General Discussion

General DiscussionTo dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise

To dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise in General Discussion

    Can u guys give me good menu or set that can be done by
    A guy with 166cm height and 54kg weight

    i take any advice
    anyway thanks for reply fellas

    Potato Marshal

      To dotabuffers who do Daily Exercise

      Thread died before it even started.

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        upper body stuff should be easy for you I imagine
        You can start with push ups or pull ups

        Jay the Bird

          ask moiez_boss


            Watch anime :^)


              do compound exercises. focus more on your diet than anything.


                10 pushups every time u die 20 pull ups for every game you lose and 100 situps everytime someone calls gg

                meteor hammer

                  100 situps everytime someone calls gg

                  ;lmao ur trying to kiill me with situps


                    how much set you recomended each day for push ups and anything else?

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      good menu



                        @im intp im SMART
                        my body will look like The Rock after each game i play


                          I run 45-50 miles a week but don't know shit abt lifting


                            when i was 16 i started growing and gaiing muscles so fast i just stretched early and before sleep and lifted small 7kg weigh and had( still have ) a good triceps

                            u dont need to work hard and alot just some small daily routine and u will see improvement.
                            also eat good its important


                              A guy with 166cm height and 54kg weight



                                ^yes Im fuckin skinny dude i dont know why but i think all of my food become pop instead weight


                                  If I would be you I would get my ass right into the gym because I would not feel comfortable being that skinny.


                                    i can only go to gym at sat and sunday , since im on collage from early morning till night

                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                        u should have mention him u have gf and 6200 mmr solo


                                          body weight exercises justget u ripped.u need a gymsou can increase weight/load of your exercises and build muscle. need to eat more to build muscle. its very simple and they go hand in hand

                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                          white boy summer

                                            just eat more. simple as this. if u feel like u are full, just eat more even if u cant rly handle it. u need to increase ur stomach's capacity in order to get more weight, since eating as much as u do now will not get u anywhere. also dont eat shit that has too much carbohydrate unnecesarily


                                              ^thats bad advice. if u are a skinny dude, eat more carbs. thats the only way u have enough energy so your body doesnt burn all your muscle away due to high metabolism


                                                drink milk eat meat rave repeat
                                                domt sleep

                                                TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                  alright mate
                                                  im will try to help you
                                                  first you gotta tell me whats ur goal
                                                  definition? strenght? size? cut weight?
                                                  from there it have different types reps sets of exercises that can be done


                                                    cut weight?


                                                    he's fucking 54 kg dude if he cuts weight he will die.


                                                      ripped 72 kg dude XD


                                                        Uh, I am 168 cm and 53 kg, even worse. Now on PT coaching + nutritionist since my health worsen lately


                                                          get ripped nerds

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            Tfw no time to gym


                                                              168 cm 53 kg thats not healthy.


                                                                You gotta learn to eat. Thats it. Sometimes you eat something that makes you full, but you essentially ate shit without any proper nutritional value. Start eating solid meals. Atleast 3 per day. Throw in the snacks with high calories, healthy fats and protein, like peanuts.

                                                                home exercise? literally anything is good. Do 3-4 sets of pushups, squats, situps, hyperextensions. Anything that makes blood flow trough muscles. It will make you feel better and most importat thing is it will bring you apetite.


                                                                  168 cm 53 kg thats not healthy.
                                                                  well duh its not healthy you mono gloid, he himself is aware its not healthy, we dont need your genius conclusions.


                                                                    im 183 and 88kg, everytime i read threads like this im like ''are all gamers malnourished dwarves''?

                                                                    working out at your stage will achieve nothing, your body doesnt have the energy to put on muscle. first you have to get your eating routine together, way more important. once you start gaining weught you can think about actually working out to gain muscle


                                                                      Coroner if anyone's ''mono gloid'' here then it's you

                                                                      Ranked MM 1,945

                                                                      You've been playing this game for fucking years and you're still in the same bracket with flat 50% win rate.

                                                                      It's better if you don't talk again you stupid ''mono gloid''.


                                                                        168 and 53 is not unhealthy wtf, more so if the person we're talking about is a girl


                                                                          Look at all your 4 posts in this thread. You posted nothing but dumb and obvious conclusions.

                                                                          I said week earlier, when you read title of the thread you have 2 options 1) reply with something senseful to contribute to the thread 2) ignore exposing your mental retardation and dont post anything

                                                                          Yes, I am shit in this game, you are god, cheers.


                                                                            Shut up mono gloid


                                                                              im 180 and was always 71-74 kg now im 80 kg FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT


                                                                                are u fat or in shape?


                                                                                  im little fat but better looking than i was before i just dont like have alot weigh would like to get back


                                                                                    I'll give some generic tips .

                                                                                    1. Learn to enjoy lifting . I've been lifting for 15 years and started lifting seriously 10 years ago . I would not have been able to lift so long if I didn't love it . For instance I hate running but only run for my job since I'm in military so even though I was decent at running before I broke my leg I n bet got very good at it due to not having a passion for it .

