General Discussion

General Discussionnot bitchin about my team ( cause i won that game anyway ) but...

not bitchin about my team ( cause i won that game anyway ) but... in General Discussion
Mlada i Luda

    how the fuck can happen in a 4.5k.average game, having an jungle axe on team , that rushes shb/into silver , and than prooceds with s&y, aghs..( no blink dager , blade mail ,at all . 62min in game) . and a carry sven rushing bf.

    can someone help me ? im i outdated ? is this some new meta that is comming , or how is that explained?
    use imagination, everything is apreciated XD.

    Ова тема је измењена

      I think they are account buyer


        Welcome to Dota, how can I help you?
        Player 1: Yes
        Good now proceed to ranked MM, is there something I can help you with?
        Player 2: Yes
        *Buys account*
        *goes jungle*
        *ruins games*

        Dota 2 Free To Play

        Овај коментар је измењен
        Mlada i Luda

          yeah, thats was our first though, and me and my 2 other teammates where completely shocked by them, and we reported them for acc buyers.since they ended up being a completely failure(it ws not only the build), that sven builded correct after bf, but he still ended up with 6kills, 8deaths, in a 62min game with only 20k damage same as 2 supports.

          but can that be possiible ? 2 acc buyers in same game/team ? are acc buyers that many nowdays?



            p.s jungle in sub 5k is quite common, junglers are only rare at 6k+ mmr

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            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Party MMR?

              Mlada i Luda

                match id for what? you think this is a fiction of mine ? no party mmr i play only strict solo matchmaking ranked.
                is not the problem of junglers , isee a lot on 4k+, p.s. that axe jungle on first 2 min than he went top and helped our bara who was forced to go oflane, and they actually made a god job on "messing " up the specter lane and shut his farm, is that fucking build that suprises me ,and the sven lol. (axe feeded hard btw, if your wondering that maybe that if that build worked somehow), it did not ,he was a completely failure that game except making specters life "tough" in laning phase.



                  Riguma Borusu


                    i really wanna see that shit, must be hilarious

                    Mlada i Luda

                      no, no no, sry, that would expose my other higher accounts that ihave, and would create a chaos and more talk about " mafioso " i dont want to ruin my " enigmatic " character icreated XD. ( i might be a shity spammer myself :P )

                      why would i comme with a fiction like that btw? doesnt make sense? so that means that you are also shocked same as me since its hard to believe it lol.


                        no matter how high you get there'll still be ruiners
                        it's just a part of dota



                          Mlada i Luda

                            @sefiir, yeah i know that for sure. i jsut wanted to get an opinion, if they probably jsut some occasional ruiners, or acc buyers. i mean i played dota for years in many different brackets, but holy shit that axe build, icant remember saw shit like that even in 1 k .


                              Mafioso has a 4k acc RIIIIIIIIGHT

                              The amount of shit mafioso pulls out of his ass would make his ass shine more clean than MR proper's forehead

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                yo wheres match id sir

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  hereeee we goooo XD


                                    found it hehe

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      shit .. how the fuck ?!! anyway , now that you all see it,can someone explain how the fuck that shit can happen lul.

                                      how did you find it ? was that axe you :p

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        you are 4k. Its beyond me how the fuck are you even 4k since every game you feed as moron. But w/e

                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          dont " abusse" with incompleted data , this is 1 of mine acc which i used to test about bs also. ( you never know how much mafioso is XD), foccus on the topic pls, WTF IS THAT AXE DOING lul, rly i laughed so hard cause of him today.

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            axe was offlane, what shit do you smoke?

                                            the only bad thing about sven is the bfury, does no one mention how the rest of you did nothing compared to that axe.

                                            that guy kept you in the game, he won multiple lanes by himself.

                                            and besides, if items are the only thing you can think about consider that no one in that game had a normal build:

                                            SB with solar + bkb + treads

                                            you bought basically no support items, wasted money on scepter instead of obs. If you wanted a core item you needed a lotus, that forcestaff is a waste of money.

                                            necro dagon hex ghost radi bots scepter???

                                            guardians on shaker instead of SB or wards

                                            spectre tank items, no damage or farm speed what so ever.

                                            eblade mirana

                                            medusa squishy as fuck only damage items

                                            and whatever the fuck sven has doesn't synergise.

                                            bloodthorn PA

                                            No one has a normal standard high mmr playstyle/build

                                            ya all suck

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              "axe was offlane, what shit do you smoke?"

                                              my bad, maybe that axe was oflane from begining . i had another game with a jungler axe after that, i might have mistaken casue of it.

                                              "the only bad thing about sven is the bfury, does no one mention how the rest of you did nothing compared to that axe".!!!!
                                              wtf are you talking about ???

                                              bro i said it that axe did well in laning phase, but that game was s oclowny it went 1h as yo ucan see, and a lot of threws from both sides happened , and i think the reason we won is casue of enemy being dogshit by threwing that game whic we threw like 4-5 times in row , but how is that axe build esxplanable pls???

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                how the fuck did he find out the match tho
                                                this is some scary shit son


                                                  it isn't, everyone's builds sucks dicks, there's not a single hero that had a normal build/playstyle.

                                                  if everyone's retarded then no one is retarded.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    yeah how did you find the game , explain ??

                                                    lol cuki, wtf are you talking, ofc build in general will suck like every thing else prety much its 4k+, but that axeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!!!!!!!!!!!! thats some monstrous beyond imagination shit.
                                                    yeah i know, since we won that "disaster" shitcast game, ofc the enemy are even worst than us ingeneral game play, but thats understandable. i saw even worst , but that fucking build man , honestly i never saw shit like that before. like wtf was going in is mind ? lul

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      Dude are you serious, literally everyone in that game has a shit build, there's not a single player with a normal build.


