General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA Server is The Worst Server in The Entire World. Period.

SEA Server is The Worst Server in The Entire World. Period. in General Discussion
☩ Vinblastine ☩

    You must be thinking its just a regular whining from a 4k scrub, but man idk if you'll believe me or no, it's a fact that SEA server is full of ignorant bunch of kids and toxic egoisitic mythical creature.
    LC refused to go offlane which hinders the team a lot and the game became full of blaming and feeding
    Did my best with 4 feeders and flamers in team, dual offlane Axe-Silencer who fed 21 kills in a lane vs Spec, instead of reflecting on their own actions they said I'm losing the mid lane (WTF?)
    Feeders, flamers, a Rubick who pools himself full set of tangoes and 2 wards, he didn't give me any items which resulting in me playing with 0 regen in a lane vs Injoker
    Typical lead throw, didn't want to wait Rosh > went to siege HG > died. Didn't wait for buyback cooldown > went to clash > died > lost the game.
    Also typical lead throw.

    There's a lot more of horrible matches which you all can probably check yourself in my matches section.

    More importantly, the WORST part of SEA server is ppl don't bother to communicate with others. I had a game when I said in a perfectly POLITE way to smoke gank and Rosh, and my teammates flamed me like "F*** you, you're not the captain. Pu***" then they went HG and feed and it costs us the game.


    For you guys who play in NA/EU servers, who says "omg you dunno how bad Peru****s is" "omg my team is full of cyka blyat" :

    You definitely don't know the terror here in SEA server, you won't get anything more dissatisfying then a "putang ina mo bobo ka" spammed in chat. "Ako MID" then proceed to feed.
    Ppl insulting everyone, so many nicknames for ppl from other countries such as Indog (Indonesian), Peenoise/Pignoys (Phil), Malayshit (Malay).

    Therefore, you guys from CN/EU/NA should be grateful for being able to play the game you love in a decent server full of decent ppl with decent mind and mentality.


    Don't think you'll ever get any pauses when there's ppl dc here. All of these kids will try to unpause everytime they can. Goodluck.

    disgusting weebs

      rated k or smth
      cba to google the pic sry

      ☩ Vinblastine ☩

        Pardon, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

        disgusting weebs

          u dont have to


            ppl talking like this hsit doesnt happen on other servers must be severely retarded

            those ppl are only bad, they arent even intentionalyl ruining, therefore i shall make your post a meme

            You must be thinking its just a regular whining from a 4k scrub, but man idk if you'll believe me or no, it's a fact that SEA server is full of ignorant bunch of kids and toxic egoisitic mythical creature.
            LC refused to go offlane which hinders the team a lot and the game became full of blaming and feeding
            Did my best with 4 feeders and flamers in team, dual offlane Axe-Silencer who fed 21 kills in a lane vs Spec, instead of reflecting on their own actions they said I'm losing the mid lane (WTF?)
            Feeders, flamers, a Rubick who pools himself full set of tangoes and 2 wards, he didn't give me any items which resulting in me playing with 0 regen in a lane vs Injoker
            Typical lead throw, didn't want to wait Rosh > went to siege HG > died. Didn't wait for buyback cooldown > went to clash > died > lost the game.
            Also typical lead throw.
            There's a lot more of horrible matches which you all can probably check yourself in my matches section.
            More importantly, the WORST part of SEA server is ppl don't bother to communicate with others. I had a game when I said in a perfectly POLITE way to smoke gank and Rosh, and my teammates flamed me like "F*** you, you're not the captain. Pu***" then they went HG and feed and it costs us the game.
            For you guys who play in NA/EU servers, who says "omg you dunno how bad Peru****s is" "omg my team is full of cyka blyat" :
            You definitely don't know the terror here in SEA server, you won't get anything more dissatisfying then a "putang ina mo bobo ka" spammed in chat. "Ako MID" then proceed to feed.
            Ppl insulting everyone, so many nicknames for ppl from other countries such as Indog (Indonesian), Peenoise/Pignoys (Phil), Malayshit (Malay).
            Therefore, you guys from CN/EU/NA should be grateful for being able to play the game you love in a decent server full of decent ppl with decent mind and mentality.
            Don't think you'll ever get any pauses when there's ppl dc here. All of these kids will try to unpause everytime they can. Goodluck.


              why did OP censor peruvians? XD


              disgusting weebs

                rofl i didnt even notice
                he propbably wanted to say perushits
                but shit is a bad word!
                so is fuck so he starred them out
                yet cyka and bkyat are uncencored :thinking:

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    Ayup, period.


                      Isnt this a typical 4k whining tho?.....+^isnt this a scam tho?


