General Discussion

General Discussionvisage mid

visage mid in General Discussion

    57% win rate suggest its good... and it seems really strong... yet the hero is hardly picked.

    sum1 plz explain.

    Giff me Wingman




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          He's broken as fuck, just like Broodmother mid.

          Nothing to explain here. Snowballs out of control and kills squishy heroes.

          Refer to Visage abusers, as there are tons of them streaming.

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                I mean both heroes r hard so they won't see a lot of play, but they are good.

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                  Offlane Brood is broken to a degree.
                  Mid Brood is straight up broken.
                  Visage is straight up broken.

                  It isn't about them being hard either.
                  They're just very underestimated heroes or played badly/wrongly. That's it.

                  I watch and learn from guys abusing them @7k and, if picked in a proper draft, you just wreck and can't really be stopped.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Yup, very strong especially if you get a arcane rune and fight a clash.


                    A snowballed Visage can solo kill any hero when caught alone. Also, one of the scariest hero when it reach lvl6.

                    Problem is, Visage can be counter easily with AOE spells. Lina make his gargoyle as food. Drow Ranger eats them in 2 hits.

                    Visage best strength is fighting with his team. With enough mana, he can launch devastating nuke (550 damage I think) at long range with very low cd.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Watching a pos. 4 Visage spammer trying to solo-carry a game 17-7 with bad teammates @6.1 avg right now.

                      Like. He's just a pos. 4, but birds give such a ridiculous damage output w/Solar, that he literally almost solo-kills a 5-slotted Sven.

                      Spammable W also gives way too much output.


                        Isnt rtz spamming visage rn?
                        Saw him kill bsj void by stone form into stone form into resummon stone form stone form then nuke, so fucking dumb lmao

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                            What's the skill build and item build for mid visage?


                              i go solarcrest rod blink aghs sheep and maybe bloodthorn. later put aghs in inventory for bkb/shivas/cuirass


                                if u buy aghs do u have to resummon to get the extra bird i assume not

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                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                      i am ultra bad at this hero, if anyone even mildly competent at this hero wud play him it sounds disgusting


                                        cloak basically made it so that lina wud dragon slave me and i take unnoticeable dmg from it


                                          Visage is insaly stronk

                                          Pink anus

                                            @Ayase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) For Visage, Lina is food. Just set your familiars apart.


                                              Visage is cooked right now, fortunately it's hard enough to play that most retards are unable to.

                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                @Ayase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) For Visage, Lina is food. Just set your familiars apart.

                                                @Pink anus:
                                                I have a recent games as Visage and Lina can eat my familiars like creeps.


                                                While I have a good 9/4/18 stats as support (and only 1k gold behind our mid storm spirit), doing the set my familiar apart is easier said than done in a real clash scenario.

                                                Lina can dragon slave x stun my birds and auto attack one or two hits and they die. Drow Ranger also eats them whole. With a 130 cd, its pretty damn long. Not to mention the 100 gold bounty each.

                                                Gargoyle is strong 1v1, but I think Visage real strength in a long, 5v5 clash is his Soul Assumption skill. At only 4 seconds cd, with the OP double strike talent at lvl20, he can deal painful damage to everyone. At 410 magic damage on a long range low cd spell, its too strong.

                                                TL/DR: Sometimes, if I notice that my gargoyles are cash to them, I'm focusing on my hero more often than controlling the gargoyle.


                                                  as a mid visage spammer, i have no idea why its still an unpopular pick, but its getting there. back in like 12-15 months ago it has %13 mid pick rate. now its up to %20

                                                  @ayase lisa is food for visage, i can check that replay and say whats wrong if u tell me the time u fed her ur familiars


                                                    visage is broken beyond repair