General Discussion

General Discussionhow to wake up early

how to wake up early in General Discussion

    liek 5-6 am without being dead inside, do i just have to get used to it?? ? ?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      sleep early & set your mind before sleep that u want to wake up at 5 am :^)


        Getting up from bed is the hardest part TBH. Five minutes later I'm OK. Could be me, though.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          Getting up from bed is the hardest part TBH. Five minutes later I'm OK. Could be me, though.

          it happens with everyone, unless they underslept, in which case the sleepiness doesnt go away

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            on topic: set multiple alarms for target time then immediately get up and wash ur head under cold water for about 3-5 mins, maybe also brush ur teeth while ure at it


              shower and eat, then get your head outside for 5 min and you're good to go


                Have you tried the 1.5 hours times x rule when counting the time you sleep?
                like 4.5, 6, 7.5 etc

                this has something to do with the sleeping phases where on cycle is 90 mins long for the optimal amount of sleep

                that doesn't really mean that you won't feel like shit after sleeping 4.5 hours it is just to boost your performance


                  Go to bed earlier and you will get used to it aswell.

                  Pale Mannie

                    stay woke ni🅱🅱a


                      multiple alarms are a bad idea i think

                      it just causes me to be like "yea who cares i have next alarm in 10 minutes"


                        Who the fuck that is on college has to wake up at 6am?


                          Have you tried coffee?


                            just make sure to get around 6~ hours of sleep, set an alarm and FORCE yourself to get out of bed instantly
                            it gets easier the more you do it


                              Alarm could wake you up from a deep sleep cycle, which would make you feel like shit for hours. Cold shower would only solve that temporarily. It's not that hard to wake up by yourself, think about it before you go to sleep. Don't cover windows with curtains, darkness will only make it harder.


                                get a girl to suck ur d

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  i dont remember last time i woke up to an alarm, i set them as a safety measure, i cant go to sleep knowing i didnt set up an alarm

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    you have to wake up with the first sound of your alarm or you will not be in time.

                                    < blank >

                                      setting up 3-7 alarms is your best way of self destruction


                                        No sleeping early won't help if your scheduling is all fucked up. I would recommend exercise before bed if you need to hard reset your sleep pattern. Right before bed do rigorous cardio or go for a run at least for a few couple of nights, this will tire out your body and let you sleep better.

                                        If you just start going to be early your body won't actually be asleep or resting cause your body clock is still active and everything is still at full wank.


                                          ...or yes as ywn put it, and equally to my point sex definitely counts.


                                            you get used to it...going to bed early helps. also improving quality of sleep (make sure you are tired ((sport)), no light sources, 18-20 degrees temperature etc)

                                            i had to get up at 5:30 for about 2 years, even on saturdays. i did workout almost every evening and then slept like a stone.
                                            the first 10 minutes are always horrible though, up until the shower

                                            and in winter 3 days a week at 5:00 during my apprenticeship, that was suicide stuff



                                              Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

                                                Just wake up at 5-6pm like I do. Yolo