General Discussion

General DiscussionGold V Legue Translates to what in DotA

Gold V Legue Translates to what in DotA in General Discussion

    Im gold V in league and a one trick

    1. Who should i one trick in DotA
    2. How high will i calibrate with a new account cause i never play DotA anymore and i want to not be 1k because im not

    here is my league account


      probably high 2k low 3k

      one-man bukakke


        YOU SUCC

        also dont forget to hit the enemy ancient

        Story Time

          all you learn from this forum is "go with a cookie guides" / "pick mid or never support" / "you suck" / "mmr is just a dendi"


            Dude you have 700 games played you're acting like you just switched to dota

            Potato Marshal

              One trick?


                Yea yea its around 2-3k

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Alice is platinum in league and he's only mid 3k mmr

                  mr. rabbit

                    im 3.5k dota but plat 3 in league

                    dota --> league is a smoother switch that league --> dota, so i guess you'll really suck at this game unless u really try to git gud

                    to answer your question gold 5 would be low-mid 2k

                    also ur definitely not a one trick

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      Its difficult to say. Some stuff you learn in league (like map awareness, last hitting, etc) translates pretty well to Dota. Other things however tend to be a detriment and can put league players at a disadvantage compared to someone who's never played either game. Things like League having no turn rate and very short spell cast animations for example. Or the fact that league is much more rigid in terms of laning and itembuilds could slow down how quickly you get good at Dota.
                      By one trick I assume you mean spamming a single hero? I wouldn't recommend doing that unless you're already high MMR and know the game fairly well. Even then you'll need to have a pool of at least 3-5 heroes you can play well. Most people recommend knowing about 2-3 heroes for each role but as someone new that will take a while to develop.


                        1. Who should i one trick in DotA
                        What do you mean by one trick?

                        2. How high will i calibrate with a new account cause i never play DotA anymore and i want to not be 1k because im not

                        People who are 1k in dota 2 are ether 1k because they want to be or that is their skill level.
                        You said it yourself your not 1k so i wouldn't worry about it.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Gold V is in the 34th percentile according to and 2.2k is in the 33rd percentile according to so you are 2.2k in dota mmr.

                          simple caclus

                          Also there is no "maining." You're expected to be at least familiar with every role and have a basic understanding of every hero enough to win with it.
                          There's no dota equivalent of Janna (ᴬᵇᵃᵈᵈᵒᶰ) that you can main for free mmr.

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                          Optimus Drip

                            just play techies