General Discussion

General DiscussionPubstomp lineups

Pubstomp lineups in General Discussion

    im looking for ideas for pubstomp lineups, something that a coordinated 4-5k stack can take and stomp them as much as possible.

    similar to what vroksnak did to get 90% winrate acc.

    pos 1:
    pos 2:
    pos 3:
    pos 4:
    pos 5:


    objective timings:

    all suggestions are welcome, but as you know i'll almost only consider suggestions from high mmr players or reasonable players.

    Ова тема је измењена
    me, government hooker





          me, government hooker



              < blank >







                  Anything that includes Hanter's pudge and 4 other good players should be a stomp.

                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                      1 drow
                      2 huskar / Viper
                      3 Viper / slardar
                      4 lich
                      5 dazzle / Oracle
                      Pretty much end before 30. Its very ez to play.

                      Other one :
                      1 juggernaut
                      2 Dp
                      3 necro
                      4 undying
                      5 shaman

                      Play aggrolane with jugg undying shaman necro Solo
                      Pretty much Same Timing like 20 mins


                        Not a blue star's opinion:

                        1. Safe lane Necro

                        2. Mid venomancer

                        3. Offlane weaver

                        4. Safe lane KOTL

                        5. Roaming spirit breaker

                        Objective: Use Veno and KOTL to sustain and push towers early by 5 manning. Weaver prioritises Aghs for saves after Medallion/Solar for frontliner/Roshan. Spirit breaker helps win lanes by pressing Q.

                        Timing: Atleast 2 tier 1s by 15 mins and 3 tier 2s by 30 mins.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          1 venge
                          2 dps mid (sniper, viper , ta , sf )
                          3 fast mekansm offlane- pick like ds might be ok
                          4 spirit breaker
                          5 defensive support like warlock

                          objective: dont lose lanes till min 15 then start 5ing at map with fast mekansm offlane.
                          fast ended probably 30 min game.
                          i won with that draft even against 7k players playing international ranked , can say easily stomp games while enemy has no idea what to do stop this pushing and 5 man straregy.
                          objective: take 2 towers from lanes while they re stuck at their 3rd towers or if you find pick ups go push , but if not go fast smoke and roshan.
                          can assure you u 'll have %95 win rate with those picks at 4-5k bracket . ez pub-stomp.

                          Mlada i Luda

                            safe lane. phantom lancer.
                            mid lane necrophos
                            offlane earth shaker
                            pos4/ barathrum
                            support pos5 jakiro

                            objectives - DESTROY ENEMY ANICENT

                            OBJECTIVE TIMING - any day of the month XD.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              The only thing I am sure of is that you're getting necro and veno among those 5 heroes.


                                I think a decent huskar lineup
                                Smth like
                                1 huskar
                                2 pugna
                                3 omni
                                4 sb/slardar
                                5 oracle
                                I think u just run ur roamer around winning lanes cuz no one can rlly solo against huskar well
                                Get Roshan fast, then at 20 min get aegis and cheese and walk down all the lanes.
                                I just think ban out aa and ur fine.
                                ideally u want a glimmer, solar, force, greaves, urn, vlads on someone in the team by 20 min, so u can save people from dying and sustain a constant push.
                                if u run slardar as a pos 4 u dont need solar/medallion as fast cuz slardar helps u rosh on his own, but u kinda want one later on.
                                oracle can get glimmer/force/urn, urn/solar/vlads goes to sb, force/solar goes to slardar, solar/greaves/force goes to omni, i even saw a theorycraft of greaves on huskar but im not sold. otherwise huskar can get solar if needed, but ideally u want halberd/pike/ac

                                BTW do I count as a reasonable person cookie

                                Овај коментар је измењен


                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    Just pick furion every game
                                    Pos 4 mk
                                    Pos 5 bara
                                    Pos 2 whatever snowball hero is fine

                                    Carry last pick.


                                      best lineups i like is with very strong offlane, so you could completely trash enemy safelane core, what is almost a win.
                                      Viper+Monkey King

                                      also this game i remember as the one which we had no chance to win:
                                      we had lineup which is quit good at defending high ground, but enemy just rolled over us, attacking multiple towers at once, going yolo, and we unable to answer. Meepos just teleporting from left to right tower, and we unable to respond. Probably there are mistakes in our pick also, but enemy lineup was impossibly strong for us.

                                      Another game, that i got fucked hard, i remember having enemy roamers as shadow demon + slardar, shadow demon always initiating with siruption, and then slardar stun right after, they just took kill after kill destroying all three our lanes.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Sky + Blood


                                          I think that with the right help meepo is probably the hardest pubstompers.

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            The only thing I am sure of is that you're getting necro and veno among those 5 heroes.


