General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is most annoying in game

What is most annoying in game in General Discussion

    I write this topic, not for rage, but i hope someone who will be in my team reads this, and doesnt do that in the future.
    It was correctly said inb4 that winning is very dependant on the pick, and this is very true, but the reasons for it are different.
    If you are playing in bracket like me high 4k, low 5k people arent newbies here, they had thousands of games played before, they mastered heroes, and when they pick, you ca t think, ok i will counter pick, f.e. i always first pick riki, because i know, no matter what enemy pick, they will suck with riki counterpick, i dont even remember how many games in a row i have won against bh, because hero being counter pick doesnt mean anything if you have low experience of the hero.
    So it is most often so much better to pick your best heroes, rather than aiming in counterpicking, if you play ranked, just please do that, thank you


      i very clearly remember 3 games where someone on enemy team picked riki after i first picked some roaming hero.

      then some dude on my team picks BH "yeah i countered riki now"

      too bad that taht left all lanes solo with a riki running around unhindered, and when the BH gets lvl 6 the game is mostly already lost.

      i completely agree with your statement.

      chicken spook,,,,

        What if people don't pick either their best heroes or good heroes for the draft :thinking:

        chicken spook,,,,

          But on serious note, they're quite true


            Thats what i am telling, good hero for the draft is not good if you have no skill with it, its not about riki only.
            If you pick dusa to counter ck spammer, ck spammer will just fuck you up, if you pick arc against meepo, you will just feed.
            In lower brackets, where player skill with all heroes is shit, you can try to counter, but not in 4-5 . I believe that in something 7k+, players are good with more or less all the heroes, so they can counter also, but again, not in my bracket

            chicken spook,,,,

              On equal skill level on picked hero drafting kinda matters, but not to the point of "instant checkmate" like in pro games, of course an antimage spammer would know how to play against BS, LC, axe, etc
              But what about shitty BS vs shitty AM? The BS would have the upper hand, although not as much as a coordinated game
              I say due to all the randomness and how much there is to learn, being consistent with few heroes will net you mmr and make you better faster than playing everything

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              Mlada i Luda

                @kormoranas, yeah, but instead of trying to " change the world " , making it how you think it should be, (you like it to be). have you not trying to think that everyone thinks differently , and not neccesarly your way of though is the best one.
                people have different priorites you need to open your mind and realise that. not every one that is playing a dota game is commited 100% to win those 25 points. ofc playing always your best hero will increase drasticly your chances to win , since not everyone does that , and your doing it, that it will just "inflate " your mmr, but not make you better than those guys in " overall " dota, you can still be 1k probably above them, but that doesnt make you better. since your playing at your best " mode " everygame, meanwhile they are trying to expand thery experience, to improve , by making decisive mistakes, and "outplaing" themself.

                think it this way, its like someone who is investing his salary on something, that will cost him in his lifestyle ,but it will probablt ( if its a good ) investment pay itself much more in long run, compare to someone else who spend all his salary to have fun for the momment .
                you get the idea??


                  Even in unranked i find people with minimal experience that random annoying. I imagine in ranked it would annoy me more lol.


                    everyone that isnt awful at dota will tell you that trying to get better by playing random heros you cant play doesnt help you in getting better.

                    picking hero x you cant play because it counters hero y in enemy team will make you loose because you cant play the hero.

                    btw your posts are very hard to read and your low IQ radiates through it.


                      Trust me, u will be more feel trouble when someone at ur enemy picked zeus or underlord to counterpick u, rather than stupid bh or slardar

                      I already felt it a lot

                      Mlada i Luda

                        even playing random heroes help you get better in dota in " general" , how do you comme with those conclusion anyway ? lul. its awful honestly.

                        "picking hero x you cant play because it counters hero y in enemy team will make you loose because you cant play the hero."

                        yo usee thats the point, yo uthink only in short terms , so obssesed on wining that 25 points. you will loose probably but will give you a different experience if you aiming to improve cause yo ucan learn from that guy who beated you even if you countered him.

                        btw , you same as op have a big problem which is , your to " mind closed". you have your own way to win those points, that guy have its own, the fact that he counters you and he loose doesnt, mean that he is dumb , or bad at dota than you are. he probably does that cause "countering" is his way on getting mmr in long run, cause he will not always get matched with " spammers" which will beat him even when he counters them , in long run. can you realise that? is it rly that hard to "open your mind " a little bit, and stop complaining whining about every team mate which " different mentaly" from you in dota. stop trying to "change the world " , is better adapt to it, trust me kid .

                        Mlada i Luda

                          op's logic though lol. " kormoranas 5 hours ago
                          I write this topic, not for rage, but i hope someone who will be in my team reads this, and doesnt do that in the future. "

                          even those who are in your enemy team can read this brah lul. its hilarious to see how you dont realise that whats the " most annyoing " thing in game for you, it's actually your biggest advandage and the reason why you have that mmr .

                          oh shit you kids are so entertaining with those post. lul.