                                                        Well dumb people like mafioso like to add their smurfs to friend list on their main account. Martha bot, probably his friend he is stacking with, has his smurf and his main on friend list.

                                                        I mean, I still dont get it why you were trying to hide it? You think people here are really that dumb?




                                                            Its kinda funny how on Main account you are fucking straggling in fucking normal skill bracket games. In 50% of you are getting fucking carried. Its literally 6 months ago.

                                                            Meanwhile on new account you are, by some fucking wizardry, 4k. Ofcourse, you are getting fucking carried, picking some disguisting shit like barathrum and wd just trying to be useful. In most of your games you are getting flamed which is kinda hilarious. Still, how the fuck you calibrated like that?

                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              Coroner, lol, thats why i did not wanted to show more of me , cause there are alot more people like you here that are obssesed so much to "analise" acc, and to comme with some conclusion 99% wrong mostly of the time .than iahve to explain shit, like my invoker winrate in this acc im using lul. i mean , i can show you some other my acc , which i used mostly to test that bs thing, with some completely diferent "data" , you gonna need years to try to analise all XD.


                                                                no one does casual ''testing'' for over 1.5k games, you either abused some trick to over calibrate both accs or you bought an acc.

                                                                and no one would be unnecessarily defensive or in denial if they weren't hiding something.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                  cuki, i know what you mean, but all that shit is explanable for a 4k+ game usually, + watching how the game went , you cant have a proper build , cause when you see how things going you can try to adapt to that shit, and that might even lead to ouptlay yourself sometimes, but that axe build man, its no way justified at all, not even for a 2k, i reported that guy for acc buyer, we all did.

                                                                  btw, what are you talking about, ofc i will not play1.5k games to test something lol, i" reactivated "this shit ,recently for that reason.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    Whatever, you are full of bullshit. typical shqiptar


                                                                      dude are you kidding me, if any of you played like that or built those buids in a 6k avg game, you would instantly be front page on reddit for acc buying

                                                                      not just axe, but all of you.

                                                                      that axe, as retarded as his build is, his gameplay kept you in that game.

                                                                      deny it all you want, he was your best player.

                                                                      i won't disagree with sven, he was useless even with whatever he had or didn't have, all he did in 30 min was push 4 creepwaves and only one of them resulted in last hitting an already dead tower.

                                                                      He's a burden to watch.

                                                                      Now, if i were to start with all the stupid things you and bara did, my fingers would fall off before i finish this.

                                                                      At least the sven was jungling afk for 30 mintues, you were literally doing NOTHING for 30 minutes.

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        No matter how many account mafioso has all of em sub 50% winrate . Over calibrate ? Account buyer ? Who knows !


                                                                          Kappa 123

                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                            lul, i predicted all this chaos happening XD. i mean im usually in "spotlight" with an whatever post i make, ofc showing an other acc of mine ,would open a different page of interest to all XD. whatever i enjoy watching you guessing infinitly lul.

                                                                            i dont agre with cuk ithat axe being the best , not im this universe at least. yeah he make game somehow difficult to enemy cause he is an axe, and they have a greedy line up, but we could have won that game 20-30 min before if not for that retarded axe build.

                                                                            im not mad or something with lol, i dont care after all, but i admit that shit rly suprised me a lot, compare to everything i've seen so far, at least recently.


                                                                              And you're a master at making excuses, that axe was objectively your best player

                                                                              he made literally all the space on the map, though he was shit at it but he was the only one doing it, and you idiots couldn't use 10% of it.


                                                                                looks like pa and sb were doing the most work


                                                                                  coroner is my hero for today

                                                                                  have a internet high 5

                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                    i dont know man, i mean about making excuses your the king here, dont make me use that copy pasta again pls XD, keep calm remain objective in discus lul. what your talking it doesnt matter its a 4k+ game, nothing can go as it supposed to, even that axe, as you say was making te space, that build tells that whatever he was doing he had no idea why or how he was doing it lul. im to lazy to go watch replay for this shit, but that axe the dumbest 4k+ player i've ever seen lol.

                                                                                    i agre with ywn, this is how it looked to me at least.

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      idk i didn't watch anything past 30 mintues, but how hard is it to play PA + SB against 5 underfarmed heroes, look at pa gpm it doesn't exist because all she did was chase kills.

                                                                                      obviously everyone sucks balls in that game.
                                                                                      mafioso and sven were afk doing nothing

                                                                                      axe was trying to rambo solo

                                                                                      pa and bara diving squad

                                                                                      i didn't see the spectre do literally anything that game except accidentally press R or Q if someone was near her.

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                                        i was typing to axe actually XD.


                                                                                          28k networth = gpm doesnt exist

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            how is bloodthorn pa or forcestaff jakiro shit

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              im not sure i wanna hear the answer tbh


                                                                                                28k networth in a 1 hour game where enemy has 5 under farmed heroes

                                                                                                575 gpm with a 21/7 score, basically no last hits nor tower damage

                                                                                                if i was in that game against such idiots i'd have that networth at 30 minutes.

                                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                  well it depends how you consider "shit" , but blodhown pa is bad for my opinion, and my force even if it not the best build , cant be shit by any means lol. but im going to ingore and, let pass some stuf from cuki, i know he is excited to having an opportunity talking shit to me XD. i will not reply or make a "fight " about that, i can handle some shit talk is fine . XD


                                                                                                    this is stupid