General Discussion

General Discussionrecommend hero for solo pushing 2k-3k mmr

recommend hero for solo pushing 2k-3k mmr in General Discussion
Ja Muran

    maybe someone can recommend me some hero that can hard solo pushing at 2k-3k mmr
    i'm try to spamming np and luna(at my old game) but still can't win game. enemy just got tp then i try pushing but enemy tp again. repeat

    and what item must i build with that hero. especially when i can't farm properly at lane or jungle

    Ова тема је измењена
    rain markcawat

      Pudge & earth spirit

      Ja Muran

        Pudge & earth spirit

        meh :(


          terrorblade, AM


            Ja Muran

              terrorblade, AM

              terrorblade and am is good idea. but the problem is idk how to farm using terrorblade(i got manta and treads at min 20+) especially when my team got disadvantage at early and hard to safe farming

              i need some advice here

              Ja Muran

                my old(and recent)np match

                i got many lose when playing np. i'm tried hard to focus farm and pushing but still be like slow farm and item

                maybe someone can tell me where did i wrong at the game and how to fix it

                *and sorry for my bad english

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  Pick one game that you thing will benefit you the most, analyze it by yourself here, what do you think you've done wrong and what could you've done better.


                    omg analysing your replays is useless unless u r 6-7k urself because u are not competent enough to comprehend anything apart from most obvious mistakes which u surely spotted in game after u fucked up.

                    before that u benefit more from watching, analysing replays of 7k players

                    @OP u shouldnt spam anything at ur lvl cos ur general knowledge about dota is low now u have to play everything just to get better in general. leave spamming for desperate 4ks who spam lich/sb/cm to get 5k some day by heroes playing themselves


                      solo pushers, troll terrorblade, AM, lycan. uh luna can do it but not recommended. not recommended to do it on NP althought he can do it. dog shit hero.


                        troll, tb, beast master, lycan

                        Story Time

                          solo pushing? is that the main goal of your game? Or you also wanna win?

                          Potato Marshal

                            leave spamming for desperate 4ks who spam lich/sb/cm to get 5k some day by heroes playing themselves





                                Clinkz is pretty fun



                                    wtf did i just watch holy shit ^


                                      Chaos knight?


                                        leave spamming for desperate 4ks who spam lich/sb/cm to get 5k some day by heroes playing themselves

                                        Well still much better than extremely desperate 4ks that spam skywrath with scripts to reach 5k solo and 6k party mmr

                                        True North

                                          Lycan enough.

                                          Ja Muran


                                            my new recent games np
                                            solo pushing with np is easy enough if my team can hold the enemy pushing waves. but sometimes my team can't hold it and just going feed (jungle, lane die repeat)and i can't help too much since i'm just have treads, midas, agha and maelstorm at min 20. if i try to help i'm just going die and being food for enemy

                                            really need some advice here :(


                                              stop buying agh

                                              basement :)

                                                Play the heroes with the highest win rate in 2k according to Dotabuff?


                                                  ^zeus? But in opendotA ITS shaman


                                                    If you're good at micro skills, try beast master, he's a power house in early game and if u go for an aura build he can melt structures pretty fast with the team or by himself.
                                                    The +1 boar talent is broke af.


                                                      Get Antimage. In 2-3k games will last at least 45-50 minutes no matter what happens since people have no idea what taking objectives is. So you can pick him to split push pretty fast and you'll also be ready for the late game. I'd suggest Axe too, he's a one man army who doesn't need the help of his team to be efficient. Just get blink and blademail, you can almost get a team-wipe alone and push while you teammates are busy being useless. Worst case scenario you'll be creating a lot of space. Also in that bracket people usually don't know how to deal with him.
                                                      I forgot to mention Arc Warden, for the same reason why I suggested AM. He's item-dependent but since games will always go for the late game you won't have any problem defending if they try to push or split pushing. I'm trash at microing but I like that hero so much that using 2 heroes with a lot of active items seems a lot easier than it actually is. And again, when they'll see your illusion push they're gonna go yolo not realizing how much damage it deals and probably even die to it due to the lack of game sense.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                        Yes, I agree.

                                                        Antimage is a very great choice. A wonder of a hero.

                                                        He's quite independent from his team, can bring significant impact and lane efficiently against any strong offlane.

                                                        Just remember to build more defensive items like Vanguard/Vlads before BF, so you'd be able to zone out the offlaner.

                                                        Try to stay in one lane and never rotate, until BF+Manta @ 30 mins or so (a perfect timing).

                                                        You may also opt for Drums to push even faster.

                                                        Ez +25 for you, thank me later.

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          KOTL is also an amazing hero for some ultimate split-pushing action.

                                                          I'd pick him more, if I were you.


                                                            Silencer carry ? Most of em cant deal with this hero and they dont know how this hero work

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              He asks for a pusher hero and you give him a goddamn silencer as your suggestion

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                Both AM and TB are ok but are quite difficult to master and utilize properly which I doubt you're looking for here




                                                                    If you're bad at farming using tb, consider build tread ->yasha->manta->BoT->multiple javelin (i mean dlance). Javelin(ed : dlance) gives you hp and some damage as agi hero, and certainly much cheaper than normal butterfly+skadi. Take defensive talent for lv 10 and 15 (hp regen and hp pool if i'm not wrong)
                                                                    Start goes to jungle after you got pms+talon+tread (optional, but better)

                                                                    Manta at min 20+ is fine, your enemy is 2k-3k. But try to get them faster.

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                      U know javelin is a 1500 gold item used in mkb right?
                                                                      I wud say tb, but u can do it with most heroes as long as u know when to split push.
                                                                      My tower dmg record is with Lina for example


                                                                        Sorry, meant lance. Never buy mkb so I don't know the existence of javelin

                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          Watch my Lycan game and you will fap on it,got a player only watched few of it and he rise 600mmr (which he only able to do 10% efficiency compare to me)

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            >tells people to watch his game
                                                                            >all games he played are outdated and expired


                                                                              >3k acc buyer
                                                                              >flame other ppl
                                                                              >afk farming to inflate stats
                                                                              >play brainded hero

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                >2 hero pool
                                                                                >afk farms
                                                                                >still gets outfarmed by gankers
                                                                                >replies flames with chatwheel
                                                                                >Must be Ni🅱🅱y