General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it just me or kpii's LC was really a bit bad?

Is it just me or kpii's LC was really a bit bad? in General Discussion

    Newbee's kp played LC in match 2 against Liquid. Although it was still better than what most of us can play the hero like, I thought there was still something off. I mean, dueling on Linken? And more than once? Then when Liquid were pushing high ground, he duels miracle when his team is behind him, and kp has no one to help him out there (plus Miracle also pops manta like just a sec before the duel). just need to know whether i missed something (only got the highlights) or LC was really a bit bad?


      Nerve factor


        Lc was picked in first picking phase


          they draft bad initiator.
          no one start clash except LC in that match.


            i wanted finals between lfy and liquid !


              Btw my bad, Alch didn't have Linken, it was necro who put the buff, so LC basically got outplayed in that situation. but still, the duel was impossible to win.

              @Targaryen: china is too greedy man, they placed Newbee in the lower bracket cuz they wanted both the teams in the finals to be Chinese. we all know LFY>>>Newbee.


                Pros dont pick lc for duel damage


                  In the middle of a fight you can expect that there's a reasonable chance your enemy's linken was broken by someone and you just didn't see it. When you are in a losing situation you can't wait to be sure and have to go for more risky plays to try turning the game around.


                    damien choke :(


                      u have no right to criticize it u bastard


                        panel was making fun on the LC pick

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          You mean pro game LC isnt for 10 minute jungling, then flaming your team for not treating you like a core?