General Discussion

General Discussiondota unrelated: exercises that can take place of running

dota unrelated: exercises that can take place of running in General Discussion

    Okay, I'm the rice-fan guy from the other month. I couldn't totally curb my apettite for carbs so what I did instead is go all in on running and biking instead. 3days on, 1 day off. 10 km running and 15-20 on bike. At a rough estimate, that's at least 1500 kcal burned in 2 hours, and roughly a 500 kcal deficit against what I take in every day to lose weight. It's been working pretty well the past 2 months and I'm pretty happy with results.

    But during last night's run, 5 kms in and I felt a sort of slight pain on the outer sole of my left foot. Continued for another km at a reduced pace before the pain just suddenly ramped up enough to make me sit down the sidewalk and clutch my foot in pain. Even walking was a nightmare.

    So now I did the good ole Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation first aid to avoid any possible swelling and stuff, but I don't feel like letting up on my exercise(or rather, further cutting down on my intake to compensate).

    Any other exercise that could be done at extended periods, and burn just as much calories as jogging would without using my foot? I'm thinking I could double my bike routine since I could change my foot positioning on the pedal but I rather wanna keep 2 routines to mix things up


      Just eat less calories bro. The effort required to put into burning calories through exercise is a dozen times harder than just identifying where you are eating extra calories and cutting them out.

      Source - dropped from 83kg to 69kg. Now bulking again and back up to 75kg.


        either swimming or rowing. But it seems like you're going outside to do your exercise


          yeah, swimming is sick

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            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

              @murranji idk but I'd rather put more effort into exercise than counting calories I take in lol. I need to cut down 1000 calories in my diet to compensate for this if I want to maintain my 500 calorie deficit, and thinking about all the rice that it represents is pretty depressing

              @quityminati rowing is kinda hard to access at a daily basis. Also the public swimming pool around my area charges an entrance fee but little to no effort is done to maintain their pools, which kinda puts me off.

              I wonder though, maybe rowing can be simulated with some sort of DIY contraption?


                we got this discount gym company in germany for 20 years now. you pay a low price per month, about 2 hours loan for the average worker, and go there whenever and as much as you want. they are pretty big, not too bad tbh, open 24/7. trainers available for free during daytime, but only 1-2 trainers for like a hundred custumers who are training at the same time.
                is there anything comparable in other countries?


                  Ok but weight loss is 90 percent diet.

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                    We have this gym in our city for a monthly membership fee of around 12 us dollars. Trainers are free, but the downside is that the gym itself is only open from 9am-7pm. Too late in the morning, too early at night for me.

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                        Running is also the quickest way to break your knees

                        Maybe you can try swimming also? Also regarding carb intake, just try and not eat carbs at night. It's hard, I know. It's going to be really difficult for the first few weeks, but after a month, you should get used to it. You can still allow yourself carb meals for breakfast and lunch, just take it out of the equation for dinner.

                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                          ^well yeah, that's true. Also, before I broke my foot just during the first 3 km I did kinda got overly eager and went faster than my usual speed, which probably caused my injury.

                          Welp, I guess I have no choice but cut down on the carbs again FeelsBadMan

                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                            I guess I should also try now and see if biking is even doable with this bad foot


                              Weight training for fat loss, more muscle, more calories burnt just with existing. And we know nothing about you. Weight? ~BF%? Sport past?


                                Also about the running: do you have proper running shoes? Did someone checked your foot and told you what type of shoes are proper for you? If you want to run regularly you can't skip that. On the other hand if you run just to lose weight, then don't bother with it, just don't try to burn fat with running.


