamble on who the other 9 players are.


                                              I'm back smurfing on 1k games to make me feel better about myself lmao.

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                                                I think a person's mood is half the game. Because it's really hard to win when furious, sad, tilted etc. and it's easier to fuck with the enemies if you are in a good mood. So when you lose a game wherein you played real bad, just go unranked because the disappointment from that game will carry over and it will rain red.

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                                                  Personally when I'm mad, I'm more determined or more focused. Sometimes people need a match lit under their ass to get fired up. The key is to not get carried away.


                                                    when stressed, play dota. when happy, play dota. for everything else, there's dota.


                                                      I'd rather not play dota when stressed. My stress will just increase. Dota is the most stress inducing game there is lmao


                                                        Eh its summer time now. Sports, beaches (women at the beaches) ;) , cottages ,parties are all better then dota.
                                                        I find my play time will drop as those other activities become more of a priority.

                                                        So you can always find other things to do rather then play dem DOTES


                                                          @unFAZED so you don't play DOTES if you're stress huh.......okay, idk about you but if I'm seriously stressed out DOTES is my cure or poison idk probably both it depends.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            School just started rofl


                                                              when i first felt that feeling i knew it's time to stop, now i play very rarely

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                                                                It's quite simple, believe you're better than everybody else in ur game and dont feed.


                                                                  I just can't quit dotes man. I let someone use this account, and he dropped this down to 2.5 but I don't really care- this acc is just for lulz gaming. For today, I smurfed on 1k and felt good about myself that I went to my main account and ended my 5 game losing streak in that account.


                                                                    You let someone use the account? But they played exactly the same heros you usually play with the same item builds?
                                                                    Did you give it to your non existent twin?


                                                                      not my twin but a younger brother who is around 1.7k. We both use guides btw because we're both awful so that explains the same build

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                                                                          I'm back on the winningg track bois. Lost only two of my last 7 games. I guess a 2 day cool off did work. (As I said I let my 1k bro play this and I played his because we wanted to match with higher and lower competition)