General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is with the sudden influx of invokers?

What is with the sudden influx of invokers? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    When I started dota there were a handful of invoker pickers, and those that did were truly a treat to behold. Now everyone and their mother is picking the hero like there's no tomorrow. Some of them in 3k even make me sick to the stomach with how they mishandle him. Plus, I was always an Invoker spammer and this reasoning above has led people to ban invoker even in normal All Pick matches. Now, I am forced to learn other heroes, the horror!

    But on topic, why is he SO popular all of a sudden?!


      Why did AM have a nickname of "Anti-fun"? Because once he become farmed up, he will have no problem killing a spellcaster that's been putting him through hell in early game and it sucks a lot to die so fast, right?

      The reason why Invoker is picked a lot is in what I said about AM.

      Овај коментар је измењен
      Palmen aus Plastik

        what......i didn't get it.


          Invoker has always been popular hero as in the right hands he can be very strong and when he snowballs he owns hard.
          The real question is are you raging due to recent games and putting it on invoker :P

          Erase Humanity

            Probably those who pick him have this kinda reasoning that more spells=more powerful. Another reason could be popularity of Miracle. Probably it's prestigious to play such a complex hero too.

            Palmen aus Plastik

              ^^that goes without saying. Saw 2 invokers in my team from my last two games play like a moron. That is what brought about this post. I'm remarking upon the frequency of these picks.

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              Palmen aus Plastik

                thats a fair point. Miracle has increased leaps and bounds in popularity. I remember he only used to play QW before.


                  Invoker have always been in top 3 most popular hero all time


                    @Danger Danger! Playing mages is fun when you see the enemy helplessly running away from whatever a spell you just casted.. (My answer is on the first sentence.) until someone jumped over your head and start bashing your mana out then finish you off with mana void.


                      I'll stick to my puny little warlock FeelsGoodMan

                      Palmen aus Plastik



                          the hero is a popular mid with a super high skill cap.

                          So monkey see monkey do.
                          Pro owns ppl mid as invoker, noob picks invoker " I can own like pro too"

                          Hero has insane amount of damage and CC and a great invoker will steal the game by blowing up everyone and snowballing hard.

                          Playing with a invoker spammer is a treat, playing against one is a freaking annoying. ESp once that 25 talents comes out and you've got like 5 seconds between flying in the air to the Tornado before the next one comes up


                            I blame miracle


                              Hard for heroes to just "bash" voker to death anymore. With Midas + flash farm ability, Voker can get a good time on O-Core and -cd on tornado, making him almost impossible to kill after level 25.


                                I hate invoker pickers in my team and love them in opponent teams. Usually in 3.5k they are useless tards - when I have invoker in my team, I have 45% winrate. When I play against him, it is 58% winrate. And when I get WR mid against him, it is 66%.

                                Usually Invokers dont decide the game in 3.5k games, they get carried with the results of the team - if team is doing good, invokers are doing good. If the team of invoker is doing bad, invoker is not able to do anything with it.

                                I would say half of the invokers are completelly useless and incompetent, another big chunk of them are kind of competent, but will only get carried with a team and only few can dictate the game.

                                And countering voker - if you have wind and invoker doesnt go quick linkens, he will just be feeding the WR. Enough for her, that even on lvl 25 he dies within the single shackle 1x1.


                                  Invoker used to be harder to play before the constant buff he started to recieve after 6.82 Starting from sunstrike piercs spell inmunity to "invoke" level 1, "free invoke" with abilities swaps. the early game is way easier to play now than before.


                                    normal skill invoker spammer complaining about 3k picking invoker... really makes you think...

                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                      think. long and hard on what you said. I am not complaining about Miracle spamming Invoker. I am complaining about people in my bracket spamming invoker and making a fool out of themselves. I'm not judging people beyond my level, I am judging people within my level. Evidently attaining 4k came to you at the cost of half of your brain cells, in consequence of which your reasoning skills mirror that of a 12 year old. Of course, my apologies if you really are 12 years old, then I'm willing to take all of this back.