General Discussion

General DiscussionI found the right hero to spam

I found the right hero to spam in General Discussion

    Earth spirit as pos 4
    Visage as pos 5
    What do you think?
    I build mek and pipe on both of them after force staff, any suggestions regarding item build?

    I Would like to try other builds.

    rain markcawat



        i always get dagger on es, not sure about getting it on visage though, i still prefer fs on visage than daggdr


          after 250 games you only managed to lose mmr

          the hero isn't for you


            i love cookie only watching the total winrate not the latest match with that hero


              force is go to build for the last year and a half (150 something unranked visage matches with 70% winrate so dont brush it off cuz 2k and shit)......tranquils medallion midas by 20 mins..ik a 20 min midas is bad but you need midas.....then finish medallion into crest and then if game is going fine get aghs to secure it...if not get halbred/atos/ can try out glimmer if game is super shitty but i like to get items that let you go offensive on the hero cuz at one point you're basically another position 2........i dont know about pipe maybe ur position 3 should get that shit...but what i do know is.....DONT BUY MEK ON VISAGE FOR FUCKS SAKE......IK IM 2K MMR AND SHIT BUT IF I KNOW ONE THING ABOUT THE GAME ITS THAT MEK IS THE SHITTIEST ITEM TO BUY ON VISAGE..THE NUMBER OF TREADS MEK VISAGE PLAYER IVE SEEN HURTS MY EYES...finally if game drags out late get ac hex or shivas


                ^Actually 20 mins midas on a hard support is ok along with medalion and tranq.

                One more thing, my win rate on those heroes are increasing, from 41% to almost 50

                Super Speed Snail

                  Other buiIds?

                  I rush travel and agh on visage in SEA server pubs. Playing rat doto by Backdooring enemy creeps and wrecking towers and melting barracks.

                  Just need killing the ranged creep, hit the melee until the damage spent, triple stuns the wave to half health, then retreat to the trees. With full charged familiars, you can scratching 1/5 health of t3 towers before the damages spent. Doing this 5 times, the tower gone. Do the same with ranged barracks and then profit.

                  The lane will be pushed hard by doing this. Even when your visage at fountain.

                  Sometimes one or two of your bats killed, you just need tele to the surviving one and resumon them to start it over again.

                  Pub SEA cant handle rats anyway.

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                    When enemies are pushing, I cut the next enemy creep wave even with just 2 familiars..
                    When is greaves and pipe viable on these heroes, i saw totre de lini's in game visage guide and has very short description about mek so i dont really know..


                      regarding mek just dont buy it..its horrible...only situation where its ok is where your team is so far ahead and you wanna close the game early by 5 manning ...otherwise getting damage(through armorreduction)+armor+mana regen is way better and is cheaper so u get a faster midas which synergises well with the xp talent
                      as for pipe i dont really know...just when u would normally get agaisnt zeus and shit....also i dont recommend it early on at all....get ur core items first then pick up ac pipe whatever ur team has nothing to do with visage its just when u get pipe and mek in general

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