General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the point of letting the ranged creep go in first every time?

What's the point of letting the ranged creep go in first every time? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I always get triggered when support(s) start pinging the shit out of me for not blocking in a way that lets the ranged creep first, when the first thing I do when the creeps meet is aggro the enemy creeps so they start attacking the ranged creep, and then denying it. Like, there's 0 purpose in letting the ranged creep go first when you can do this every fucking time, or is there something I am missing?


      range creep dies > wave pushes towards you > you get to kill the offlaner on the 2nd wave

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        and then enemy range creep will die too if you do that

        chicken spook,,,,

          and then enemy range creep will die too if you do that


          chicken spook,,,,

            Unless your opponent is retarded enough to tank your goddamn creeps, but if that's the case you'll most likely win your lane no matter what you do.

            Riguma Borusu

              I understand the mechanics of what killing a higher DPS creep in the lane does, I am not dumb. The ranged creep dies first no matter what, as long as I aggro the enemy wave when it meets my wave, and pull it back to my ranged creep. I am just wondering if it is really that necessary to let the ranged creep go in first, when you can just abuse a few seconds of aggro to do the same thing (to have your ranged creep die).

              and then enemy range creep will die too if you do that

              Not necessarily.

              Овај коментар је измењен

                i told you, it's for killing the offlaner at the 2nd wave because the wave will be close to your tower


                  If you are an offlaner playing against such a scenario, how do you respond? Will aggroing the enemy creeps towards you reset the equilibrium, since melee creeps will walk towards you and ranged creep will stay in place? But the same could be done by the safe laner, thereby killing both ranged creeps on either waves first and forcing both heroes to tank the wave or walk towards their tower.

                  Forget me not

                    Just try to play support then if you still don't understand.


                      It is generally better for lane equilibrium to have your ranges creep die in the first wave although it really doesn't matter that much at 3k still.

                      Most of my supports start blocking the ranged creep that Let out. They don't seem
                      To know what I'm trying to do. Bsj talks about this a lot. Lets u start getting aggressive without pushing

                      Story Time

                        so many people have no idea what supports do in the game


                          If your enemy offlane does the aggro trick first then their ranged creep will die first and it will push towards them. Personally if we have really good first blood potential and the opponent has no wards, I'd ask them to block the shit out of that wave so we can have the best ganking position possible.


                            Hmm i see if u let ranged creep die first creep wave Will go near tower :D so ITS basically hard to harass solo offlaner against trilane :D

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              if you're the offlaner you want to either pull the next wave or trade with the support alone, you do not wanna enter that wave.


                                Also you dont want to change aggro on you since you have to approach the lane and find pudge coming at your back from the trees. Depends on the draft though. Generally most of the time if enemy have problems with keeping lane equilibrum and push the lane = you stay on the lane, leech exp and get as many cs as you can witout dying. If the lane is permanently under their tower, get lvl 2-3 and jungle or roam. Thats why its ez to play with centaur, sk, bb, clock, es .... I just find it hard with Slardar. Hes not a good jungler without talon.




                                    I just dont know how high mmr players do that they can rekt entire lane solo with meele offlaner(unless its underlord). From what Ive seen they buy a lot of small items like wand, ferie fire, rain drops. Can this be a clue for making plays ?

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      its simple
                                      if you aggro enemy has the same chance to do aggro
                                      if he is not dump he will do that the exact same time
                                      weave will split into two weaves who attack their range creeps
                                      in mid lane you need to kite them
                                      in safe or offlane you need to manage them to attack single target at same time
                                      So feel sorry for you supports to have you actually
                                      DO WHAT THEY SAY

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        It's better to have your ranged creep way out in front where it's sure to get to deny range before the waves meet. Almost everyone in 3k knows how to pull with aggro now so they will pull your wave onto their ranged creep as well and it ends up equal, unless you are better at denying.


                                          if u aggro in lane he gona deny range too so no one is leading


                                            so you can exert 3v1 pressure the very second the creeps meet
                                            also if you just do normal block and just intend to draw aggro later and the offlaner lets the ranged creep go first and blocks the rest of the creeps sufficienty there wont be any melee creeps to draw aggro to your ranged


                                              I just dont know how high mmr players do that they can rekt entire lane solo with meele offlaner

                                              theyre usually just better, get their levels, and outplay the fuck out of their opponents


                                                u know what bad players don't get? If you kill the offlaner and don't deny the creeps and insta pull he gets almost 2 waves of xp and gold right after, GREAT FUCKIGN JOB SHITTERs you just ruined your safe lane (: