General Discussion

General DiscussionCK WITHOUT MANTA.

CK WITHOUT MANTA. in General Discussion

    Think it's meta now, any explain? It gives a lot benefit, such as, armor, ms, high stats, dispel


      Because if you pick CK the enemy team would find a way to clear your illusions anyway


        Just checked the db guide section of the hero, gotta say it's quite nice as 3rd or 4th item, just think about when is the optimal time to get it man


          He doesn't flash farm or get a radiance so his illusions are pretty meh compared to those from phantasm especially with how illusions s have been nerfed over a few patches.

          Still has its place but not core

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            If Manta just make sure there's an Arcane Boots user in your team because Echo Sabre or Drums alone is never enough.


              halberd is the new manta on him

              also for a while now people had to get silver edge as the item for stats thanks to the bristleback-infestation

              the halberd thing started when the item got buffed significantly and sven got popular


                the no bonus damage on rift and minus armour on crit hurt him imo

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Wut, that was actually the best buff CK got, because no one relies on a 15% proc in fight for armor reduction, and the lifesteal gives him sustain, you just hit creeps until you get a proc. It was a beautiful buff for him overall. And Rift scales better than way, your illus get to hit him naked from the instant you rift instead of having a proc later. IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL BUFF NO DOUBT.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    The patches recently are to neutralise CK into a more active hero rather than relying on his Phantasm to crush fights and towers.
                    Because people can't handle the sudden power spike when an R button is hit
                    The 60% extra damage fucked him up, but they compensate that with minor buffs all around.
                    So Manta becomes much viable since he's gonna rift people more often now.

                    I don't like fast Halberd on him though, probably get it like a bonus after completing core items.

                    It's surprising for me that just a few minor buffs like 2 base STR, -0.1 rift cast time and 10% more random lifesteal just raise his winrate by 2%