General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker ice wall

Invoker ice wall in General Discussion

    It seems like whenever I'm see an invo in game they never use this spell. Is this spell not that good because to me it looks like it forces players to buy force staff

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      cuz quas is the last spell to max out so you dont really see it early game? :thinking:


        and you rarely want to go on your opponents face

        Riguma Borusu

          Ice wall is probably the most OP spell Invoker has, especially after his enemies' bkbs start running short.


            most annoying spell in game


              Because most invokers don't know how to cast it well.


                it's kinda hard to land it properly
                and it doesnt primarily deal damage or stun


                  its an incredibly good spell but low mmr folks dont knwo how to use it

                  < blank >

                    it's like catching mosquitos with a sticky tape

                    meteor hammer

                      its like his best spell lol

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        pretty sure deaf blast is his best spell

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          or tornado if u count in the talent


                            whenever i play 3k mmr my voker never go icewall or EMP

                            just tornado meteor.blast cold snap and die


                              emp is most op voker spell
                              then goes icewall then goes tornado then goes blast then goes ss


                                wake up sheeple


                                  If they are a good invo, they will know how to use ice wall. If they are a bad invo, they will never use it


                                    meanwhile in my last game with an invo i qas thinking why he did cast so few spells

                                    then i saw he skipped the aghs

                                    welcome to the world of 3k miracle wannabees

                                    meteor hammer

                                      mom pike deso invoker with alacrity kreygasm


                                        ^then he gets one shot by pa dagger.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          tfw you are trying to think of the best invoker spell but there are at least 5 canditates. 2 levels in quas is still 40% which is very significant. people dont use it because early on you can cast like 1 spell every 10 seconds and you dont wanna use it on ice wall because you cant follow it up with anything


                                            i love when 3k enemie mid use blast on me at lvl 3 cause i attacked him once jahahahha

                                            omg im so retard being in this bracket




                                                2-3 points of quas early in mid vs an enemy with no escape is a sure kill if u can land a surprise ice wall + cold snap then meteor.


                                                  ^ then sunstrike refresher tornado blast emp snap min4

                                                  mosquito net on my feet

                                                    Amazing spell, imagine opponent run out options to get out on this spell and slowly accept their lost


                                                      early game tornado emp is better and easier to land imo
                                                      its rlly good late game, but again its hard to land
                                                      i like going blink for this spell so u can get close enough to land it well

                                                      there is this balance on invoker in being a huge dmg dealer with meteor blast and sunstrike, while also having rlly good cc with primarily icewall, but also tornado blast and coldsnap

                                                      its not easy
                                                      here is a clip that makes it look that way tho


                                                        Trust me, if u're good in using invoker. Ice wall would be your favourite cast especially 1vs1, but please dont use ice wall agains am,es,qop, etc 😒

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                                                          ^Why not?hes slowed afterwards 3sec i think


                                                            Ice wall is the most OP shit in late game. Hes perfect for counter pushing zoning and Rapping Poor STR carries like Sven and CK.