                                              Pos 1 : invoker (mid)

                                              Pos 2 : troll

                                              Pos 3 : earthshaker

                                              Pos 4 : SB

                                              Pos 5 : MK

                                              Objective : gank every Lane in early game and go rosh at mid game and end the game
                                              GG ez

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                Pos 1- CM
                                                Pos 2- Chen
                                                Pos 3- IO
                                                Pos 4- Meepo
                                                Pos 5- Invoker
                                                Pubstomp would really happen with this lineup


                                                  A FUCKING HUSKAR LINEUP WITH AN ORACLE


                                                    Offlane: Windranger
                                                    Mid: Storm Spirit
                                                    Roaming: Venge
                                                    Safe: Drow
                                                    Support: CM

                                                    Then Proceed to wreck everyone in the mid game. Easiest thing to do and works if people can cooperate, Aura stacking is always fun.


                                                      @Soul of Cinder
                                                      You got a winner there with that line up. Meepo would stomp big time.


                                                        arc warden
                                                        drow ranger


                                                          cringing so hard reading these posts man


                                                            tbh none of these linups posted here are "stomp" materials.

                                                            Like 4 months ago, bipdongoe and i with 3 other mates made a pubstomp lineup for like 10 matches with our smurfs, all of these matches ended between 13-22 minutes, except the last one ended in 26 min coz 2 of our mates had left us in later matches

                                                            Safelane: Lycan

                                                            Sup & Roam: shaman & jakiro

                                                            Mid: lone druid

                                                            Offlane: Broodmother

                                                            destroy enemy ancient in 20 min
                                                            when game starts, brood immidiately tps to the offlane shrine to snatch enemy rune. And while on tp animation, rhasta gives brood obs and sentries. jakiro smokes whole team and tps mid to ward
                                                            lycan rushes necro and gives wolves, necros, spiders and spirit bear more damage with howl
                                                            lone druid takes mid tower before 10 minute, sometimes with the help of rhasta and give mom to bear for extra push power. and everyone except brood goes safelane at 10 minute mark. Rest is just coordinated split push.


                                                              Pos 1 Lycan/luna
                                                              Pos 2 Necro/Viper
                                                              Pos 3 Rexar/Prophet
                                                              Pos 4 Crowd control/strong playmaker sup - SB, SK, Clock
                                                              Pos 5 Warlock/Keeper

                                                              Objetives tiers 2, than rosh and high ground by a sidelane.
                                                              Tier 3, rax and tier 4

                                                              Timings: after the first tier 1 fall at 7~8 mins, fast rotations till take all tiers 1. Not allowing reaction to defend tiers 1.
                                                              Farm some core/aura itens 12~15min
                                                              15 min: Start pushing tier2 together. At this point your team is so ahead that the only way to not take objectives is to realy fucked up a team fight.
                                                              20 min: Rosh time.
                                                              22 min: wait big cooldowns and go highground


                                                                If you're talking PUBstomp, run an aggro tri lineup. Assume it's played right, pressuring and possibly even killing the enemy carry/support, the enemies will tilt("WHO THE FUCK PLAYS AGGRO TRI IN A PUB GAME WTF TRIHARDS"), and the rest of the game is yours.
                                                                Idk watch any game from TI(not necessarily TI7 btw) where they ran aggro tri and use a similar lineup
                                                                My personal idea, I've tried it before to a hilarious stomp result I'll try to find the match ID:
                                                                Safelane- Furion
                                                                Mid- anyone who can tank/escape/turn around a gank, Viper maybe to tank a gank+Destroy lane before help
                                                                Offlane- Drow Lion Undying. Or whatever whacky ass combo you want, that will screw with the enemy safelane


                                                                  1. sven
                                                                  2. puck/invoker
                                                                  3. Dark seer/sand king/earthsaker
                                                                  4. Warlock/disruptor
                                                                  5. dazzle / earth Spirit

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I think your comparison to vroksnak is wrong. Iirc, what he did was abuse match dodging so he always got dire side back when rosh pit was in old spot, then he would always pick io + ursa and do level 1 rosh with io healing ursa with salves. That's how they won so much, idk if rest of picks mattered.

                                                                    Ursa is a really good pubstomper, comes online fast, super early rosh. I'd probably do aggro trilane of ursa, jakiro, witch dr. This lineup has disables and slows so you will shitstomp anyone in lane, then jakiro pushes towers fast for a support, and witch dr can max heal to keep your team rolling from the start. Just go push all the t2s right off the bat.

                                                                    Your solo safelane necro if you can get away with it, and viper mid. Viper does a lot of tower dmg with nethertoxin, less item dependent than other heroes. Necro is just amazing push and sustain. Issue will be if necro can lane solo, depends on offlane if it's solo or something that can kill him. Otherwise swap out for veno I think, who can surely lane vs whatever and has good push himself.