                                  oh youre in us? well first of all, try to get enough sleep. youve been posting since i got up at 9, which is 2 or 3am east cost

                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                    @melt Nah I'm from the philippines, used dollars just for a quick reference earlier


                                      Stop running for weightloss.
                                      Do heavy weightlifting and short high intensity intervall cardio sessions 3-5 times a week. Also count calories its fucking easy with smartphone apps and a kitchen scale. But if you re ok with mediocre results just stick to real foods (meat,beans, rice,fruits, veggies...anything with 1-4 ingredients) and replace the bullshit with it. For example if you eat fries, eat potatos or sweetpotatoes instead or if you eat rice with some unhealthy sauce cut the sauce and add some meat,eggs, veggies instead to make it less dry. Oh and learn to cook and stick to this healthy kind of eating/exercising for ever or you will regain all of your weight the moment you stop exercising/eating healthy.
                                      Edit: no money for the gym ? Get a pull up bar and do bodyweight/calisthenics. There is a fantastic bodyweight reddit or you can try freeletics

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                                        1 meal a day rofl

                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                          @martha bot I peaked at 89kg during my last medical last november, 172 cm tall. Haven't had a weigh in eversince. I got as low as 75 kg though just 2 years ago, and right now I think I'm hovering around 80-85.

                                          As for shoes, I've definitely never saw a doctor for this though I've been wanting to. Basically for my shoes I just picked out a thick new balance shoes and paired it with padded socks. I run an average of just 8-10 kph.

                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                            We practically eat mostly vegetables and fish. And I do the cooking at home. In fact, my brother who likes processed shit despises me for cooking only vegetables 8/10 times lul The only unhealthy thing about my eating is my fondness towards rice. I just cant get enough of that good stuff sometimes.

                                            Tried HIIT, I feel like I'd faint from my first round high intensity and stuck through with old school jogging but maybe I could give it another try if my foot gets better.

                                            Edit: also I did try a short 4 km with my bike. Feels okay even with my foot. Now I plan to do 20km in the morning, 20 in the night see if it feels fine.

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                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              I support Dog's effort at a healthy lifestyle


                                                I don't see any problem with that kind of diet, you're basically eating like a steroptype bodybuilder (rice, chicken, veggies). If you've trouble with your rice addiction maybe try Intermitted Fasting (16 hours fasting,skip breakfast, 8 hours eating window) it's really hard to overeat on real food in a 8 hours window. Also weight training like martha said: if you put muscle on your frame your bodys energy needs skyrocket and you will burn more calories doing anything even when playing doto.


                                                  Try HIIT, but just build it up slowly. When I first tried tabatha I almost puked at half time then stopped. Then I gradually built it up in a month. If you want HIIT with running, you could do it one day a week, and do normally the rest. What about your sport past? Do you want to run or you just run to lose weight? As others said, heavy weight lifting is much better to lose fat, but you need to invest some time to learn it properly. If you just run to lose weight, you still gonna look bad, the muscles give your main shape.


                                                    And about the running hurts part, I have flat foots/splay foots(dunno how to say it in english) and it hurt to run because of that. I've got foot pads and it's totally fine now, but it took some time.

                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                      I'm mostly concerned with mainly weightloss since it's a requirement for my job, so yeah I only started running just to lose weight. Also I'm also flatfooted and the only way I worked around this was tuning down my intensity and using thicker socks and shoes. I have a homemade barbel, but I think it's too light to be able to build muscle. Let me weigh this for a moment
                                                      Edit: barbel weighs 12.5 kg, and I also forgot to mention I also kinda injured my right wrist, putting slight tortion on it hurts. God I have so many body pains now

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                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        STOP PLAYING TINKER AND INVOKER, BOI


                                                          You should try using a TP

                                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                            Heres to addressing some of my hindrances to my workout right now.

                                                            First off the bat(and just happened literally an hour ago), my bike just suddenly froze in the middle of my way back home, 3 something km, 12 noon, 38 degrees celsius. Good thing I was nearby a repair shop. Found a jammed set of ball bearings along the rear shaft of my bike. I only had a temporary fix for it atm, not sure if I could keep on biking the way my bike is.

                                                            My foot: been icing it 2-3 times a day, keeping it elevated at night when sleeping. Couldnt manage a compression or a complete rest for it coz I gotta keep doing stuff and therefor gotta keep walking and standing. So far no pain but im pretty sure itll surface once i start running. Ill give it another week to recover.

