General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay, I think I've finally found the right hero to spam to 5k

Okay, I think I've finally found the right hero to spam to 5k in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    Or at the very least climb back to my original 4.5k. My plan didn't go very well with lich, bounty hunter, silencer, jakiro, underlord, shadow shaman, or venge. But now I've got a new favorite hero, warlock. I haven't played him in years since I first started playing the game, but I recently tried him out again and won 6 games in a row with him. I hope this isn't just luck.

    Fatal bonds just wrecks shit with it's high cast range, and 0.2 cast point, so you can almost always cast it, even if you get jumped, and the golems are so good. Just big meaty, fiery flesh fists slapping the shit out of everyone. I think people really underestimate how much damage warlock outputs, his golems essentially have a built in radiance + a pure damage splash attack. I'm still experimenting a bit with item builds and progression, but warlock could finally be the hero to get me out of this 4k hellhole.


      then you will pick something else and drop back to 4k , well played

      Potato Marshal

        Your MMR can't drop if you don't play ranked. :wink:


          You... spammer ... reported


            Whats the point about getting a raw number mmr without getting actually better at the game?


              Whats the point about getting a raw number mmr without getting actually better at the game?

              You realize that your MMR has a direct relationship with your skill?
              A. n. y. w. a. y. s.
              U. r.
              T. o. t. a. l. l. y.
              I. n. t. o.
              S. i. c. k.
              M. e. m. e. s.


                Spamming good heroes doesn't make your MMR higher than it deserves to be. It puts it where you belong. Why? Because all the idiots around you are obviously not good enough to pick it before you, or ban it themselves.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  It's easier to learn by spamming a hero because you get to focus on the big picture instead of switching into different playstyles.


                    MMR isn't necessarily an indication of skill.

                    It's an indication of a person's ability to win. I don't really give much fucks if you have the 'skills' of a 5k or 6k but are stuck in 3k or 4k.


                      > Spamming good heroes doesn't make your MMR higher than it deserves to be
                      it does


                        Fellow Warlock admirer here. The hero isn't nearly as good as he used to be. Ever since ti6 he has only received nerfs. The best 5 heroes for boosting currently are: lich support, spirit breaker as roamer, underlord offlane, zeus/viper/ta mid, safe lane as whatever you're most comfortable with.

                        Edit: I guess I can't argue with your winning streak though. Warlock is and always will be my favorite.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Just checked OP's most played heroes and got cancer


                            That's not cancer, that's being a good person and supporting the team like nobody else does..


                              Spamming heroes with low complexity can make you better??


                                10/10 pic in op


                                  I love the fact warlock rewards feeders since it drops a golem when you die.


                                    :thinking: spamming heroes with high complexity doesn't make you better either


                                      2||4 is this forums latest retard

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Yeah, nevermind. 4 losses in a row, people on 4k SEA are actually too dumb to even pick their lanes properly. They don't mark their lanes, and always assume what everybody elses lanes are. Dumb shit like a Nyx assassin who picked safelane support despite after I picked warlock and venomancer picked saying he was support, forcing our offlane void to be the carry, then followed again by a last pick mid Rubick in the same match.

                                        I literally had a game where a guy picked Slark, then after almost everybody else picked, said that he didn't know how to play Slark and asked to swap. People who random then ask people to swap because they didn't get one of the 10 heroes they actually know how to play. Shit's hopeless unless you're a 6k player, or can carry games yourself.


                                          boy have u tried lion? his disables are just too powerfull that u just need bkb to deal with that linker wont really help or manta


                                            people on 4k SEA are actually too dumb to even pick their lanes properly. They don't mark their lanes, and always assume what everybody elses lanes are. Dumb shit like a Nyx assassin who picked safelane support despite after I picked warlock and venomancer picked saying he was support, forcing our offlane void to be the carry, then followed again by a last pick mid Rubick in the same match.

                                            of course, 4k sea is 3k other server


                                              hey ... what u think of eu


                                                in SEA you'll often hear people saying "put@ng ina niyo, ako mid mga bobo" which basically translates to "you motherfcking retards, let me mid", then some other player picks mid, then blames team for not letting him mid then proceeds to intentionally feed or afk.


