General Discussion

General Discussiondota hits its lowest playerpool record since 2014

dota hits its lowest playerpool record since 2014 in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    I made a thread about how PUBG overtook Dota in terms of players online a few weeks ago, and it seems the trend is still going that direction, and how I think the game is dying because it is unable to acquire new players and keep them(to which tyler1 seems to have validated how extremely inclusive and impenetrable the game is to new players).

    If the new update is released and is still unable to reel in new players and keep them, then we may be looking at the game suffering the same fate as TF2.


      they just banned tons of bots and sandboxers in dota 2, and pubg has dozens of bots as well

      i have 5 reports to use

        Do you know if sand boxing still works?


          They probably reduced the accounts with the phone number requirement also. They really should look at people with a KDA of 7+ and win rate > 90% at 1k-3k MMR and jump them up 500 MMR at a time instead of letting them ruin a bunch of new players experience.


            it does work, but im not sure in how far it is bannable atm

            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

              maybe stop with retarded patches too, that might stop old players quitting too u know.

              Dire Wolf

                Why do we care? Queue times are still low and I almost never am matched with the same players twice in a row. TI prize pools will still grow cus it's not based off number of players, it's based off compendium sales.


                  No game lasts forever.

                  white boy summer

                    wow on it with the reddit circlejerk of "dota is dead valve doesnt care they are shit"


                      Counter strike has also experienced a player base drop.

                      PUBG is a hot new game with good replayability. CS:Go and Dota have been update stale for a while now. I wouldn't mind these statistics so much since it's only been a few months. Check back in a few more.


                        pubg is taking a lot of players, but i wouldnt be suprised if dota is on the decline from here on out.


                          I don't see Dota making a crazy comeback, I think valve will let Dota die like tf2 and focus on their new card game which will appeal to a much larger player base

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                            If you create new account eben if you select beginner you only meet a bunch of smurfs already know how to play. How do you expect new players to stay


                              dota 1 was dying also then they made dota2

                              gona be same and dota 3 will get out

                              Agent J

                                ^ exactly, nice way of thinking


                                  Ggwp how sad


                                    its good if its dying those are people who mostly go in lp, feeders, LoL players , afkers, have been tired of game and people who like dota and care about their MMR growing will stay and system wil be much beter

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      As people said before, they're not doing a good job on dragging in new players or making older players stay
                                      I wouldn't mind if change the phone number requirement right from the start to slightly cut the amount of smurf

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Again why does anyone care? Were your matches any better quality a year or two ago? Were your queue times shorter? Nope.

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          ^as a matter of fact, it was slightly better back in 2014 when I was just starting. Queue times are actually shorter, ever so slightly, but still shorter before(maybe because of my current behavior score and matchmaking rules). And why do I care? Idk, maybe because the game that I like so much is next in line of being the next TF2? And it has the same feel now that Dota 1 has when it was dying sometime in 2012 and playing with bots isn't any fun?


                                            Queque time is longer now.
                                            Time to sell my dragonclaw and other stuff


                                              Well maybe get rid of talents and backpacks and shrines and see what happens.

                                              The need for novelty should not overshadow the need for balance and simplicity. An increasingly complex game with more and more variables thrown into the mix every patch can't possibly be good for new player experience

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                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                Launch a 5v5 mid war like in HoN
                                                It requires no map movement
                                                Easy for newbs


                                                  2 more Month and pubg is dead, everyone will Come back to dota. Remember mm Words.
                                                  Im bored af of pubg After just 30 hours playtime.


                                                    It's called overthrow


                                                      What is pubg?

                                                      My neighbor has a pubg too. He is so cute.


                                                        shirnes talents backpack are ok maybe need a little balance over talents

                                                        Shikanoko Noko

                                                          maybe TI7 or TI8 will be last TI if this game keep dying

                                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                            Also league is bound to outdo TI any time soon since they are also adopting a crowdfunding scheme for their LCS. And that's with their massive playerpool.


                                                              I made a post about this too and I got called a "Dumb 1k ape" which I honestly was expecting. But it's true, Dota is dying off at an alarming rate. I stopped playing a short while ago simply because everyone that I was ever queued with was either brain-dead or was spamming retarded shit in chat like "?" or "gg ez". If the new update doesn't lure some old players back in and keep them I don't see how things change.


                                                                ^ Dumb 1k ape,here,u called again.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  Pubg appears more accesible, easier to play and has purposefully short matches.

                                                                  More appealing to the average gamer.

                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                    Valve has officially lost it. Instead of fixing their shitty system, they plan to ban LP regulars for 8 years instead



                                                                      Make the game simpler and more friendly for new players. Improve co op bot games.

                                                                      Maybe the decline in players is because valve has been cracking down on the secondary account market

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                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        I just hope the next patch won't be retarded

                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                          What will save Dota is faster games.

                                                                          Get rid of low prio altogether and match players according to their behavior score (even though it kind of does that)