General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos pos 5 or 4

Necrophos pos 5 or 4 in General Discussion

    Viable or not? If viable what item nercophos pos 4 or 5 Will be

    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵



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          Idk, seemed to work last patch, where I hardly saw necro cores, they got greaves and solar crest and used their ult as a bkb piercing disable, while having great lane presence due to heartstopper and great heal/harass

          chicken spook,,,,

            Especially if they max aura first


              he does more as a core and other supps do more than him as a supp

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Well it's better than playing Jugg support

                Riguma Borusu

                  you can win 3k games with 2 junglers about 60% of the time

                  should you do it? no

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    his skillset is great as a core and there are lots of other hero who can serve better as a support than him .

                    Riguma Borusu

                      the way pos 4/5 necro works in low mmr is basically that you get away with it almost every time since nobody exploits his weaknesses as a support, everyone is hugging their marked lane, so he offers some sustain to the carry and whatnot

                      basically he's a really shitty support that is not punished for being shitty in low mmr


                        I played necro supp few days ago, ye im a 3k , learn to play bla bla...
                        He got 3 quality as supp.
                        He can self heal and avoid enemy carry better than an average supp.
                        He can also stun/ block/ kill farmed carry during bkb.
                        And if needed he can farm faster than any real support i think in dead times, well he isnt....
                        He got a bad heal.
                        He got a bad aura.
                        He just cant be compared whit strong supports at the moment.
                        But in low mmr i think is a good pick for many reason.
                        If you are good as supp avoid this ,
                        If u are bad at supporting and u play under 2.5k u can pick it.


                          About items surely graves stick and urn are a must have.
                          force staff solar crest blink are situational
                          Big items aghanim > octarin core or maybe refresher could be fun

                          Riguma Borusu

                            In low MMR everyone is shit at farming, so becoming a core after supporting for 7-8 minutes is perfectly viable. That's the thing.

                            If that sven has PT Blink MoM BKB Crystalis 20 minutes into the game, you can bet your ass your "support necro" ain't doing shit.

                            But since the enemy sven is going to have PT MoM and will start building a shit item 20 minutes into the game, you can easily win, because your potential as a core isn't that dependant on items, since the enemy has no items too.

                            In high MMR, that enemy TA will have blink deso very early, and you, a "support necro" won't be able to do absolutely anything to her at any rate, she'll complete a diffusal shortly after if she is concerned about you, while you will have completed boots and will have started making veil.

                            It just doesn't work against people who understand timings and can easily outfarm you. It works against shit players who can't farm (or last hit for that matter).

                            Pale Mannie

                              fuck off Original Poster


                                It's horrible. Your nukes have barely any ranged and you'll get bursted right away in fights. Basically, other supports can do what he does but better/safer.

                                mosquito net on my feet



                                    He's good at sucking xp and kill steal

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      offlane support i guess. cant remember what i did it but i was pos 4.


                                        Necro is a 1 or 2 and sometimes can maybe be a 3. It might work in lower mmrs but is there really anything that doesn't work in 2k?

                                        BSJ. LGD

                                          low mmr is <5.4k mmr where anything works


                                            I can play mid am in this bracket, doesn't make it good


                                              I'm actually glad necro has had his moment in the spotlight. Before TI I still had people who were convinced he was a support just because he has a spell that heals other people. Now though, people finally seem to know that he's a core. Except for a select few.