                                                                                    2. Always make sure you get in some compound excersies atleast every workout . You can look up compound excersises . Im assuming your pretty young so you probably got enough time to throw in all the isolation excersises as well which I used to in the past but don't bother with now due to time constraints .

                                                                                    2. Eat a good health diet with plenty of protein if your lifting a lot i.e. Steak fish chicken some eggs . Of course you'll need some carbs as well but plenty of things will give you that . Eat something with protein asap after your workout . Either eggs or protein shake are best .

                                                                                    4. Don't neglect your legs , escpecially squats . This excersises will behold more mass then most others but be prepared for your ass to hurt literally . You will get a large testosterone boost from your leg workout which in term will actually make your upper body stronger .

                                                                                    5. Don't neglect your core I.e. Abs lower back and other stabilizing muscles in your torso . This will serve you well your whole life becuase lower back injuries is very common in humans and this will help protect while working and while working out .

                                                                                    6. Get enough rest , if that muscle group is still sore you shouldn't be working it out . Exceptions maybe if it's just a little sore , your body will tell you. Usually Abb workouts can be done more frequently during the week they seem to heal pretty fast .

                                                                                    Most supplements are a waste of money / are bad for your liver or other bodily organs . Fat burning supplements usually pretty rough on your heart.

                                                                                    8 . Some form of cardio is needed I suggest doing something you enjoy for cardio . I've recently been swimming for cardio due to my leg and it has been working great . Since you are pretty small some sprints will be good for you , this will build some muscle mass while building cardio at same time .

                                                                                    I'd give more advice but not on dota forum or online lol .

                                                                                    I am currently about 102 kg , I have some extra weight on me I periodically shred up wh n motivated to diet .

                                                                                    I get fully shredded at around 90 kg but experience drop in performance and strength at this weight . At about 94kg I have six pack and no drop in strength or performance so that is my favorite weight .

                                                                                    Height I am 185 cm , although the legend in my home town I am a lot taller lol I used to be a lot bigger when I was in college before I left for military and people exaggerated my height .

                                                                                    Good luck hopefully you can start a habit hat you can keep the rest of your life .


                                                                                      Did moiez add up 4kg in the past 2 months from 68 to 72? Pogchamp


                                                                                        im 49 kilos and 172 cm so im worse
                                                                                        but i run like 50 miles a week, do a lot of push ups and sit ups

                                                                                        i recommend doing this thing where u start at say 10 pushups, then do 10 situps in first set, then go down to 9 per situp/pushup, all the way to 1. everyday increase the max number
                                                                                        i reached to 21 at one point, but keep in mind, im probably not doing the best situps, cuz they were on hard floor and my tailbone hurt cuz im so skinny lol.


                                                                                          woah dont think from this thread i can got so many respond
                                                                                          thanks fellas
                                                                                          ill try eat more to increase my weight and doin some set push up , sit up , and squat each day


                                                                                            Is it possible to gain 2 kilograms in 3 days with a lot of protein and gym?


                                                                                              I gained 10 lbs (fml I'm done converting, think its like 21ish kilos, just after I started running, totally from leg muscle.


                                                                                                75 km everyweek is sure crazy dude ,
                                                                                                how in the hell you have time to run that long?


                                                                                                  ^2 hours a day, 6 days a week, I'm part of the cross country team in my school
                                                                                                  If u can't make urself go to the gym by urself, or go on runs or whatever by urself then get a good group or partner, and hold each other accountable.
                                                                                                  Also hahaha bearcat I'm faster than u LUL


                                                                                                    ^ i was part of school cross until 16 years later i didnt run 1km xd i dont see point running after 16 only goong to gym


                                                                                                      Ye I shud lift rn tbh
                                                                                                      I'm super skinny, even tho I'm fast and fit, I'm lean.
                                                                                                      I'm just not used to lifting, don't rlly know where to start, and don't have time because I already run a lot.


                                                                                                        1) Don't do running exercises, don't do treadmill, the purpose of these exercises is to lose weight not to build muscle or gain mass.

                                                                                                        2) Push ups/ Set-ups / Squats are good exercises to start with, but they wont benefit you for the long term in terms of getting bigger, consider those as start-ups, preform each on them each day for only one month, then start going to the gym and lift some weights.

                                                                                                        3) 166 Cm 54 kg, that might sound low but thats the average.

                                                                                                        4) You want to build muscle and get bigger? Gym is the best option for you, not running nor push-ups, you need to start lifting weights and eat as much as you can. As a 54 kg guy and 166 cm in height, you need at least 2500 calories each day along with the proper exercise routine in the gym, you can find those online for beginners.

                                                                                                        5) I cant stress this enough, DO NOT RUN (as an exercise) NOR USE TREADMILL, you want to build leg muscles do squats or leg pushdowns, running burns calories that you need to build muscles.