General Discussion

General Discussionphase boots or tranquils?

phase boots or tranquils? in General Discussion

    what boots is the best for a roaming riki? i feel like with tranquils i can just harass the mid lane and maybe the jungler as much as possible without shrining up or going back to base. but i see some high mmr replays they buy phase boots instead. what do u guys think?


      riki has no dmg that early, and it takes a riki at least 30 seconds to heal half his hp with tranqs, if u rlly cared abt that hp and were rich i wud get urn, but only if u can afford it early and snowballing
      otherwise its phase aquila diffusal, maybe boots wraith bandx2 phase aquila if ur behind


        brown boots is fine lel


          why not both ?




              Phase when ure ahead , tranquil almost always

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I lose a lot of HP easily playing Riki ganked or ganking but with ample mana left, so Tranq works splendid for me.

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  Traquils are way better. I tried phase. It was shit. The main thing is traquils heals riki. Thats why. And cheap more ms.

                  Use chatwhell=mute

                    Or ask from frank he will say traquils . Idk why ppl buy treads phase on him.


                      I went on the front page of guides and almost every one was phase


                        i'd go phase, but tranqs aren't uncommon


                          if you can afford it, treads, which are ultimately best dps and tread switching is super value for him (have seen it being built in pro dota). if you need immediate killing power ofc phase boots, and the most budget choic is the tranquils, which you buy in hopes of transitioning into bigger items asap.

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                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            i only go traquils and occasionally brown boot. seldom phase. reason being traq gives the most mobility and healing. if i get brown boot i will up movement speed at talent 10. i don't think i need that extra pure damage as riki early game


                              The reason phase is still good over treads dps wise is that attack speed doesn't help rikis ult


                                both are good
                                get phase if you are doing well


                                  Phase is only good for damage while tranquil help your mobility And ganking cost hp u Know


                                    Dual tranquil dual magic stick

                                    M U R D E R

                                      Phase only gives you 2 damage over treads


                                        They're both good. Just roll a dice.