General Discussion

General DiscussionI've just created a guide

I've just created a guide in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    we still cant create hero builds eh? guess a guide will have to do. Thanks boss!

    chicken spook,,,,

      Covers basic stuffs
      Would be helpful for 1k scrubs out there


        Who the hell buys satanic for sven?

        chicken spook,,,,

          6th item after disassembling MoM? Hello?


            you'd rarely buy satanic on sven.

            Rogue Knight

              Y not man satanic is his core item choice, GS plus satanic will replenish his health in just a few swings


                thats just not how you play the hero. satanic is good on ranged heroes who stand in fights and just hit shit and who dont get kited. sven is none of those.

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                  Sven with satanic lol kkk whatever you say dude!
                  Sven is meant to tank the damage and nuke heroes meanwhile mid lane hero can go for satanic

                  Giff me Wingman

                    What the fuck are u normal skilled dipshits talking about, satanic is a perfecly fine item on sven. It gives him without ult 75 damage and with ult he gets extra 40 damage, which means in total 115damage, extra health and the lifesteal is not really needed that much but whatever, at least u dumb shits keep mom lategame, wutface.

                    Rogue Knight

                      For me I don't usually build MoM on him,just rarely,I still prefer domi (please don't kill me bec. I just love domi Sven and its fun to stack).MoM,yeah it gives him more berserk and atk speed plus lifesteal but I don't care about the silence,rather the armor reduction,because he can now tank less even with warcry on while berserk is active.If survivability item is I need,maybe heart or satanic


                        You lowskilled dishpits
                        It was time for me to leave, I saw everything...
                        I ain't arguing in forums but you seem a complete asshole(Grade A smh)

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                          PS: Nobody buys satanic in pro scene, so the lowskilled guys are right