                                                  i auctally as a eu player i did play few sea games ( unranked ) and auctally people are really trash like my first match i saw a trash player and this is a very funny story i will tell u he picked earth spirit and he pretents that he randomed and the thing is he wantet to invoker he didnt get it but after that he didnt get his invoker after that all of us just played for fun and we did random shit and ofc we lost the game earth spirit guy added me and we played 2 more games the second one again invoker got picked he got super mad and we lost that one again the third one invoker got banned and again we lost its pretty much hilarious in these sea expiriences because i dont think they can directly toxic the place i think what they are just trash talkers thats all

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    go unfriend that es guy , he seems like an extremey toxic player


                                                      Funny how you all complain about SEA having low skilled people dragging them down while in reality it is much easier to grind mmr around incompetent people than around competent ones


                                                        Funny how you all complain about SEA having low skilled people dragging them down while in reality it is much easier to grind mmr around incompetent people than around competent ones

                                                        its not really about grinding mmr, its MORE fun to play dota when you play with decent players not toxic ones


                                                          if you care about mmr spam visage, earth spirit or riki as a support

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            The problem is that it's not fun, even if I do win. In the last few days I had a guy feed himself and couriers on the enemy team because he said someone took his lane, another win from a guy disconnecting and abandoning, and another from a TA feeding intentionally because his allied Bristleback took the aegis. Good teamfights rarely happen because everything is so unorganized and uncoordinated.


                                                              having fun is better than gaining mmr, isnt the sole purpose of dota is to entertain its players?


                                                                Why did i get very nice teammate in sea every game ? Maybe because i tried to communicate with them ?


                                                                  @ken, at 4k, most people dont listen to others' opinions/suggestions anymore, and the word communicate does not exist in the vocabulary of toxic kids


                                                                    i am 14 im decent at toxic and i dont trash talk


                                                                      This post is funny since OP start losing after that 6win streak :D

                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                        I don't even know what to pick anymore because everybody just started feeding non-stop since the beginning in my last game.


                                                                          im going to post too, i will try to spam earth spirit once again, quite successful before, managed to get my 40% win rate es to >50%


                                                                            so basically no improvement, you just got lucky to win a couple of games in a row, and now that you're losing you're regressing to your previous state.



                                                                              This post is funny since OP start losing after that 6win streak :D

                                                                              what do you expect, he is from SEA. i think i realize the pattern now, gain 200 mmr, lose 300 mmr, then gain back your 300 mmr then lose 400 mmr...
                                                                              @potato marshal, what's your nationality?

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Okay, last try with Warlock, in my defense at least 2 of those recent losses were because of teammates constantly disconnecting and getting killed while afk.

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  From Hong Kong.


                                                                                    n my defense at least 2 of those recent losses were because of teammates constantly disconnecting and getting killed while afk.

                                                                                    why still play ranked when you lost 2 consecutive matches?, i think that hidden pool actually exists, how about try playing unranked after you lose 2 consecutive ranked matches, still a theory though because usually when i lose 2 or more consecutive ranked matches, i get matched with people with "low behavior score"

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      I really wish people would stop spreading rumors about hidden shadow pools.


                                                                                        nice lose streak after your post, hahah

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Maybe I'll try spirit breaker next... and so the quest for an easy mmr hero continues!


                                                                                            nice nice nice, Okay. no need to showup nothing special in here


                                                                                              wow, riki spam...


                                                                                                Inb4 void 🤔

                                                                                                Player 215168758

                                                                                                  remembering back in the time where diffusal blade kills golem :D


                                                                                                    There's no easy MMR hero

                                                                                                    your mmr is your ability to win, getting some trick hero will at best give you 300 mmr then you'll stop being able to go up because you're too terrible to win a match.



                                                                                                      Frank lose streak on Riki now trying Sb and also losing ? Try warlock bro


                                                                                                        No secret to gain mmr , if u're good it will increase automatically, depends u deserve that bracket or not