General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing to 5k is extremely difficult

Climbing to 5k is extremely difficult in General Discussion

    as support IN SEA, here i thought that i could get to 5k this month so i used all 3 double down tokens this week and lost, its like no matter how much i gank, i ward or try not to die, stack for cores, countergank etc, i still lose. can someone check my recent games and see what i have been doing wrong?


      i basically skipped the 4k bracket how easy it is, there's a magic trick that 99% of the player base is either too lazy or retarded to do:

      analyze replays

      white boy summer

        why the fuck do u play support in the first place. it's like trusting a stranger with your money... you can win early game for them but hg push relies on your carry/mid


          just like this match, i was earth spirit and had the least deaths but most kill participation in my team with 20+ assists, im not saying that i blame my teammates but still this sven item build order...

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            Pretty sure there's a huge difference between your average 4k support and high mmr ones


              Jo got to 6k in SEA by supporting btw
              Maybe you can ask him some stuff

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                Supporting feels


                  oh man when you hear ppl saying how bad is SEA, like it's the worst shit ever, what a fucking stupid excuse for being bad honestly. Pretty sure every region has retarded players and dumb, toxic games too you know.


                    climbing for me wasnt really that hard from 3,8k to 5,5k
                    i realised that my game sense was far superior from everyone in 3-4k bracket and didnt even have to improve it until 5,5k, just had to put more confidence into my thoughts and execute what i think i needed to do instead of being insecure about it

                    when i started doing that and added some mechanical routines i already was a 5k player, just had to grind it out

                    sometimes you just need to make small changes in order to improve your mmr

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                    BSJ. LGD

                      daily reminder i first picked randomed to 5k in SEA


                        "KYS U SUCK AT LIFE"

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                        BSJ. LGD

                          Try playing as a team. if you want to play like a core as a support do it properly and not half-ass it i.e play like sumail.
                          also get force staff over dagger on es, you already have a long ranged initiation. Avoid getting reported too to stay out of the hidden pool.

                          Potato Marshal

                            It's pointless, you'll still get matches where cores will chase the enemy all the way to their shrines or people who think they can wipe out the enemy team solo all because they have a bkb.


                              I'm not even mad anymore when I lose games improve coordination mate you need it if you're a support


                                specifically a roaming support like earth spirit, kunkka, ns, slard etc., is it really natural for a roamer to have 5-6-20 KDA while your carry has 4-12-3 KDA andthe same level as you even though he takes all the stacks?


                                  @glassy sky yeah i only get blink on solo ranked but in battle cup games i get force staff and have 100% win rate excluding tier 7 battle cup games, but WHEN is choosing blink over force staff viable?

                                  I love Hina more than you

                                    I reached 5k with suppot picks only in au server. My core ia always 4.1-4.3k retarded shits were usual. Few things u have to do are never make invis issue during the game, save your core with any costs even u r die and do deward. Killing is part of wining procedure but if ur core is dead, you cant take any objects and eventually it will down ur team. The worth of life is ur die will decrease 1percent wining rate but 1 death from core is 5percent.


                                      But my cores are usually in a bad position, and dies a lot usually when my tp is on cd or i have no mana, and sometimes my support partner tilts and afk farms in our jungle, and mutes everyone.


                                        Sea is pretty bad, so is eu.
                                        Both are used to boost accounts hard because players their are terrible


                                          u cant get to 5k cz u have strictly 50% winrate at 4k which is ur actual "real" rating


                                            I played a game on SEA and my 8.4k picked shadow shaman, apparently he picks 4 pos in ranked? Idk I know a 6.8k player who plays SEA and picks pos 5 with 120 ping so I'm sure it's possible if you spam meta picks.


                                              so is shaman good in pubs now?


                                                Shaman >:£

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  u cant get to 5k cz u have strictly 50% winrate at 4k which is ur actual "real" rating

                                                  actually its because his team sucks in SEA server. check your fucking privilege

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    I like shaman even though I suck at him. He's way too slow and his cast ranges are abysmal. You really have to be smart about your smokes and positioning, especially before your dagger. His higher level talents are amazing though.


                                                      you need to play like a 5k support player. 5 k support players get cores like that all the time but it dont bother them with dem 5k support plays.


                                                        Never got why people say...4k teams suck...My teamates always feed. could have those players as same as your enemies.
                                                        You win because the enemy offlaner feed or wa..eva, not your skill. You belong in 4k.
                                                        You think 9k players are their cause of luck?!
                                                        Fuckking unrealistic unproffesional delusional cunnts.
                                                        I am a 3k whorre...i belong there...i dont complain, i try to improve

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                                                          soon ez 5k


                                                            wau party mmr !!


                                                              WAAUUUW DOOOD!!! how's ur mmr assassination going??? pretty sure nobody who's not degenerate doesn't play solo there, I don' think it's fun getting 3-4k players in your team and having games that are either +40 mmr or -40 mmr, after some point it's just fucking broken, everyone who's in this leaderboard list is playing party tbh.


                                                                games arent +40-40, even if u are 6k, and no not everybody is playing party on the leaderboard


                                                                  90% of them are


                                                                    @time ok i will try my best and try to gain as much mmr as i can before classes start then im going to post again when i reach 5k so i can prove to you that it is possible.

                                                                    all role player

                                                                      bounty hunter ! if u can track + kill 10+ hero.. the game is over


                                                                        Some 7k says That if u play cm/SB/warlock u Will have positive result

                                                                        Story Time

                                                                          looks like raptured is back to this forum :)


                                                                            He never left
                                                                            He's always in my heart <3



                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  but he was not boastig about his mmr for a while... i got worried that something went wrong :)


                                                                                    seems normal to me

                                                                                    No different then NA pub


                                                                                      @shinobu that aint a 4k sea game, that is a 5k average mmr match.