General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting my buddy

Supporting my buddy in General Discussion
♥♦ GED ♣♠

    I've been playing for 2 years with my buddy. When I introduced him to the game I used to play support role an he played mostly carry role. Time passed and I started playing all roles but mostly core ones. He blames that now I suck at supporting him.
    This game he flamed and I didn't even get the point on blaming me for the lost game. Any suggestions?

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    Story Time

      jesus why u feed so much :D lel

      Potato Marshal

        Get better friends. I don't mean better at Dota (that too), but just one that's not an asshole.


          tell him that he is not even good at the game, so stop blaming your friend, show him my profile


            oh and you don't need that kind of friend btw

            Story Time

              ^how is showing your profile helps here?

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                fight, break up, kiss, make up

                doc joferlyn simp

                  M A K E U P S E X

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    find better friends

                    Palmen aus Plastik

                      it's a game for fuck's sake. your friend's an asshat and you're a wimp for paying mind to him.

                      Pump Cultist

                        i feel sorry for that qop


                          stop playing support. changing your role. you core and your "buddy" support.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Clearly not a sign of a good person and you clearly need to learn that some people are not worth being friend with