General Discussion

General DiscussionES & VENO nerfed '' Lion buffed (prediction)

ES & VENO nerfed '' Lion buffed (prediction) in General Discussion
Story Time

    Just my opinions for the next patch


      all unpicked heroes in TI will be buffed.
      furion, veno, necro will get smashed.


        I don't believe they would dumpster necro, liquid is the only team successfully playing him, probably nerf to his w radius.


          Ww nurf inc, hero to strong.

          Story Time

            no need to smash necro, TI did not prove it to be strong at all. Also if you saay unpicked heros will be buffed than do you mean Specter will be buffed? Hardly belivable



              Dire Wolf

                I'm still shocked spectre wasn't picked one. Hero is strong. Was popular at previous majors.

                ES will get crushed, sven will too. Fucking sven picked 39 times, 64% win rate, ES 60% over SEVENTY-ONE games! OMG that's insane that many picks.

                Fee Too Pee

                  With so many necros why pcik spectre anyway

                  Story Time

                    ^enemy team cant pick necro if you pick necro before picking specter :D

                    Dire Wolf

                      I think they thought the game pace too fast for spec but that kind of doesn't make sense in a way cus spec can just hit R and get assist gold in these fast paced games and is a beast with just radiance. So even though spec is weaker early, more fights means more gold and less reliance on farming.

                      Probably spec just too weak in lane. Most of the games were heavily mid focused so you couldn't have any static lanes with a support babysitting a hard carry. Both supports had to rotate a ton. That's why you have safe lane heroes like necro and veno popular cus they can solo lanes easily. Void too, not super strong in a pub lane but 1v1 he owns which is how every pro offlane is, almost no dual offlanes.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        Spectre is trash atm, lowest agi gain for an agi carry, 180 sec CD on lvl 1 ult, radiance and diffusal on illusions have been massively nerfed over the last patches. She needs to be buffed again. ES needs nerf on aftershock probably.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Spec doesn't need a buff, still a pub destroyer. Plus like I said above pros play the lanes way different. Spec in a dual or trilane is fine.

                          Story Time

                            therefore I do not predict that specter will be changed (maybe except the switch of his 20 and 25 lvl talents - which are upside down)

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              I wouldn't even speculate, that ES and Sven are about to get fucking destroyed.
                              I don't know about the rest of the heroes, but ES and Sven are going to be dead 100%, I am absolutely sure.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                Haven't watched many games.
                                Was Visage picked or banned enough to warrant a big nerf?

                                зачем я начал поиск
                                  Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                    there is new arcana, pudge will be buffed.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Visage was picked a bunch of times, he has a horrible winrate though, 20% or something.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        yeah visage was fucking terrible at TI. Just not a good enough laner/roaming ganker, supports with more disable like earthshaker, earth spirit (saw a resurgence) and nyx were better during early game and team fighters like AA and disruptor better mid and late. Visage is a weird hero cus he's like a nuker but needs someone to do dmg to build up his nuke and his stun doesn't come online til 6 so he doesn't roam that well early.

                                        I think we might see a tiny jug buff. He wasn't doing so hot, final game aside.


                                          sven's cleave dmg % needs to be nerfed. right now you can just attack-ground and 3 seconds later all 5 are dead.

                                          necro needs a mini-nerf. the cd on ghost shroud needs to be a lot higher. it basically heals necro to full-hp every 15 secs or so. diffusal counters it though.

                                          idk if shaker needs to be nerfed though. maybe totem dmg reduction? but that's hardly what makes him strong.

                                          veno's wards are stronk. nerf pls.