                        Still wondering how do u manage to feed with an axe silencer dual lane against spectre

                        Giff me Wingman

                          You must be thinking its just a regular whining from a 4k scrub



                            ye perushits sure is insulting af imagine i said something like russian sh**s or anything like that jesus

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              Wait lemme just get my rating

                              Président® Salted Butter

                                Here it is


                                  You must be thinking its just a regular whining from a 4k scrub



                                    Not a 4k whining, but complaining about teammates :thinking:

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy


                                        Lol so much id*ots in the comment section.
                                        "Every server has people like this."
                                        Sure, but the amount of that sort of people in SEA server is INCREDIBLY FU**ING HIGH.
                                        You can get teammates like that 8 out of ur 10 matches.

                                        OP's in the right tho. I'm playing on SEA myself so I can tell.
                                        You all who just bashing him don't know sh*t. Enjoy your life in Eu NA servers Bros. You must be lucky to never play in SEA server.


                                          From me :



                                          SEA server is sh*t

                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                            YOU PUT THE CRY IN CRYSTAL MAIDEN

                                            Oh wait you don't even play support lul
                                            You're just one of those pos 1/2 only a-holes who think everything around them is horribly wrong, besides them of course because you SURE AS HELL did the absolute best that is humanely possible. But no. Any 9k would be able to carry those games, ez.

                                            Also according to your dotabuff you have only played in SEA, so how the fuck do you know that sea is indeed worse than NA/EU, hmm? HMMM? Next time, try knowing your shit before talking your shit, and so that you can actually be progressive try watching your own replays and see what you can do better instead of just going like "OH NO, MY TEAM IS HOLDING ME BACK ASDASDASDA", fucking, I don't know, ACTUALLY TRY TO IMPROVE?

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              *pos 5 takes one creep from pos 5 at minute 3 :
                                              "You do it again , i am going to throw"

                                              Team with AM : "GG no one help clash at mid " dive mid at sb to 4 heroes at minute 15

                                              *i said jungle early is nerfed : "JUNGLE EARLY IS BUFFED U IDIOT , I WILL JUNGLE"

                                              dayum , YES I AM LETTING OUT MY ANGER MUAHAHAHAHAHA


                                                but... this is kinda the typical 4k whining. lol


                                                  Have you experienced playing in every server in order to make this claim?


                                                    Lol so much id*ots in the comment section.
                                                    "Every server has people like this."
                                                    Sure, but the amount of that sort of people in SEA server is INCREDIBLY FU**ING HIGH.
                                                    You can get teammates like that 8 out of ur 10 matches.
                                                    OP's in the right tho. I'm playing on SEA myself so I can tell.
                                                    You all who just bashing him don't know sh*t. Enjoy your life in Eu NA servers Bros. You must be lucky to never play in SEA server.

                                                    ive played on both servers and I can say the experience is roughly the same
                                                    retards r everywhere
                                                    stop ur mo.ngoloid bitching u fucking dumbass


                                                      Sure, but the amount of that sort of people in SEA server is INCREDIBLY FU**ING HIGH.
                                                      You can get teammates like that 8 out of ur 10 matches.

                                                      Region Matches Win Rate
                                                      SE Asia 468
                                                      South Korea 1


                                                        oh look. OP has only ever played in SEA.

                                                        and here he is comparing servers.


                                                          from my experience people who complain "SEA CANCER SERVER" are actually the most toxic players

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            from my experience people who complain "SEA CANCER SERVER" are actually the most toxic players


                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              HANNA  E

                                                                Complaining about SEA server? U must the most retard player of every SEA games u played. Be nice to your team mates. So they won't flame u haha

                                                                Magic Wand

                                                                  Sigh. Choose matchmaking language to chinese. Gives little changes. U cant change how humans think thats why there is mute button. And one more thing. The enemy is the same its just they are winning so u see them in bright light. If u lose dont play mmr. U just get more tilted in rage. than playing with peace of mind. Sea server is crap because u are not used to playing mute with it. 4k or 5k or 7k when u see ccnc not being able to take mid its the same. Words can be demeaning though.


                                                                    no sympathy here.

                                                                    Lets look shall we:

                                                                    Game where rubick didn't give you two tangos... GEE I WONDER WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE ????. perhaps buy your own freaking tangos?

                                                                    WOAH what a great idea eh.

                                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                      trust is a brautiful thing:
                                                                      from my experience people who complain "SEA CANCER SERVER" are actually the most toxic players

                                                                      True. Complainer players are very annoying to play with. They're also the one who type gg in every loss team fight.


                                                                        Uh? I have a friend who plays at eu and sea he also said the toxicity level is different but the play style is just a bit the same 2k player in eu and sea are the same but the toxicity level is different actually I have a friend who's a legit 4.8k player yet he barely knew about meta and mechanics he's better than me on decision making and farming pattern but when we played a 5 man captains mode he was the highest mmr of us so he thinks he's good so he's the one banning and picking our hero but I nearly died when he instructed us to get mek and greaves at the same time with so weird line up no cc nor dispells so we lose a stomp


                                                                          Thought eu was the worst.
                                                                          That's what so many players boost on, sea is cancer, but ue server players don't know dota in general


                                                                            I got to 4k and got back to 3k so I whine a lot in here because I think I'm too good to be in my bracket since I can play well against low 5k but even if I play well with 5k I can't easily win my 3k game so I'm convinced that I'm still not good enough (tip: play nicely get along with stupid team unless youre the stupid in the team) Improve yourself mate youre actually a 4k whiner


                                                                              I'm lower rank than you are but I can point out mistakes
                                                                              Game 1: You don't need euls you're probably an injoker
                                                                              Game 2: QoP is a bad pick or you could just buy bkb instead of linkin
                                                                              Game 3: Who the fuck buys echo saber on PA?!
                                                                              Game 4: Is euls your fave item?? An atos or viel is good on that game
                                                                              Game 5: Bkb is better than linkin in that game also hex I can't find any reason buying oc aside from spell life steal and cd reduction with few hp and mana you could've bought dps items


                                                                                well i agreed with you @Vinblastine im a filipino but im playing at japan server .sea server have uncurable cancer .haha typical 3.5k scrub 2 supports me 5 posistion then rubick for 4th pos .then this lc went to jungle .and expect 2 supports in 1 lane or 1 support goes solo .what a brain .how we can roam mid if 1 is solo nor 2 sups in 1 lane .

                                                                                sea cancer pick
                                                                                1st pick feeder mid
                                                                                2nd pick jungle lord(whole game and blamer)
                                                                                3rd pick feeder hard carry
                                                                                4th pick another hard carry feeder
                                                                                5th pick they asked u to support .then pick hard support
                                                                                when support doing a good job and win a team fight .team will go back to jungle and farm again until enemy respawn .
                                                                                when team lossing blaming support who didnt buy wards gem dust or wat so ever support item .but when you checked it after the match supports bought 20+ wards 15+sentry ,and this cancer didnt even appreciate it swear you a words .and even reporting supports .thats why everytime i play .im always saying to my team dont blame .play smart .:)


                                                                                  I played a lot in SEA but also in Russia and EU west (check my stats if u want) I am just a 1k scrub but in my opinion SEA is even better sometimes cuz ppl speak english (when i ask them to unlike the russian) and everyone respect me for maining support and i actually won quite a bit of games. I think that OP is just those mid or feed player who blame whole team

                                                                                  all role player

                                                                                    well this game basically 1vs5 game, if u cant win because bad teammates u deserve it. dont blame teammates. focus how to improve yourself and win 1vs9 everymatch


                                                                                      Op u have 50+ wr ! It means u are gaining mmr .

                                                                                      ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                                                                                        @sadking it's not a typical 4k whining but a 4k whining stated with facts and proofs and argument
                                                                                        I don't know, that Axe keep fighting with Silencer and both of them fail and feed lol

                                                                                        @Road to Crippling Depression ur MMR is 1064, all of ur games are normal skill, in ur current rank ofc every server have ppl like this ROFL. But they're not toxic, they're just bad. SEA players ARE toxic.

                                                                                        @Arimathea u got my point. I feel u.

                                                                                        @closing a goddamn door, so what if i'm playing core? what actually matters is i'm playing it right. And you're totally spouting nonsense here. Ur argument is invalid. "Any 9k would be able to carry those games, ez."
                                                                                        Yeah sure, u think I'm 9k? Ofc if u put Miracle he can win it but what about every other 4,5k player? It sure feels like hell. So what you're trying to say is git gud until ur actual skill is 9k then I can win those toxic games? What if my actual skill is only 5k? That means what I should be getting is 5k MMR not 4,2-4,4 but I won't be able to reach it bcs of this teammates.
                                                                                        Yes I'm playing only in SEA, but dude there's a technology called STREAMING. I watch NA/EU ppl streaming on twitch regularly. I can see that their level of toxicity doesn't even come close to SEA level. Actually trying to improve, yeah, isnt reaching mid 4k with only <500 matched played in Dota 2 called fast improvement tho? Former HoN player here.

                                                                                        @iPlay4Fun ur examples there are from your everyday's game?

