General Discussion

General DiscussionMy fault or him?

My fault or him? in General Discussion
Rogue Knight

    Our Huskar tries to build Satanic instead of BKB,we convince him but he never listens because he always relies on my repel plus he keeps playing around and not pushing with us,we always win in every clashes but later on we can't cause he build moonshard satanic and not spell immune item,and worst of all,he says where is the GA after repel,gg Omni :/


      "EG.HAKSOS" Pro player pretender confirmed.

      Potato Marshal

        You both have awful, awful item builds, even for 2k players. Why would you rush aghs as your first item after boots as an Omni?

        Rogue Knight

          Cause magnus rp and enigma black hole will caught me,and in order to GA,I rushed agha so that it's global and not get caught,but I think it's also my fault to rush it ty for the advice


            Depends on the way you asked him, if you were being toxic to him then he might have intentionally "not" build bkb

            Potato Marshal

              Your ult is one of your least important skills in this match, Lifestealer is the only one with any physical damage, and a halberd would do basically the same thing, except it's on a 18 second cooldown instead of a 160 second one like your ult. And it's 800 gold cheaper too.

              Овај коментар је измењен
              basement :)

                I mean, you could have just made Aether Lens, which would increase the range of your ultimate.

                Rogue Knight

                  No,I'm not a toxic person,I just play and I don't trashtalk, I suggests to him that to build bkb but he didn't listen so I respect his decision

                  Rogue Knight

                    @<3 Roshan ty for the advice



                      Rogue Knight

                        @Bws Any suggestion sir to improve my supporting ty

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Destroy enemy ancient


                            Your item choice was quite horrible, never rush aghs on omni if enemy team lack physical damage.
                            I would have built mekans and aether..

                            Rogue Knight

                              Ty man helps alot

                              Potato Marshal

                                The enemy's team strength is that they are full of gankers and initiators with hard disables and strong teamfight. Your team's strength lies in strong pushing very high physical damage. Your team should've pushed hard and tried to take towers, while being far enough apart to not get caught out with sentries set up. Take advantage of the fact that your team has 3 ranged cores, and that the enemy has fairly short ranged disables.

                                Your build should've revolved around saving and protecting whoever got initiated on, should've gotten items like glimmer, eul's, forcestaff, as well as teamfight items like mek or greaves, vlads, and pipe.

                                Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

                                  I mean, you could have just made Aether Lens, which would increase the range of your ultimate.



                                    SEA item builds

                                    thats how games in 1k on EU server look like

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I mean, you could have just made Aether Lens, which would increase the range of your ultimate.

                                      No it wouldn't...

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        his item build is completely horrible, was not that the reason that you lost tho, he still managed to do better than the rest of your team. i know how you feel that happens a lot whn the guy that is doing better than the others (still horrible) and the team is relaing on him to win the game and he fucked up and you lost, and all team probably blame him, cause if he would make the right choise he could won the game, yeah maybe he could but that doesnt mean you deserved it your all horrilble as a team there, the huskar could probably won the game for you and he did not but that doesnt make him the only responsabile for the lost.

                                        Story Time

                                          was it low priority game?