General Discussion

General DiscussionTO ALL YOU 1K HATERS

TO ALL YOU 1K HATERS in General Discussion

    Look at my last games and say 1k players don't know how to carry


      lol loses next game




          Sniper win rate: 48%
          Ursa win rate: 42%
          MMR: 1k

          Delete dota


            ^^that was when I was still learning dota I hardly play those heroes anymore

            Play for Fun


              Giff me Wingman

                1 K P L A Y E R S D O N ' T K N O W H O W T O C A R R Y


                  1k players can absolutely carry 1k games vs 1k enemies

                  anyway don't care much about mmr and just have fun


                    everything below 700 gpm avg is unacceptable

                    Овај коментар је измењен
                    casual gamer

                      paralytic cage fighting

                      Président® Salted Butter

                        K then, moving on


                          Thanks for the reply m8

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            ja man wp. one advice i can give you is to not be too unhappy about teammates. 1ks are just here to have fun even if they type random shite in chat, they do so because to their limited self they seem to be doing everything right. So, can't really blame self confidence however misguided it may be. No one who is even slightly willing to learn dota will stay a 1k. It's practically impossible. Good luck!

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Player 153433446

                              ^^ had 688 gpm in ur last am game


                                1k players don't know how to carry


                                  Psst i tell you a secret
                                  U suck


                                    I shitstomp people in 1k with carry i must be good at it 🤔

                                    Ramtin H

                                      1 day I had a game vs my 500 mmr and 1.2 k mmr friends and it was funny cuase i was mid 1 vs 1 agaist the 1.2 k and the 500 mmr was in a empty lane but the only obvious thing is that they can not last hit the creeps dude u can just win many game by just farming
                                      Go see baumi shitcast videos
                                      1 k mmr players has 30 lh in 15min
                                      Dude for example if I have 160 lh
                                      I have 130×42 gold advantage agaist them
                                      So My advice to you is to first pick 1 carry hero and just play with him (Cookie idea really works) and most important try to get every last hit and also ur jungle should always be nearly empty cuase its just money that are going to be wasted
                                      So Good Luck and Hope u become at least 2k mmr (1kmmr is really bad dude!)


                                        People should stop prioritizing farming super efficiently too much


                                          wtf is this shitt


                                            brown boots into 16min bf lmao


                                              u n a c c e p t a b l e


                                                >Well played!

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  I'm a bad player and I say you're shit




                                                      Don't let the haters get you down bruh. Keep up the 1k dream


                                                        There are 1k haters?

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          I was 1k 3 years ago.

                                                          Check me out now.

                                                          You have a lonnnnggggg wayy to go, bubba.

                                                          Just don't give up. Learn, learn, learn. You never stop practicing and learning Dota, especially since the times change the pace of the game.


                                                            look at my win streaks

                                                            yung griphook

                                                              without looking at your profile, its not how well you carry for one game. It's how well you can consistently play well and carry over a long stretch of games.

                                                              Don't worry about it though, just keep at it. I was maybe 1100 when I calibrated and am at almost 3300 now and climbing. Just gotta believe in yourself and make a lot of effort to learn outside of just playing


                                                                I some how had a 500 solo mmr in my game.
                                                                (I am 2.8 solo)
                                                                It was the easiest thing to see who was the low skill player.
                                                                Player had no clue how to last hit, no game sense.
                                                                It is extremely easy to carry in sub1k, just keep carrying and you'll get out of there

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                         this storm solo mmr is 25,its low prio game, im 2.3 btw
                                                                  Edit:im just an offlaner, im not even tryhard lol,im just roaming around in the first 10 minutes and earn some lh

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                  yung griphook

                                                                    @fakeBSJ It's easy to carry in 1k if you're not a 1k player. Important distinction. If you don't understand why you're 1k or what you're doing wrong it may not be so easy for them

