General Discussion

General Discussion5 carries draft

5 carries draft in General Discussion

    Dire team :

    Sven + Viper + Jugg + Razor + Bloodseeker.

    Can this draft be more retarded ?

    How on earth can you pick 5 carries and think it could work? Do you still see this on 3k and >3K ?

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      Yes it happens too in 4k, less frequent in 5k average matches

      Dire Wolf

        5 carries is honestly a shit ton better than 1-2 cores and 3-4 supports with the way every game goes late and carries scale. You just need ones who can team fight early and have disables, like wk + sven + dk + 2 more is fine.


          What if the enemy team picks mid-game heroes that will win the game before minute 30?

          ILC - Lethal Ninja

            i see this in 5k too. still have jungle pick and said "i'm not support, i'm sorry" and went to jungle 20-30mins to farm.. i told him, i'm not support too, i'm not sorry. see who being more cancer. if he think his mmr is free, mine is free too.


              It never happens to me tho all of my recent matches have supports in them.

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              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                That doesn't really happen to me, but if it does i pick wards and supporting

                A support magnus is better than no support


                  The real question is why people still encounter this 5 man core line up in 2k17? LUL?


                    The real question is why some of you noobs still lose to this shit


                      all hail lycan , the killer of 5 late game cores line-up


                        Prisoners dilemma


                          5 core > 3 support


                            5 supports > 5 carries

                            Story Time

                              5 core > 3 support

                              real normal skill thinking


                                be the lesser retard, pick less greedy carries early on buy the important support items that could win your lane. atleast you should win your lane. usually a courier and one ward for the mid increases your potential chance to win two lanes.
                                if you manage to snowball through and get pass through mid game smoothly or atleast with two or three heroes snowballing you can own late game since you have 5 cores