                                                                                        @Jacked its not typical, the typical ones are whining about shit and stating nothing

                                                                                        @Road to Crippling Depression, again, ur MMR is 1000. 1k. Do u expect to have good teammates even if you're playing on NA/EU? ROFL.

                                                                                        @Shanks do you even read it properly bro?

                                                                                        @No worries thanks for the advice. Ur comment clearly is one of the best here. Yeah I admit it's so hard to keep it PMA, but I guess I'll mute my teammates. Btw can we still see the chat wheel from our team if we mute them?

                                                                                        @A BSJ in Training, yeaah but them being BAD is actually better than SEA player being TOXIC tho imo.

                                                                                        Game 1 : yeah I just thought i don't need BoT coz our team can't push at all anyway, we're losing so hard since early game. But in this one I agree with u.
                                                                                        Game 2 : dude, I pick 1st. If i pick LAST i probably would end up playing support CM bcs every early pickers would pick core.
                                                                                        Game 3 : i get that early bcs I'm against Axe. AXE. I need stats/HP. The ogre club is nice. Pls check the match up before considering to pick item, not only what hero u're playing.
                                                                                        Game 4 : u know kunkka right? Again. Pls check the MATCHUP. What's Veil gonna do if I'm getting x marked?
                                                                                        Game 5 : No, linken is better. I'm getting bursted by the physical core there. Also enigma's ult pierce BKB. But I agree with you in hex being better than octarine in that game.

                                                                                        @Maiden ofc Russians don't speak English at their server dude xD. Maybe if you only compare SEA to the EUW, you'll see that EUW is far better. Also in ur bracket ur teammates are bad, not toxic.

                                                                                        @as the moon, I am gaining MMR. But I want a good gameplay experience. I won't be a proffesional player tho, so I don't need those 10000 alien MMR. I only wanted to play peacefully and fun everytime I'm playing this great game.


                                                                                          Poor Nash




                                                                                              if i got you as a teammate op i would probably make a post also on how bad you are xD


                                                                                                wow a fist pick mid player I first pick CM tho doesn't matter I win games try adjusting yourself for the team stop whining please
                                                                                                Dem there's much better and cheaper item than echo saber you could've gotten halberd tho it's not cheaper it helps you against dr
                                                                                                Then why not buy bkb instead since they have plenty of burst spell??
                                                                                                how can a mere linkin tank those physical hits???


                                                                                                  learn to 1v9


                                                                                                    lol talk to them nicely, if not, this is full proof shit if you are getting flamed early or getting ignored, when im in midlane, try and successfully ganked their lane, at 1st "well played", they will start to soften up to you, succeeding ganks and are succesful, they will listen and come with you. giving you more chances at winning

                                                                                                    ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                                                                                                      @Shinobu sure coz ur 5k and I'm 4k, if I'm playing with u ofc u'll complain bcs our skill and understanding is different. But imagine if a 5k MMR playing with you and he's playing so badly he doesn't deserve that MMR, that's what I'm experiencing in this SEA ~4k brackets. Also I guess u're missing my point a little bit. I was stating a lot about how TOXIC these players are, not how BAD these players are.

                                                                                                      @Nikki there's so much better and cheaper item than Echo for extra stats against Axe? Only Sange and vanguard lol. If u pay attention correctly I got Abbysal which means I bought vanguard also. Echo Sabre also boost my chance to crit, Sange doesnt'. U could argue that Sange can be upgraded to SnY but that means ur argument about better and cheaper than Echo is invalid.
                                                                                                      Uhm, can you see my K/D/A count? 13/5/14? I don't even die that easily to burst spell. In fact, there's NO OTHER burst spells there except invoker, which I crushed so hard in early laning stage. Tell me what is BKB gonna do against SD's ult, Spectre, Enigma's ult, Sniper? Nothing.
                                                                                                      And, about the "how can a mere linken tank those physical hits" question. Dude, Linken gives +15 all stats, meaning 300 HP. BKB gives 10 strength, meaning 200 HP. How do you even think BKB makes me tankier to physical hits than Linken dude??? Also I'm planning on getting shivas but the game ended alrdy.
                                                                                                      Please state ur argument with better understanding of the situation and condition.

                                                                                                      @Pastor, uhm ur 2k. If u can 1v9 and it works u'll be 9k just like Miracle. Don't ask for the impossible.

                                                                                                      @Thor~ nice advice tho. I usually talks to them nicely. But sometimes I can tilt a lot if I'm telling them repeatedly in a nice way but they respond with a typical toxic chats .


                                                                                                        echo boosts your chance to crit?

                                                                                                        i can never understand Pa players who buy echo.