General Discussion

General Discussion(Guide)How to climb mmr as a support? Especially on lower mmr

(Guide)How to climb mmr as a support? Especially on lower mmr in General Discussion

    When I get back to playing I'd make an experiment on how to climb mrr as a support I'd make some challenges like every hero support that means even a juggernaut can be a support hero I did it a couple of times during my climb where I'm at now since 5 man carry is almost every game in lower bracket so even if you've first pick a core with team picking all core so why not transition to be a support (sounds stupid but it would work)
    (Edited the title since people are lazy to read what's on it)
    tldr - climbing mmr as a support even if you're a carry

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      Something like this 👉 and
      Team wanted to play cores so roaming support pa it is
      (Avg. mmr 3800 and 2500)

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        nice item in pa so clever


          but u got 230 farms its hard to farm like that as supporter


            I'm not your average player My good point on playing is my flash farming and it doesn't mean you're support you can't farm

            Ramtin H

              Dude If u really want to improve there are 3 suports who can even make dog shit core players win u the game
              3-mekans necro
              just u need to do ur best and dont be a retard like dont leach xp from carry
              always pull and stack for him
              if u have a good disable get a smoke and go kill mid it will be so ez cuase mid players in low mmr just dont know wtf gankers and roamers are
              and then they start crying for wards and blame their team that will make u win easier cuase if u kill this guy he would be triggered and will lose his focus on game so Ez Mid=EZ MMR

              GRANT MACDONALD


                Doesnt need buckets of farm early to be impactful- just land arrows on heros and hit big creeps while you are roaming around.

                She also transitions well into a late game core


                  Hes not asking how dumbasses. hes telling you whining babies that even with PA, CK, juggernaut you can climb ranks support if youll just stop crying and even after you have picked a carry switch roles.


                    Ramtin you don't always stack and pull and even low mmr have players who knows a bit of ganking


                      Aids I'm a mirana player knows how to use arrow did even land some skill shots but arrows that can win games I would make some tip of how to land those

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                        those people are the kinds of cores that i have that they think they'll do better than me if they're the one supporting smh


                          I'm a dogshit support and I can still win games haHAA
                          I manipulate my trash cores into thinking they're good while playing like one to some extend haHAA


                            pick warlock

                            Savvy Cat

                              This makes me want to pick a zoning support TA with Solar Crest and Drum. Pray for my team.

                              casual gamer

                                a lot of heroes are fun supports when you deposit 5000 gold of support items in their inventories


                                  pick venge


                                    I'm pretty sure that I'm not asking for help but I'll be giving tips on how or what to support since theres really a lot of players who pick support but doesn't really support just buying wards careleslly and just courier that makes me cringe