General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman Wards Issue

Shadow Shaman Wards Issue in General Discussion
Act II Enjoyer

    I played SS just now and tried to set a control group to wards, but every time I'd summon a new set, the control group would no longer work; basically, I have to select and bind them every summon. What the fuck? Has anybody else encountered this?


      I literally read your name as Prince Benao LMFAO

      OT: I literally never play Shadow Shaman so I can't help you on this one.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        i just use the control summons key


          I will try now and reply you back.
          Edit: I tried in demo and saved then on group 3,then i tried again and they were saved on group 3.Check if control groups are binded.

          Овај коментар је измењен
          Act II Enjoyer

            I checked in demo again, and it works fine, but the control group always resets after I level up ult. I guess I'll just have to rebind the hotkeys every Shaman game.