General Discussion

General Discussioncaffeine literally +1000 mmr

caffeine literally +1000 mmr in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    im slow brained without it. probably not good for consistency


      i don't think it's possible for me to play without being high on caffeine



        chicken spook,,,,



            Performance enhancing stimulant. I don't know if caffeine makes u more focused though.


              For me drinking coke or something makes me play fucking nuts on csgo, I literally only drink water that's why drinking 1 glass of coke has such a nutty effect.


                Ye old man likes caffeine

                chicken spook,,,,

                  I'm so garbage that it doesn't matter where/when/what I eat before I play


                    caffeine just makes my head hurt tbh

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      All these people talking about how they are addicted to coffee/caffeine makes me cringe tbh.


                        Meh when you only sleep a couple hours a night caffeine is a must .


                          makes you in the zone Kappa


                            Caffeine is an addictive substance. Why should it make u cringe


                              Don't really know if coffee impacts gameplay, I'm a huge coffee drinker and rarely seen any impact while playing Dota or otherwise.
                              However, played Dota for the first time in a cyber café after a two week+ break, and holy shit, the difference was staggering. Mechanical keyboard, gaming mouse with extra buttons, 6ms ping and most importantly, an fps boost from 10-12 to a 100+ fps. Holy shit. It almost distracted me to a certain point. My break from regular games showed in my gameplay, and I couldn't carry my team, but that only proves I need practice to get into the swing again. Otherwise, it certainly helped.


                              Anyway, thoughts on playing while high on pot or drunk on alcohol?

                              Lea Ivy

                                @diox I think he means that because many people say that they are addicted to caffeine when they just drink one cup of coffee at Starbucks every week, and find it ''cool'' to say that they are addicted. They aren't addicted or dependent on it, they just say they drink a lot when they don't cuz swag or something (or maybe they hide the fact that they do it for faster pooping). I drink a lot of coffee because I want to and it does help make me more focused not just on the game but on anything I am doing. OP probably means the same thing
                                edit: im 2k with or without coffee so i think that if u focus but u suck at dota, u wont get any +1000 mmr

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                                Mlada i Luda

                                  if you are a coffe drinker , that it will effect you in everything is not only about dota. i cant do shit without drinking coffe before , all your daily activities will be much clumsy when you dont drink coffe if your a regular coffe drinker.


                                    All these people talking about how they are addicted to coffee/caffeine makes me cringe tbh.


                                      you mean people who kinda over hype needing coffee in the morning and no one should talk to them until they have coffee?

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        lol. yeah jacked prety much thats it. that shit is real man , i can posibly kill someone if some shit goes wrong and i had not drink coffe yet. not even kiding.

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                          does coffee have same effect as cigarette? :huh:

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            its worst, when it commes to adicted part. the good part is the coffe dont have sides effects that harms your health like cigarette unles you abuse to much.

                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                              For some reason caffeine makes me tingly but braindead


                                                cigarettes are bad.

                                                they are both stimulants.


                                                  Welp if I could sleep as much as I wanted I wouldn't drink coffee but since I have more than a full time job plus a family I am usually pretty tired and coffee helps get me through the extra tired portions of the day i.e. First thing in morning and post lunch crash . I also drink coffee when playing dotes but that's mostly just becuase I don't usefully have time to sleep.


                                                    Since I've had problems with addiction and was a regular coffee drinker and cigarette smoker a couple of years ago, I'll give my opinion on this best I can.

                                                    Coffee is definitely less addictive than cigarettes. First off, it is consumed by drinking and the caffeine affects you once it's digested, which will be rather quick early in the morning on an empty stomach, but slower at other times of the day, especially if you've eaten. I've only gone as far as having 2 to 3 cups of coffee in a day, however, an excess of anything is bad. There are people who drinks loads of coffee, even straight espresso shots, all day. I've even seen people develop the same habit with tea. You could drink either everyday as a healthy habit and still have a good diet. Personally, I can't, for the life of me, make good coffee at home, and the kind I like is too expensive for me to drink on a daily basis. I mean the coffee shops that are Starbucks imitations, but not nearly as expensive. Thus, I've had to put a hold on the habit.

                                                    Cigarettes on the other hand, are smoked. This means that the nicotine is absorbed by your lungs as you inhale the smoke, and affects your brain almost immediately. There is no argument as to the obvious effects of smoking that lead to mouth and lung cancer. Furthermore, the withdrawal from smoking is much stronger. At my worst point, I smoked 10-12 cigarettes in a day. The first time I tried to quit, I relapsed in 2 weeks, the second time, in 3 months and the 3rd time, well, it's been 2 years, and I haven't relapsed again. The rate at which the substance you smoke affects you will be quite similar, since the delivery of the 'high' is the same, but the addiction to it is more dependant on your nature and the chemicals inside what you smoke. Therefore, comparatively, smoking pot is much less harmful and non-addictive than smoking cigarettes.

                                                    Tldr: You can get addicted to almost anything, if you have that kind of personality. However, in relation to chemicals, coffee is less harmful than cigarettes.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      I dont do both thanks


                                                        I would switch to coffee rather than smoking cigs
                                                        but coffee doesn't agree with my stomach
                                                        its like fireworks at the toilet


                                                          Coffe only makes you more alert not smarter tho ^^ :P #hardcoretho


                                                            With Nicotine and Coffee together I feels my day is fucking beautiful but I'm fine without Coffee but the Nicotine is just a rush in me to get that buzz in my head. That 3 minutes buzz really feel good and then I'm ready to start my day. I don't really consume more after the buzz because you'll no longer get the buzz instead you'll get a headache and a lazy body .


                                                              i drink coffee cuz i like the taste
                                                              idk why everyones addicted to caffeine i just always feel sleepy and deal with it lmao


                                                                hemmm it's worth to try i think


                                                                  People that smoke cigarettes smell like butt hole and there car seats make me itchy just sitting on them . I am probs a little rude to people that smoke . They'll be like hey let's take my car and pick up some lunch and I'll be like no thanks your car smells awful . Also I got enough problems to deal with then to smoke .


                                                                    smoking is actually disgusting
                                                                    i just dont associate with people who do it
                                                                    they may be nice people caught in an addiction or whatever, but the first impression is still "ew"


                                                                      smoking feels pretty good, and its a nice thing to do occasionally as long as u dont get addicted


                                                                        id definetly recommend smoking as long as u got the self control to not let it spiral out of control

                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                          sMokING is DIsGUSting!


                                                                            I'm Rose and by the way cigarettes are viable when I party or drink, vaping is my go to when I game and getting that Nicotine buzzzzzzz.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Caffeine is addictive but it's not bad for you unless you have a sensitivity to it or heart issues or consume large amounts. Like you have to consume 10+ cups of coffee for it to start affecting your health, though many people become jittery long before that. But 3-4 even 6 cups of a day is probably no issue. Real coffee addicts are the guys who drink it black from the office coffee pot and have a cup going all day like 8 cups a day. In fact coffee has a lot of anti oxidants in it and may help long term with inflammation and cholesterol, though tea is probably better. The downside is caffeine is a diuretic so you can get dehydrated and lose other nutrients but if you drink a lot of water with your coffee you'll be fine. And of course it affects sleep. Also caffeine withdrawals suck so badly. That's the main reason people don't want to be addicted, is cus it hurts so bad when it's taken away.

                                                                              The problem is people usually drink caffeine with lots of sugar, sweet coffee drinks and sodas, and sugar is just terrible for you.

                                                                              I drink like 2-3 diet sodas a day, which have far less caffeine than a cup of coffee. An 8 ounce cup of coffee is 90-120 mgs of caffeine while a diet mountain dew is like 55, diet coke is less I think 45, and regular coke is around 35 for 12 ounces. So I'm the equivalent of a cup a day drinker.

                                                                              The other thing is if you want to keep a caffeine feeling going all day without drinking tons of it sip it throughout the day instead of consuming in one sitting.