                                                            My wrist: I did try using whatever weights I have, but my wrist doesnt like it. Looked into it a bit more with some research and found this:

                                                            It has been almost a month and still hasnt fully healed, but I guess it is getting better, though I still feel pain every morning when I wake up. And it also says I should be limiting activity with my thumb and wrist. I'll give it another 2 weeks and see if it gets any better, enough to hang on a bar with my hands bearing my weight.

                                                            Also, what heroes would you suggest that has little mouse movement needed? recently ive been changing my settings so that I dont have to press any button on my mouse so as to reduce stress on my right hand


                                                              Roaming WK


                                                                swimming will turn you gay though
                                                                look at triplesteal


                                                                  yeah, swimming is sick

                                                                  Some of my friends that is on the athletic side says that the most effective exercise would be swimming, try it man.

                                                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                    ^but i dont want to turn gay


                                                                      I don't understand why swimming would turn you gay can you elaborate for me?

                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                        swimming will turn you gay though
                                                                        look at triplesteal

                                                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                          But NoKappa, i cant swim often. Swimming facilities in my city are unmaintained shit which puts me off hard


                                                                            Just bike. Or u need a gym with those impactless runinning machines.


                                                                              I'm 56 kilos with 175 cm height at the age of 25. So don't tell me about losing weight. Tell me how to gain weight.


                                                                                Also i read somewhere that too much riding a bicycle is bad for male genitals


                                                                                  I'm 56 kilos with 175 cm height at the age of 25. So don't tell me about losing weight. Tell me how to gain weight.

                                                                                  well to gain weight you need to be in caloric sufficit. to be in caloric sufficit you need have more calories eaten than calories spent on daily activities. That all is pretty easy to say but hard to implement due to the fact that eating habits are something that is pretty hard to change. Especially at that age.

                                                                                  You gotta learn to eat and thats it. Consistency is the key


                                                                                    The biggest thing in weight loss is diet, exercise is necessary to be healthy, but if u eat shit then its extremely hard to burn that many calories whereas if u eat less calories and over healthy food u can get away with less exercise and still lose weight.


                                                                                      I weigh 110 lbs and am 5'8 dude dont talk to me abt gaining weight
                                                                                      I actually gained weight from starting track and cross country and running mostly in muscle.
                                                                                      My metabolism is too good aaaagh.


                                                                                        I think i need to start doing more weights type stuff to not be a weak ass skinny shit
                                                                                        But at least i can run haHAA


                                                                                          swimming can be your option if not take ur dog for long walks (dogs like that) if u dont have a dog take ur GF for a long walk am not trying to say that u treat ur GF as a DOG, NO its simply good for u and her also chatting make 2-3h walk feels like 30minut trust me on this one.


                                                                                            PS: make sure ur diet is filled with protein cuz if its not you'll end up skinny fat and believe me being fat is far better then skinny fat...

                                                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                              I still can't do weights or even just at least do push ups with my bad wrist. But my left foot kinda feels okay now so I think I might be able to run a modest 6km at 6-7kph tonight. My phone app for tracking my running/biking activities is kinda wonky, telling me i burned more calories biking 11 km at 13kph average than biking 15km at 22 kph average. Or do you really burn more calories on a bike going slow?

                                                                                              @raj how exactly should your foot strike the ground to minimize injury? I haven't really paid attention to this until it occurred to me this is actually important.

                                                                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                                2-3h walks aren't exactly what I look for. Time is a big constraint for me. How else am I going to queue dotka at night? And besides, i dont have a gf right now FeelsBadMan nor does my dog like having a leash on him, he would go nuts over any attempt on putting anything round his neck

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  Put something rectangle on his neck, like those weird 18th century contraptions

                                                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                    Swimming, walking, hiking are the best.

                                                                                                    Running is lame, and boring and tiring.

                                                                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                                      Swimming: our pools here are shit
                                                                                                      Walking: not unless it burns 1000 kcal in an hour
                                                                                                      Hiking: where? Im in a city