General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Account Buying

Question about Account Buying in General Discussion

    well i just queued with that guy : , and she was like have no clue what she has to do at lane, so she went jungle and died 3 times in row at same place to pudge. pretty weird and suspicious that he got 5.5k solo 2.8k party, probably boosted.

    i m like : shit happens.
    and also that was international ranked. 4.3k avg.
    international rank is lame dudes.


      you dont need to check the history to know if someone is account buyer.

      account buyer is only an analog to someone who is seriously bad at the game and just not playing up to his skill bracket.

      i meet account buyers every matches.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        I've only met one confirm booster in my Dota life.

        His name was '6K boostor service' and I keep shouting in all chat so eventually 3 enemies mid and he 1V3 and owning


          Hope you're not looking for confirmation that there's a lot of account buyers. This is not the way to do it. Lol

          fear is the mind killer

            I bought a sub 1k account

            Yung Beethoven

              @I got no strings to hold ... : why would you do that? And for how much?