General Discussion

General Discussiondealing with mega

dealing with mega in General Discussion

    hey guys, i am new to this forum and not sure is it right place to ask such question
    how do you think what item build should i have done in order to win this game
    problem is that we are already have mega creeps and i dont know what item would be better to outpush(split) creeps and still be good at team fights, is maybe mjolnir bettler batte fury?


      Mjollnir good. Though why you went for a mkb?

      chicken spook,,,,

        Keep bot in backpack and get a real item depending on the game
        Butterly is a go to item for AM
        MKB was not necessary
        Linken/agha would've been good


          Divine rapier

          chicken spook,,,,

            How can you lose with AM against that lineup
            How can you not win with such kda


              destroy enemie ancient with them having mega creeps

              Potato Marshal

                If you already have something like cleave from bf, you should've just went all out and gotten a rapier.


                  @pls enjoy game
                  i was solo vs doom till min 4-5 , that was pretty ez lane for me(normal skill breaket), than omni came and i fucked up a bit
                  we didnt have support except jungle axe who bought cour
                  but the only problem was ember who started feeding intentionaly after giving first blood to sniper, you can see his kda and also i was muted for whole game so i couldnt coordinate my teammates

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Don't play when muted?


                      Ya man that mkb was awful item choice .

                      Pink anus

                        Radiance miss is only 17%. Get MKB when you face over 30% miss. And why Linken instead of Aghanim?

                        The only way I can see you losing is that Omni doesnt repel you. Repel provides immunity against their entire team, including Sniper right click (no im not kidding, without the magical damage bonus, Sniper right click is trash)

                        How doom can deal 46.6k damage is beyond me. I guess you guys doesnt buy ward and let him get close chasing your ass.

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                          @Pls enjoy game

                          You're a retard if you are gonna blame him for not winning this game.

                          5-24 Ember

                          That Ember lost them the game.

                          Dire Wolf

                            ember has no items in a 60 minute game... you can't split push if ember and axe can't D the base. Which ember with those items clearly can't. Ember needed mojllnir.


                              Generally, even if enemy is buying butterfly, you'd rather buy your own butterfly than an mkb (matchup is even in 1v1 case, and way better if other people join)

                              mkb is only if you really really need to down the target fast, as it's the first #1 target of your team,
                              On the other handif it's a target a bit too elusiv (tipically am vs morph games) and thus not the #1 target in fight, then butter will prevail.

                              (Btw, this tend to become wrong when solarcrest enter the equation)

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                                ^ I wish more people understood this , my team will be like build mkb , and I'll be like forget that Im building my own butterfly .

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                                  Thanks Matrice!!