General Discussion

General DiscussionNyx item build

Nyx item build in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Hey guys ❤

    I love nyx, I think he is a really cool concept of an hero, and really fun to play, I'm all about being as much nuisance to the enemies as possible

    I always building him as a setup hero, with something at the lines of euls-blink-force stuff-aghs

    By I saw 2 days ago secret vs og live, and yapzor built on nyx more of a tanky-utility build, with urn-drums-pipe

    I get the pipes, against luna aghs, but I'll likely to know the reason for the overall build
    Don't get me wrong, yapzor is a nyx god and i am nit doubting his decision, I want to get better, so I want to know the reasoning behind that

    Also usually my pub mates building him pretty much exclusively at the lines of midas-dagon 5-eblade-lens
    Again, what is the reasoning if that really nuking-based build?

    Like I get it it good to pick on lone heroes, especially when you sonowball, but is there a reason to that nyx always build it?
    I think I miss something about how the hero work

    So how to usually adapt the build? I really want to get better with nyx, and I think I miss something about him

    Thank you all, and sorry for my terrible grammar


      Pretty much dont build dagon unless you need to solo pickoff someone which is 0.01%.


        Because yapzor is playing pos 4 not pos 3

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          Well I am as well Ken

          Or 5 if the other support refused to buy wards (or if there isn't another support being picked and instead we haven't a jungler, which is usually what happens, I like picking nyx right away)


            I dont really play nyx but I remember reading before somewhere that you go for the damage when you are mid and if you are offlane you go for blink aghs lens... pos 4 you build utility items like force pipe euls maybe even lotus orb


              nyx arcane midas used to be a thing hovever dagger/force into scepter/lotus is focking good

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Ok, and what about the dagon 5 right after midas, that I see quiet often?


                  See my Nyx build.

                  Riguma Borusu



                      Hitter build, a new meta bruh? ^

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        no its stupid dont do it I was joking

                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                            get Midas if you think the game will go late , usually arcana boots into blink then eul/force staff if needed then agha , if you get moe money just try getting luxuries (sheep stick , shivas , linken , lotus , ethereal)

                            dagon is bad , like really bad unless you are ultra late game tiring to do EG dagon strat to nuke their cores

                            Kenny Dope

                              I am Nyx player also! 2nd most played hero for me. Most of the time i play in the offlane, my core build is arcane into aether, force/dagger, aghanim scepter. Aghanim is too good on this hero, probably top 5 or 10 aghanim upgrades in the game

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                Personally I have to disagree, as the aghs upgrade alone, that's by par one of the best aghs, at the line of Hunter of the night and spirit form aghs

                                The problem that alone that isn't enough, it's good to assert some fear in the enemies, defending high ground or taking tone of map controls, and regening in fights
                                But aloje that simply doesn't gice enough to the overall game, I would orefer having euls and arcane alone rather than aghs and arcana alone

                                Because something like blink and euls alows you to get your stun much more reliabily, which is amazing when grouping up in smoke gank and such

                                So as per aghs its go, it a Candidate for the best aghs in the game, as an item for the hero, I feel like it has no place to rush, a great third-fourth pick usually, imo

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                                  Echo dezo nyx,nice meme
                                  I agree his agh is super good


                                    how is this even a question??

                                    blink euls force staff aghs hex eblade lotus aetherlens.... all good items whatever u need at the moment.

                                    urn-drums good too ofc.

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      So when should we build helm of the dominator? i saw mind control build domi against og, but what's the purpose of this?


                                        The reason Yapzor made that build is because he's a support and can make those items from small cheaper ones that can be collected over time, thus not making you save for a long time and farm away from fights... Also urn is good to cancel blinks, against MK and TA etc...

                                        Your build is good as position 3 Nyx, though I think lotus orb is a must almost every game if you're going to use euls for the setup, and you really don't want to be silenced while under Aghs burrow...

                                        No one should build Eblade, Dagon, unless you're mid Nyx which just isn't viable...

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                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Damn... all... these... cliffhangers... makes... my... balls... itchy... for... the... ending...



                                            주 롄양

                                              40 agi


                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                So wait, if dagon is really that horrible why that the most common build i see? Probably it isn't that bad :/ maybe likely a cookie cutter that usually isn't the best choice? I guess dagon is pretty good in term of reliable burst that you can scale with (upgrade it gradually as the game continues)

                                                Also the 40 agi are good with eblade no? And also that's like almost 6 armor, that's not a bad talent


                                                  @Manslaughter - lmfao...