General Discussion

General DiscussionMost fun hero to play?

Most fun hero to play? in General Discussion

    Whats the hero you enjoy playing the most?

    not necessarily tryhard, just fun and satisfying to play.

    for me its

    Sand King (3man stuns with that satisfying sound, killing creepwaves like an AM with BF)
    Earth Shaker (stuns for days, a good echo slam that literally shakes the ingame scren <3 )

    i reall enjoy playing theses hero, even if i loose the match.

    theres other stuff like evaporating a core with CK combo, a good clock hookshot into 3-man cogs, getting 3 greater bashes in a row on SB etc.

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      Tiny .

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Yes, Tiny.


          Pudge & Drow Ranger.


            -boom bang hurrr durrr
            -pew pew tzz tzz pew

            Forget me not

              Riki i never get tired playing this hero , roaming around map stealing rune, distrubing enemy focuses in what lane they shoud be protecting and clutch smoke.
              Techies , what i need to say about it , everyone love techies, noone would hate to play tehcies seeing the enemy getting bombed together , that blast off is fun to use.
              And tiny too , just like the hero playstyle getting pickoff easily and a Big rock with a trunk is just cool.

              Potato Marshal

                AA, most fun ult in the game to land.


                  literarly k


                    I played for a short amount of time but so far sb, riki, cm. Carry wise i like drow and luna. Mid i like tinker
                    Necro is fun but I've realise its because hes a tad to strong and not the hero it self.

                    Heros i haven't tried but look fun are pugma, tiny, storm and bh.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      Today I learned that techies is fun...


                        Depends on your definition of fun. I enjoy being a disgusting human being by spamming this hero, walking around teamfights, killstealing with ult, and occasionally pressing Q. Necro!
                        For my serious answer though, I'd say Pudge. Haven't played him in months, but it's so satisfying to hit a blind hook, or hook a hasted target. If that doesn't work, you could walk up and smile at the opponent while killing him with rot.


                          Being cancer is fun yea...
                          I like playing kunkka that feeling when xmark people then he Blink away/tp away and the combo ghost ship torrent. Riki or MK to make nightmare for carry(melee)

                          Beater Griffin

                            Earth spirit , Invo <3

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              I come everytime I land a last hit on a ranged creep

                              Pale Mannie

                                burn all those clueless fools to crisp and grap them all with aghs. unfortunately nerfed continuously

                                ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                  Sand king


                                    Medusa is Most fun hero to play.


                                      Medusa is Most fun hero to play.


                                        Lycan=kiting ursa to death, oneshotting support, destroying tower, and running around ROFL
                                        Ember=playstyle and responses :33

                                        lebron james jr

                                          Monkey king
                                          When i get the 4th hit on a hero then press q and all dat damage
                                          Especially with lvl 25 talent lol


                                            Personally, I like playing Faceless Void.


                                              Sk is my best friend


                                                ^^ stars I don't think you just like faceless . I think he is your soul mate and you often wish he had a face for you to stare into only to realize this is the very reason you fell for him to begin with .

                                                Friendly player

                                                  AM, slark


                                                    I'm in love with BS, sounds of q,w, and man get ruptured, and lifesteal animation makes me satisfied


                                                      axe fo sure

                                                      Дима Смирнов

                                                        batrider, techies


                                                          Puck for sure, really sneakysneaky

                                                          Pugna and clock are also fun, they can be very annoying in the game

                                                          And Shaker/Enigma ults <3


                                                            Used to love gyro and jugg in dota 1.


                                                              techies is also fun if u learn to ignore the rest of the team screaming and blaming you the whole game

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                techies is also fun if u learn to ignore the rest of the team screaming and blaming you the whole game

                                                                35% winrate


                                                                  pudge is very cool and fun


                                                                    oh come on, just see the most played hero overall and you see what the most fun hero to play is
                                                                    to save you the time, its pudge


                                                                      35% winrate

                                                                      i said fun, not effective haha

                                                                      yung griphook



                                                                          Clockwerk and Phoenix.


                                                                            ember, invoker, axe
                                                                            im not good at invoker, and my ember needs improvement, but all of these heroes r incredibly satisfying and rewarding
                                                                            in case of axe this applies to most blink initiators like slardar and sk, the playstyle of jumping in and out, getting those nice stuns is super fun
                                                                            in case of ember/invoker, its actually accomplishing anything with invoker makes me nut, and styling on fools who dont know what to do against ember feels really really really satisfying


                                                                              axe because AXE
                                                                              and terrorblade because how can you not like terrorblade


                                                                                Im not really felt so much fun because i always pick pos 5 support

                                                                                And all carry always arrogant or retarded...maybe both

                                                                                WideHardio The Primordial...

                                                                                  Mr. Tusk


                                                                                    I don't know how it is possible that no one mentioned Rubick, he's so fun to play. And a Rubick hooking better than the enemy Pudge or landing a 5 men black hole is even funnier.

                                                                                    @diox lol ikr. When Volvo started matching 5k people with 1 4k and 3 1.8k-2.8ks every game (tf is going on with matchmaking btw?). Plus I went full retard after the summer break, lost a bit of interest in the game too.

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      Crystal Maiden. You know, even if the rest of your team doesn't, that you are the reason they saw the enemy coming and survived because of one simple ward. In return, they are the reason you get Ultra Kills with Freezing Field, especially if your team has teammates like Magnus or Enigma.


                                                                                        Hey SLQ when did u drop to normal skill lol


                                                                                          > mute team
                                                                                          > lock techies
                                                                                          > tilt other team
                                                                                          > tilt your team
                                                                                          > you had fun
                                                                                          > profit


                                                                                            1200 games in a row clock!


                                                                                              I forgot to mention blowing people up with sf ult


                                                                                                Phoenix, Timbersaw, Pudge, Clock

                                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                                  is that uncommon to say Silencer?? (he is fun, that is not spamming if you spam a fun hero)